词汇 | thesaurus_devastating |
释义 | devastatingadjective These are words and phrases related to devastating. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of devastating. TRAGICSynonymsruinous destructive tragic dreadful unfortunate appalling heartbreaking sad lamentable pathetic piteous pitiful pitiable deplorable mournful grievous dreary woeful unhappy dire shocking awful frightful terrible horrible disastrous calamitous catastrophic fatal deadly Antonymsfortunate happy felicitous pleasant satisfying gratifying agreeable joyful worthwhile wonderful lucky DISASTROUSSynonymsdisastrous ruinous catastrophic calamitous critically injurious ill-fated ill-starred hapless inauspicious dire harmful destructive fatal dreadful terrible tragic adverse unfortunate grievous desolating horrendous harrowing RUINOUSSynonymsruinous calamitous disastrous catastrophic ravaging damaging destructive deleterious cataclysmic baneful pernicious fatal deadly TRAUMATICSynonymstraumatic shocking wrenching upsetting painful stunning excruciating injurious harmful DESTRUCTIVESynonymsdestructive damaging ruinous detrimental injurious harmful hurtful Antonymsbeneficial constructive creative restorative preservative KILLINGSynonymskilling extremely painful excruciating murderous |