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Examples of agrarian

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Preferential treatment accorded to collectivist organisations in the agrarian field was matched in the fisheries sector.
82 er ich weede and agrarian an economy still is, the more labour may be reallocated from agriculture to industry and later to services.
What both disregarded were aspects of rural life that did not relate, or were peripheral to, the development of agrarian capitalism.
They were groups of notables closely connected with agrarian interests, banking and financial concerns, railway companies, and state monopolies.
During the entire period of agrarian expansion, this sector produced more than 90 per cent of the total exports of the country.
None of the six largest taxpayers derived their income from agrarian production or rent.
His star would rise quickly during 2000 when he led massive roadblocks in the highlands that forced concessions on agrarian policy.
However, customary agrarian forms of social distribution clearly prefigured urban forms.
Their day-labourers benefited from agrarian reform but became dependent on governmental administration and credits.
Taken together, what do these three volumes suggest about the outcome of the new agrarian question?
However, in presidential politics, that agrarian voice was repeatedly squelched.
The agrarian landscape of the area soon began to resemble that of conventional villages, with fields driven into very different directions and gradually left fallow.
The colonial state, despite increasing agrarian support to the settlers, also came to a realization that settler agrarian economy was bankrupting the young colony.
The free miners are abstracted from the agrarian life of the villages in which mining took place.
Under specific circumstances this organization allowed for a flexible and economically efficient allocation of land, promoting the growth of agrarian surpluses.
High late medieval population densities led to a strong delineation, on the ground, of agrarian systems operated by communities with traditions of managing land collectively.
The economy was basically agrarian and society was divided into four hierarchically ordered castes and further sub-castes, each subcaste generally based on a particular occupation.
She differed, however, in stressing that agraristas, the beneficiaries of revolutionary agrarian reform, also came from the peasantry.
In an agrarian environment, ownership of land remains the most important source of subsistence and employment.
We do not have a comprehensive schedule of the movement away from agrarian economies and national industrialization timing that might be employed for this purpose.
Today, state-based standards on the one hand, and quasi-private governance structures on the other, play a central role largely decoupling agrarian politics and capitalist markets.
In the late eighteenth century, innovations in the agrarian landscape and hunting technology produced a new, much less ecologically sensitive kind of hunting.
Just below the landed elite on the social scale sat the substantial farmers, a very small group in this rather difficult agrarian environment.
The basic point here is that the agrarian production of healthy organic crops by agroecological and safe, living-wage means stood little chance from the start.
Residents of agrarian communities invested in their children viewing them, in turn, as an investment in the long-term stability of their community.
The older generation becomes defensive and the youth dismissive about the prevailing agrarian moral order.
The populist agrarian vision does not, for example, raise the question of why farmworkers were not included in discussions leading to organic standards.
The brahmadeyas and temples became elements of integrative forces and more intensive agrarian organizations (p. 206).
Accordingly, many writings on the struggle for parcel post have stressed its origins in agrarian ideology.
The coexistence of new industrial town and remnant agrarian hamlet was thus increasingly untenable.
Subsistence farming provides some degree of food security and affirms community-held agrarian values.
All can be linked to the growth and expression of agrarian and mercantile capitalism as practice, culture and ideology.
Their cooperation must have facilitated the better distribution of agrarian products.
In the context of agrarian economies these externalities affect the household utility through changes in net returns to farming.
Persons whose net worth exceeds 1,000 minimum wages will not qualify for these homesteads; nor will agrarian reform officials.
In a rather subdued decade, these books easily pass muster as the most luminous examples of scholarship in agrarian history.
Whereas the northern and eastern industrial areas experienced feverish activity, southern and central agrarian regions were devastated by depression, unemployment, and endemic poverty.
Medieval agrarian historians will blanch at this black-and-white contrast of ' subsistence ' versus ' commercial ' farming.
Schooling rates are not necessarily inversely proportional to agrarian activity rates.
Property transmission within the family and kin groups - an allegedly pre-modern pattern - proves to be a concomitant of the modernization of an agrarian society.
The new treaty appeased both the agrarian lobby and heavy industry as well as export-orientated light industry.
One notes, for example, that many respondents in this sample had an agrarian background, a population characteristic that has become less common throughout the years.
Initially built as a solution to agrarian problems, irrigation later developed as an issue of town planning and urbanization.
The interventionist engineering that emerged in practice was both less perfectly equitable; and more responsive, in theory at least, to changing environmental and agrarian circumstances.
A steady flow of labourers from declining agrarian economic regions continued to serve these mill towns for the first half of the twentieth century.
The most significant emphasis in the book is on agrarian change.
The book's consistency might have been enhanced if the editors had provided an analytical framework for evaluating agrarian policy.
Radical reform involved a sharp differentiation between the state coercive power built upon an emergent agrarian bourgeoisie, and an increasingly polarised rural class structure.
Both agrarian reform and anticlericalism elicited a variety of popular responses dependent on an array of regional and social variables.
The agreement essentially demonstrated the acceptance of the irreversibility of agrarian reform and the end of a military authoritarian agrarian model.
Eventually, most social movements, including labour, agrarian and ethnic movements, began to talk a language of rights.
The agrarian reform law was a major political act that successfully broke up large landholdings and distributed some of the expropriated lands to designated beneficiaries.
Is there a morphological analysis in such words as boisterous, ambassador, annual, poem (cf. poet), agrarian, armor, benediction, crucial, or worn?
A much higher explanatory power was found in land which is the most important indicator of wealth in this agrarian society.
Over the years, the agrarian foundations of these rural households have been undermined.
Despite a long history of labour out-migration, agrarian conservatism had been safeguarded by the persistence of a tribal identity.
Part of the change is the development of national institutions, which either replace or coexist with the more localised institutions common in agrarian societies.
Why, then, was agrarian life so persistently identified with social stability and economic progress?
The legal discourse from the classical period understood that the tenant/sharecropper/labourer was a necessary part of the functioning of the agrarian regime.
As irrigation and citrus crops advanced, the number of agrarian landowners also rose from 3,263 in 1885 to 5,091 in 1920.
Agrarian antitrust doctrine rejected outright the practice of reasonable restraint, insisting instead on free and unrestricted competition in interstate commerce.
Land policy reform is only one leg of the two-legged agrarian reform programme.
Small towns are known to have contained up to forty non-agrarian occupations, although the majority of small market towns probably had little more than twenty.
The progress in agrarian activities paved the way for the establishment of powerful empires and trade centres.
Given the predominance of small-scale farmers and paid labourers in agrarian cooperatives, these organisations simply disappeared for lack of bourgeois support.
Different rituals, often modeled on agrarian fertility rites, are frequent, notably during the marriage ceremonies.
On many maps the physiographic, administrative, or agrarian regions are also marked.
Agrarian organizations cared little if at all about postal efficiency - especially in cities - and both rural delivery and parcel post split rural communities.
As a policy vision, however, parcel post entered the national stage during the heady days of the agrarian depression after 1880.
Although these had several objectives, the main aim was to provide a suitable framework in which agrarian activity could be modernised and improved.
If parochial variation cannot be explained by agrarian region or socio-economic structure what about the local social and political environment?
Concepts of 'region', be they geographical, political or agrarian, are constantly in the background.
The biggest gainers in the agrarian transition have been the tenants at the cost the communidades.
In 1980, as a consequence of this struggle, the army forcefully implemented an agrarian reform.
Previous critical assessments have focused on the effectiveness of his agrarian reform in transforming labour relations and assuring economic stability.
The shortfall, the agrarian bureaucracy said, would be made good by planting new fields ; the agave, however, matures for seven years before harvesting is possible.
The decline of the pampean agrarian sector at the beginning of the 1930s seemed to indicate the principal point of inflection in this situation.
When did ' pre-plantation agrarian production ' of sugar yield to the ' sugar revolution ' ?
The most convincing explanation for this behaviour centres upon the influence of agrarian crises and the development of the poor rate.
Although they shared an agrarian region, there were considerable differences in the socio-economic structures of the parishes in this area.
However, this was a period of economic and social upheaval, of agrarian crises and cultural differentiation.
Losing ground: farmland preservation, economic utilitarianism, and the erosion of the agrarian ideal.
Both scholars think that the agrarian expansion during the early medieval period provided a sound base for both a market economy and urban growth.
To a large extent, the agrarian model could be seen as the most politically responsive of those described in the policy map.
He placed this concept at the core of his understanding about agrarian co-operatives.
Peruvian agrarian reform has had the effect of raising the consciousness of the peasantry.
The new government set about reversing previous policies, not least of which was agrarian reform.
One powerful criticism of the proto-industrialization concept itself is that it is used to describe almost any non-agrarian work performed in the countryside.
An alternative vehicle of mass politics was being established at the same time by those unlikely populists, agrarian conservatives.
Local communities have had substantial control over natural resources since 1952 when a major revolution ushered in an agrarian reform.
By employing cadastre measurement these studies turned agrarian crisis into an established fact.
The volume is thus an admirable attempt at an interdisciplinary approach to medieval agrarian and rural life.
They represent twenty years of research into agrarian history and issues of property rights.
Agrarian interests at the political centre simply made impossible any government action which might have seriously weakened those interests.
Let us turn to social and economic factors influencing household composition, especially in an agrarian setting, beginning with the timing of retirement.
Thus, it was a pivotal moment common to the agrarian and solar year cycles.
She also considers areas of diversification and some of the ecological, cultural and agrarian factors which shaped diversification.
The people of a traditional society perform the limited tasks of a simple agrarian community based on groups of families or clans in village settlements.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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