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释义 | exhilaratedThese are words and phrases related to exhilarated. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of exhilarated. FEELING HAPPY AND ENTHUSIASTICI've never seen fans so exhilarated by a win. Synonyms and examplesexcited The kids are really excited about going on holiday. thrilled We were thrilled to hear our first grandchild had been born. pumped mainly USinformal The players were pumped that they were going to finals. jazzed USinformal She's totally jazzed that she gets to go on the cruise. overexcited The kids were overexcited and starting to play up. worked up The fans were getting worked up over the game. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of exhilarated. See words related to exhilaratedexciting gripping riveting thrilling exhilarating action-packed electric vibrant Learn more If you are excited, you are feeling happy and enthusiastic. If something is exciting, it is causing feelings of happiness and enthusiasm. exhilarated | American Thesaurusexhilaratedadjective These are words and phrases related to exhilarated. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of exhilarated. JUBILANTSynonymsjubilant joyful overjoyed ecstatic flushed with excitement or pleasure in good or high spirits exultant rejoicing rapturous delirious radiant enraptured exuberant elated cheerful joyous merry mirthful gay gladdened glad gladsome delighted smiling laughing happy gleeful pleased gratified jolly lighthearted cheery blithe blithesome buoyant rhapsodic enrapt charmed captivated intoxicated happy as a lark Informal merry as a cricket Informal floating on cloud nine Informal tickled pink Informal happy as the day is long Informal Antonymsdoleful sorrowful despondent sad melancholy down in the dumps Informal BUOYANTSynonymsbuoyant animated vivacious enthusiastic elated cheerful happy glad joyful joyous sunny bright gay light lighthearted blithesome merry jolly optimistic hopeful carefree free and easy breezy sportive energetic peppy lively sprightly Antonymsgloomy glum dour sullen moody sad joyless cheerless unhappy tearful depressed dejected morose doleful melancholy despondent pessimistic careworn forlorn hopeless despairing dull lethargic HILARIOUSSynonymshilarious lively jubilant jovial jolly gay gleeful joyous mirthful high-spirited exuberant jocund joyful merry rollicking boisterous noisy vociferous Antonymsdull gloomy depressed quiet sedate RHAPSODICSynonymsrhapsodic ecstatic elated thrilled transported rapturous overjoyed excited walking on air blissful in seventh heaven on cloud nine beside oneself beaming delirious Antonymssad morose depressed disenchanted INTOXICATEDSynonymsintoxicated transported rapt enthralled infatuated delighted elated exalted entranced enchanted Antonymsbored indifferent |