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词汇 example_english_accept

Examples of accept

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Major alterations to the text will be accepted only at the author's expense.
The loose-coupling theory is not yet generally accepted.
I have accordingly suggested that such an account cannot be accepted as it stands, and needs revision.
Giegerich 1999 : 17), because the conditions for accepting the ' given ', already existing, are distinct from the conditions for creating the new.
In many areas, the idea that a clear-cut boundary exists between the presence and absence of pathology is no longer accepted.
The majority (n=90, 89.1 %) felt accepted by most people, 8 (7.9 %) by some, 3 (3 %) by no one.
Only diagnoses made by appropriately qualified staff (consultant psychiatrists or consultant paediatricians working in the field of neurodevelopmental disability) were accepted as valid.
The central committee usually accepts ideas coming from a few top political leaders as absolute and unquestionable.
One lear ns more about the notion of collaborative lear ning if one accepts that conflict and disag reement can also be involved.
Because this is ethnographic research that uses a case study method, we accepted the first four families who met our requirements and agreed to participate.
The six papers that were accepted represent major areas of research in the field.
Generalizations are accepted when they fall into one of the two groups described in the rest of the section: best rules and contextual rules.
Thus, it is proven that if a string is generated by the context-free grammar, it is accepted by the finite-state approximation of the grammar.
The parser uses a chart-based best-first algorithm that accepts input incrementally.
However, none of these theories is universally accepted.
Tigersted seems to stress both renunciatory and liberating elements of her field-controlled loudness, when she actually accepts being maker/made/participant of the sound.
Until further notice orders will be accepted on the instalment plan, full particulars of which will be sent on application.
No general characterisation of any genre with numerous exemplars and a lengthy history should be accepted as absolute.
Furthermore, accepted technologies permit a perfect continuity between characteristic timbres.
The principle as well as the amount of the first type of contribution is unanimously accepted.
If we had not been convinced, we would not have accepted it.
We write texts to invite, to argue, to be accepted at conferences and for many other reasons.
In the latter case, linearity is accepted for the aggregate employment residuals, whereas it is rejected for the sectoral component.
Within that context, he accepted the hypothesis that the boundedly rational ranchers were there, and something like 25% or 30% of them were boundedly rational.
Both tests reject the hypothesis of no cointegration at the conventional significance levels, accepting that of at most one cointegrating relationship.
I quite agree - but accepting that, what difference can an archaeologist make in the world through his or her work?
In other words, we can begin to ask if that ideology was accepted, rejected, or manipulated by different groups.
Commissioning a villa involves all parties in interpreting a tradition and in rejecting and accepting those characteristics that still make sense today.
The decision stage, however, also continuously accepts input from the lexical level and can merge the two sources of information.
The results were remarkable; the patients performed relatively well on most conditions, detecting and rejecting implausibility and accepting plausible sentences.
Two of these three are based on readings that are no longer accepted by leading epigraphers.
She had accepted changes in her role that made her more dependent on her family.
Couples were accepted only if it was felt that the process of being interviewed would not be over-intrusive or distressing.
She created distance from those that she perceived as ' old', yet accepted that she will join that category.
As this study only included people with a relatively high cognitive level, we accepted their own informed consent.
However, given the weakness of her fieldwork methods, each of her findings will have to be independently corroborated before it is accepted.
Blocked, the head prefect had apologized to the intransigent, and accepted the status quo.
Improvement was instigated by the landlord and accepted by a variety of groups within the rural population.
He accepted, and so began his association with the foundation that lasted beyond his retirement in 1987.
The dominant or ruling ideology may not be accepted by other groups in society.
Authors have accepted this opportunity to present their material with the necessary details.
There are, however, a number of aspects of the present study that have to be addressed before these conclusions can be accepted.
Additionally, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is easily accepted by the patients, and is less stigmatizing than psychiatric diagnoses.
As of yet, these thought-provoking ideas have not been fully melded into a coherent and accepted approach.
In contrast, when states value future payoffs almost as much as current ones, accepting an agreement today or tomorrow does not make a big difference.
I accepted his invitation and spent about a week with him.
Despite being generally accepted, evidence supporting the mating hypothesis is circumstantial.
On the other hand, a close-knit network will accelerate changes once they have been accepted into it.
We utilise some formal and cultural qualities to label our music, but to get it accepted more largely is another matter completely.
Because the organisation had the funding for neither it was pushed towards accepting a client status with the private sector.
In the insurgents' case, a discretionary attitude was adopted and their method of payment tacitly accepted.
Despite the lack of data in crocodiles, it is generally accepted that all sauropsids have a dorsal visual cortex.
In the range between 40 and 60, plaintiff is better off accepting the offer.
If this point is accepted, then it cannot be maintained that in such cases the judge knows what he or she declares to be proven.
I do not want to be perceived as accepting this point either.
The upshot of this finding is that language could have evolved even if even one accepts the claim that it cannot exist in intermediate forms.
From now on, men were again accepted as students.
To such a one the meaning of the verses will not necessarily be related to the meaning universally applicable or normally accepted.
There exists a certain sort of fatalism in accepting that the body beautiful is going to seed.
Because of the possibility of these things appearing to the senses according to how he formed them, these hypotheses became accepted by all.
He accepted the colloquial use of the word emotion.
The problem with consistency is that it is usually insufficient grounds for accepting a hypothesis.
Notwithstanding differences between genres, one reading has been generally accepted: the naturalness and primacy of affection between men above all other human emotions.
In fact, the authors claim that "seeing is a way of acting": a statement that could be accepted from a functionalist (if not behaviourist) standpoint.
The states in the state space that are accepting constitute the solution space.
If a sufficient number of these sequences are accepted, the model has an acceptable level of quality.
One participant, also a teacher in a music college, remarked that only 3% of music college graduates are accepted into orchestras upon graduation.
Based on the excellent results obtained, farmers accepted the need for testing the technology in the absence of insecticides.
If a better host plant is not available, the same plant or a conspecific will be accepted for further oviposition.
In fact, the cultivation of this tradition was the rationale for the innovations he sought to have accepted and introduced internationally.
However, two key findings militate against accepting this more restricted role for negative evidence.
The majority of them accepted a small reward for their participation.
When a landscape approach would be more generally accepted, money for protection or investigation might follow as well.
A hands-on approach to archaeological practice for example, cannot easily be accepted: sacred symbols are not for kids to play with.
While some of the latter were communists, most simply accepted the logic of local coalition-building in the pursuit of rights.
The emphasis on neglect as the principal cause of infant mortality was not accepted by all commentators.
He argued that single men more readily accepted living in institutions than women, because it was more difficult for men to take care of themselves.
Business groups sympathised publicly with the sufferings of the war-damaged and explicitly accepted a (nominal) 50 per cent capital levy.
Only the former would be accepted as full citizens.
Understanding and accepting that evil within others and within oneself transforms it.
The result is that positive rights are more easily accepted as fundamental to human flourishing and have greater cultural and political valence.
Still, by the end of the 1790s party conflict had come to be accepted if not embraced.
Attitudes varied by hospital, ranging from 17% to 82% of respondents per hospital inclined toward accepting vaccination (p=.0004, chi-square test on crude data).
Probabilities below 0.05 were accepted as significant for all statistical procedures throughout all experiments in this study.
Thus, palpatory vertebral motion diagnostic tests are prime examples of tests accepted on face validity.
If the paper was accepted for publication, then an additional sum would be allocated as a supplement to the laboratory's existing grant.
The last column can accommodate accepted coloring schemes or can be used to define properties for colors and/or the underlying data.
The report shall state whether the financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Resistance means breaking off what invites continuation, means petering out, means accepting lame silences.
If the existence of room and doorway is accepted, the break in sequence can be read as an architectural caesura, not a textual glitch.
Given that such a case could be made (and accepted), how can multiculturalist politics be put into practice in canon-formation?
The general question - why particular theories become accepted at particular points in time - is in fact one which has occupied a number of intellectual historians.
We also help to promulgate generally accepted accounting principles for federal government entities.
Many readers doubtless accepted courtly fictions at face value when they heard or read them.
He accepted and enjoyed many different varieties of musical theater, and chose his subjects and style after careful consideration of his audience and his patrons.
Perhaps the lovers can only be accepted in their context.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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