词汇 | thesaurus_horrifying |
释义 | horrifyingadjective These are words and phrases related to horrifying. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of horrifying. AWFULSynonymsawful bad dreadful terrible horrible horrendous deplorable distressing lousy unpleasant disagreeable displeasing appalling frightful ghastly fearful hideous ugly gruesome monstrous shocking revolting reprehensible despicable contemptible mean low base heinous dire redoubtable formidable alarming Antonymsgood fine O.K. wonderful terrific tremendous pleasant pleasing attractive beautiful pretty admirable likable SHOCKINGSynonymshorrible horrid terrible awful disgusting frightful monstrous insufferable abominable reprehensible detestable abhorrent repugnant repellent odious foul wretched hideous revolting ghastly gruesome grisly shocking scandalous disgraceful outrageous indecent offensive appalling Antonymsacceptable decent good excellent fine wonderful marvelous glorious worthy capital admirable honorable praiseworthy commendable laudable attractive pleasant desirable APPALLINGSynonymsappalling dreadful horrible horrific awful terrible dire grim dismaying horrid frightful fearful ghastly shocking outrageous intolerable insufferable abominable disgusting sickening revolting nauseating repulsive repellent alarming disheartening terrifying frightening Antonymspleasing pleasant reassuring comforting TERRIFICSynonymsfrightening terrifying fearful fearsome alarming scary harrowing distressing awful dreadful upsetting disturbing terrific severe intense fierce harsh terrible extreme excessive monstrous great enormous huge inordinate immoderate tremendous Antonymsmild moderate harmless gentle slight insignificant paltry comforting reassuring encouraging settling soothing calming easing OUTRAGEOUSSynonymsoutrageous atrocious vile base heinous grossly offensive iniquitous monstrous barbarous inhumane inhuman brutal foul despicable contemptible wicked nefarious odious reprehensible unspeakable GHOULISHSynonymsghoulish macabre weird eerie scary sinister diabolic hellish infernal satanic fiendish monstrous demonic gruesome hair-raising zombielike ogreish necrophilic |