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词汇 example_english_coda

Examples of coda

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As will be argued below, stress facilitates the occurrence of voiced codas.
The former states that legal syllable onsets and codas are restricted to those phonotactically possible at word-initial or word-final positions.
However, such implications normally involve onsets versus codas, grouping all parameters involved in a segments' production as a monolithic whole.
In sum, target voiceless obstruents in codas never overgeneralized to become voiced, and target voiced obstruents in onsets never overgeneralized to become voiceless.
Conversely, target voiceless obstruents were produced incorrectly as voiced in onsets, but were produced correctly in codas.
The correct generalization is that palatalization is preserved in onsets but lost in codas.
Such constraints allow word- and phrase-final positions to impose specific conditions which differ from those regarding word-internal codas.
We investigate children's acquisition of simple versus complex nuclei, children's acquisition of codas and the relationship between the two in early phonological development.
The prediction is that the percentage of codas produced will be greater than vowel length accuracy.
Note that children in this study were compared on their productions of identical codas across high and low probability environments.
The two codas in the third movement are an example.
All word-final codas were then excerpted, phonetically transcribed, and coded for correctness (correct or incorrect) and error type (deletion or epenthesis).
Target words containing short vowels and /l/ codas were produced as open syllables with diphthongs.
They make very clear that the lack of laryngeal timing contrasts is a property of single onsets and codas, not of clusters in general.
On the definitions in (1a.ii) and (1b.ii), when it appears that a language is counting codas, what in fact is being counted are empty nuclei.
Instead, the existence of codas that behave like vowels has to be recorded as such in the theory.
To account for these restrictions, we propose that laryngeal features are properties not of segments, but of the onsets, nuclei and codas that dominate them.
Therefore, ' codas ' may or may not count, but onsets can never be metrically relevant.
At any rate, the universal generalisation that aspirates\\ejectives do not occur contrastively only in codas remains exceptionless at the phonemic level.
Glottal consonants permitted everywhere, both in onsets and in codas.
He discusses constraints in terms of sets of theorems and corollaries that characterise possible onsets and codas.
As a result of this development, trimoraic vowels only appear before obstruent codas, a telltale distributional fact.
In this language, wordfinal codas are limited to [?] and [].
The second scale entails a preference for sonorous codas.
In a number of languages, codas are demonstrably moraic only in stressed syllables.
Therefore, only candidates with non-moraic final codas are considered viable in the following tableau.
Like the imperative construction, the diminutive and inchoative affixations produce a syllable obeying a familiar condition : codas may consist only of homorganic nasals.
Word-internal alveolar stops in onsets and codas were also affected differently by prominence.
However, there was a stronger effect of word class on tokens in onsets than on tokens in codas.
The effect of syllable length on tokens in onsets and in codas was reversed when we considered the effect of ordinal syllable position on deletion.
However, after controlling rate, age did not emerge as a significant factor influencing deletion for tokens in syllables codas.
Instrumental introductions, introductory verses as well as finales and codas are optional.
Table 6 displays the percentage of codas produced across target forms with long and short vowels in the cross-sectional and longitudinal databases.
Following voiceless fricatives and nasals, voiced obstruents (stops fricatives) and the liquid \\r\\ were the next codas acquired.
In the current database, children had more opportunities to produce target words containing long vowels with codas than short vowels with codas.
Associated with this is a restriction on certain non-default features in codas, in particular, voicing of obstruents.
In all three of these respects, final consonants pattern with internal onsets rather than internal codas, a point we will return to presently.
We found four patterns, varying in terms of the surface realisation of codas (weightless vs. weight-bearing).
As a result, twice as many words now have sonorant codas as obstruent codas, instead of vice versa.
Recall that all codas are followed by an empty nucleus.
True, we offer a principled way of defining the set of projectable units (codas, but not onsets), which is also uniform (only nuclei).
We start with examples from obstruent clusters in onsets and codas.
Every syllable has an onset ; vowel nuclei may be either long or short ; codas are possible, and may contain up to three consonants.
In codas, voiced stops occur after non-low vowels, voiceless stops after low vowels.
Especially revealing are the various codas to the pieces presented in this volume.
We did not consider including codas because they present no predications in past tense and, hence, are not relevant to our study.
The diphthongization of fleece is most advanced in tokens that are followed by voiceless codas.
Finally, the prominence of the syllable following the alveolar stop had no effect on deletion for tokens in codas, in onsets, or overall.
There were substantially more deletions in codas than in onsets.
However, deletion was less likely for tokens in codas of non1.26).
Finally, phone bigram frequency measures affected onsets and codas differently.
The effects of prominence were also different for tokens in onsets and codas.
In syllable codas, deletion results from cluster simplification to achieve gestural economy and is introduced during segment planning.
However, mastering of the spelling of consonants in the codas requires more attention because of their multiple orthographic representations.
However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the nasal consonant codas and tonal feature allow for cohesion between the vowel and final consonant.
Specifically, a portion of the intermediate learners' realizations in codas included approximants and vocalizations that favor voicing.
If we assume that they differ, we can account for the problems in the acquisition of codas, but not for the relative success in onsets.
Dental fricatives are now used (in this), long vowels are maintained (in brought and noodles), and final codas are fully realised (as in filled, yourself).
Such sections often occur also at the ends of pieces, providing melismatic codas which also embody voice-exchange or full rondellus techniques.
Given the listeners' greater experience with onsets than codas, the presence of onset consonants made it more difficult for them to concentrate on codas.
In short, it is the lowly p-licensing status of codas and foot-internal onsets that marks them both out as favourable neutralisation sites.
Turning now to the a-licensing properties of codas, we must resist any temptation to let our eyes stray to domain-final consonants.
Like syllable codas, postnuclear elements are marked - there are no enclitics (*[(pword) clitic]).
Many, though by no means all words are monosyllabic, and most syllables are open (only certain nasals are permitted in syllable codas).
Examples of codas were very scarce in our corpora, and none contained any instances of cantara or había cantado, which gave rise to a knockout.
Thus, lexical items tended to have non-null syllable codas or diphthongized syllable nuclei, but not both.
In the present context, this predicts that syllabification will respect the phonotactics of word onsets and codas in each language.
In monosyllabic productions, words containing sonorant vs. obstruent codas were matched ; in disyllabic productions, voicing of the intervocalic consonant was also taken into consideration.
In this case, codas in low phonotactic probability environments would be less perceivable that codas in high phonotactic probability environments.
In general however, languages do admit marked syllables, syllables without onsets, and syllables with codas.
One applies to 0t,d0 segments in syllable onsets, and the other to 0t,d0 in syllable codas.
Deletion of alveolar stops in onsets with vowel contexts would thus have been masked in previous studies by the preponderance of alveolar stops in codas.
Our results for onsets and codas support this interpretation, because of important differing results for alveolar stops in onsets and in codas.
Stop-vowel bigram frequencies did not affect deletion in onsets or codas.
Note, however, that what best characterizes these learners' production of codas is targetlike pronunciation.
The final version of the main corpus contained 10,731 codas (26.0% mean error frequency), and the /r/-corpus contained 4,383 codas (77.1% mean error frequency).
A further difference in the patterning of deletion in syllable onsets and codas emerged and was seen in effects of word probabilities.
Moreover, there is evidence for two deletion processes, lenition in syllable onsets and cluster simplification in syllable codas.
In this case, the outcome will be the production of word-final obstruents as codas, as shown in (15).
To say that such realizations occur because the following nucleus is empty is not necessarily an advantage over saying they occur in codas.
In some of these languages, however, restrictions on word-medial codas go hand in hand with a more general ban on codas.
Rather, one-syllable lexical items tended to have non-null codas or complex nuclei, but not both.
At stage 3, long and short vowels are in complementary distribution : long vowels manifest in open syllables ; short vowels, in closed syllables with sonorant codas.
By time period 2, children produced codas most of the time after short and long vowels.
The results indicate that the percentage of vowel length errors across all children was low irrespective of the percentage of codas produced.
First, we examine the percentage of codas produced after long and short vowels.
One obvious alternative is to allow word-internal codas.
Therefore, a more correct representation of the developmental sequence for codas seems to be one that includes an obligatory epenthesis stage, as shown in (4).
The preference for high-sonority codas can serve to exclude obstruents from this context.
To summarise, the appearance of glottalisation in onsets but not in codas can straightforwardly be attributed to syllable-sensitive faithfulness constraints.
The latter builds on classical syllabic theory, acknowledging familiar subsyllabic constituents such as onsets, rhymes and codas.
Approximately half of all function items had null syllable codas, whereas almost 90 % of lexical items had one or more syllables with nonnull codas.
Such instances did not always result in bisyllabic trochees, but were presumably a means of avoiding complex onsets or codas.
With few exceptions, children produced codas more frequently in target forms with short vowels.
Despite the early marking of codas, the proportion of codas and the size of the segmental inventory were clearly subject to developmental trends.
Thus, tokens in codas had lower deletion rates when preceded by an approximant than when preceded by a nonapproximant.
In six of these cases the target codas was identical to the output form : two in low phonotactic probability non-words, and four in high phonotactic probability non-words.
We also consider the question of how this model can account for the learners' preference for the unmarked voiceless stop codas over the more marked voiced codas.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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