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词汇 example_english_unconscious

Examples of unconscious

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Both help the modern subject to discover and to appropriate its unconscious and archaic dimension.
In these branches of science, cognitive systems producing intuitive beliefs are essentially unconscious ; the systems are already active in small children.
We now recognize that both automatic or unconscious impulses and conscious strategies work to control behavior.
Few of us have an intuitive understanding of the unconscious assumptions - the hidden politicalideological agendas - that shape our judgements, about language and other things.
He twice became unconscious but did not confess.
During the last two decades, empirical supports for the analytic capabilities of unconscious cognition have gradually waned.
They leave aside such grand challenges as the unconscious and focus on such workaday functions as - arithmetic calculation.
Recent studies in consciousness have shown that the categories of "conscious" and "unconscious" are not to be treated as oppositions.
However, our focus on consciousness - and the consequent mistrust of a cognitive unconscious - is hardly new.
Physical structures are grasped as embodied sensations, through an unconscious bodily mimesis.
Section 8 addresses such phenomena, and notably the data allegedly demonstrating the possibility of unconscious processing of semantic information.
A theory of the unconscious is implicit within the tradition of conservative thought in the nineteenth century.
In other words, our unconscious statistics greatly surpasses the simple univariate stuff - it runs to multidimensional scaling and beyond.
All these interpretations of unconscious congruity effects rest on the assumption that the primes are completely unavailable to awareness.
The knowledge of this womb is the knowledge of the unconscious.
Because the heroine is unconscious at that point, her environment cannot act upon her.
Perhaps music is one of the most stable elements of culture, because it is carried at the unconscious level.
Unlike more conventional understandings of memory, which suggest conscious recollection, cultural memory directs behaviour through an unconscious evocation.
Understanding is also emotional, subliminal, unconscious, latent, and very often after the event.
They remain in the fabric of the body/body politic like a corporeal unconscious.
The subject matter of linguistics is recharacterised as this unconscious knowledge and its acquisition.
Thus, the unconscious one ends up with is very different from its classical counterpart.
The middle way is to reject classicism, with its commitment to a symbol crunching unconscious, in favour of the connectionist computational theory of mind.
All these potential differences may account for differences in performance, eliminating the need for the cognitive unconscious postulate.
Of course the brain mechanisms for representation do not constitute art; they are natural and probably unconscious.
By contrast, the mentalistic view rejects the notions of unconscious rule abstraction, computation, analysis, reasoning, and inference.
In standard computational views, unconscious representations undergo transformations, resulting in behavioral outputs.
Of course, in most cases, the postulate of an unconscious device that works as conscious thought does is not explicit.
At any given moment, this store of world knowledge will be largely unconscious.
Manipulative crying would then be a conditioned, merely "unconscious" reflex.
Instead of claiming that unconscious information plays no role whatever in human cognition, they should restrict this claim to unconscious, explicitly represented information.
However, they fundamentally differ from our proposal because they exclude any mental representations, whether conscious or unconscious.
In the three-level causal chain above, the transition from the unconscious mental level to the conscious mental level is represented as a one-step process.
Rather, the engines of causation operate without revealing themselves to us, and so may be unconscious mechanisms of mind.
One possibility is that these patients see, but are unconscious of seeing.
Certainly, memory appears to play a role in even very rapid, unconscious perceptual-motor behaviours.
Far from demonstrating unconscious semantic priming, this study describes an effect that is neither unconscious nor semantic.
We can also re-examine the claim for a dissociation between "conscious memory" and "unconscious memory" in anterograde amnesia (and also with well-known manipulations for normals).
Therefore, the first goal of the present study is to assess the hypothesis that bilingualism has an effect on unconscious divergent thinking.
The study argues that, in addition to advantages in conscious attention-demanding processing, bilinguals may also exhibit enhanced unconscious divergent thinking.
Furthermore, their task was quite metalinguistic, so that the results may not in fact reflect underlying and unconscious knowledge of gender.
What if the patient's (or family's) "basic value judgment" is to live indefinitely in an unconscious state?
Is it or is it not legitimate to disconnect yourself from the unconscious violinist who has been plugged into your circulatory system?
Importantly, these biases appear automatic, unconscious, and unintentional, thus creating a subtly hostile environment to out-groups that eludes rational decisionmaking.
Basically, their overall finding is that a third component does exist, namely, an unconscious control applied during the first phase of the movement.
However, when the man is irreversibly unconscious, the wife remains married unless she obtains a court order establishing otherwise.
If he were unconscious, we would not need to do it.
A permanently unconscious individual cannot be a 'patient' in the required sense and so any life-extending interventions for such a body are medically futile.
Because knowledge of this abstract movement is assumed to be unconscious, learners could not have been taught such information.
Finally, these findings may reflect differences in expectations, either conscious or unconscious, of parenthood as a result of earlier experiences of family life patterns.
Where the psychoanalytic position remains unique is in suggesting that motivational and affective processes that influence developmental processes may be unconscious.
In such circumstances, the child's underlying (and perhaps unconscious) belief that others are hostilely motivated guides the "on-line" interpretation of social cues.
What is absent in the original associative network theory (as in the earlier conditioning theory) is a detailed account of conscious versus unconscious processes.
Specifically, an unexplained aversion to some person or place need not warrant an inference that this must reflect earlier unconscious conditioning.
Thus, all forms of implicit memory are assumed to be unconscious, to require multiple trials to acquire, and may not involve the self at all.
Why, after all, would we want to be unconscious of these emotions?
System 1 is characterized as automatic, largely unconscious, and relatively undemanding of computational capacity.
If correct, they imply a hyperpowerful unconscious, that is, an unconscious even more powerful than the one already required to explain unconscious semantic priming effects.
In the same way, the information processed by a computational unconscious system are numbers only because they are interpreted as such.
In another incident, a policeman who tried to stop a confrontation between warring factions was knocked unconscious when both groups turned on him.
He then states that the individual may also be influenced by something beyond his perceptions: the unconscious.
Certainly on the whole the birth brings out in this case a great number of effects having to do with conscious or unconscious fantasies.
Perhaps turn-of-the centur y artists intuited the tension of the link between the abstract and the unconscious.
One cultural model of science emphasizes the abstract mind, while the other focuses on the unconscious body, a tension that may be inherent in science.
If there was, as he believed, unconscious mental behavior, it meant that "unconscious" was not simply a term to be applied to reflex action.
Indeed, it seems as if the unconscious would mobilize the indexicality of the sign in order to rebuff the idea of reference.
They were supposed to be either unconscious, or conscious in another mind.
Nevertheless, it is possible that, similar to first person pronoun use, the residents' refusals could be the mark of an (unconscious) habit.
Action tendencies can be triggered in parallel by fast and direct (unconscious) processes and by slower and indirect (sometimes conscious) processes.
The dream images do not remain unconscious because, once given symbolic articulation, they can be deciphered.
One feature that has received little attention in the theories of the cognitive science of religion is the relationship between conscious and unconscious beliefs.
In so doing, we may have given the impression that we view everything unconscious as underpowered and unsophisticated.
In the target article, we often talk about a "powerful" or "sophisticated" cognitive unconscious to characterize the phenomenon we dismiss.
In our view, conscious processes often serve to correct or control negative consequences of relatively simple unconscious processes.
If unconscious operations are an intrinsic part of the two-types-ofevents mental life claimed by the authors, the integration of processes and representations remains unclear.
Moreover, the conscious (explicit) and unconscious (inexplicit) are intrinsically and deeply connected, because activation pattern representations are shaped by inter-unit connections.
The fact that the models based on a cognitive unconscious work might seem to negate the potential interest of an alternative model.
The terms automatic and unconscious are often used interchangeably in everyday language.
If there is no cognitive unconscious, the full power of the neural system may be mobilized for the formation of the current phenomenal experience.
There is a path that runs midway between classical computationalism and mentalistic associationism; a path that avoids the classical unconscious without abandoning computationalism.
Even if all explicitly represented information is conscious, inexplicit representation is still free to carry the burden of the cognitive unconscious.
On this reading, it is problematic to assume that a subject can have unconscious beliefs and desires.
They are a major and fundamental component of the system of the unconscious, as distinct from the conscious and preconscious systems.
There is a need to develop the differences further, rather than just saying that contradictory emotions can exist in the unconscious.
Finally, by trying for an ultimately rational understanding of subjectivity, the theories reduce unconscious aspects of subjectivity to promising problems, which can be overcome.
Once recognized, it gives rise to the unfulfillable desires which constitute the unconscious.
Since this approach allows subjectivity to be addressed through the unconscious, it is particularly valuable in psychology.
Does attention to unconscious wishes and conflicts necessarily produce a more careful gender politics?
They tend instead to translate the power of gender and other social relations directly into the unconscious.
Power relations can not be addressed if the unconscious is evoked in such an absolute, disconnected way.
The untestability and undecidability of the unconscious is absolutized, making" the unconscious" a catch-all explanatory category.
An analogy might be the lip-reading that we do at an unconscious level.
Nevertheless, the busy life which goes on in the unconscious profoundly affects our feelings and reactions in our conscious, outer life.
Essentially, people in their work roles are caused to respond from their unconscious world of internal objects.
I am hypothesising that they do so not only from their conscious memories but also from their world of internal objects which are unconscious.
The exploration of the effect of unconscious associations between words and ideas certainly takes eighteenth-century criticism into a new field.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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