词汇 | thesaurus_congruous |
释义 | congruousadjective These are words and phrases related to congruous. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of congruous. MEETSynonymsallowable admissible permitted permissible pertinent relevant compatible agreeable meet proper appropriate opposite fitting fit befitting suitable seemly right apt good felicitous decorous becoming Antonymsimproper unfitting inappropriate unsuitable unseemly wrong unbecoming incongruous incompatible SUITABLESynonymssuitable proper appropriate meet fitting fit befitting seemly right adequate apt qualified cut out for becoming worthy apropos applicable seasonable relevant pertinent germane commensurate Antonymsunsuitable inappropriate unbecoming improper incompatible dissonant inconsistent unfit unseemly COHERENTSynonymsconsistent cohesive harmonious corresponding in agreement in keeping coherent logical meaningful intelligible articulate rational clear lucid connected comprehensible understandable organized orderly systematic Antonymsdisjointed disconnected rambling inconsistent incongruous irrational illogical meaningless confusing chaotic vague hazy unintelligible incomprehensible APPROPRIATESynonymsappropriate suitable proper well-suited fitting befitting correct seemly apt apropos well-chosen characteristic belonging pertinent relevant germane to the purpose to the point opportune Antonymsinappropriate improper ill-suited unsuitable unsuited unfitting incongruous unbefitting unseemly incorrect wrong inconsonant incompatible outré uncharacteristic out of place inopportune irrelevant CONCURRENTSynonymsmatching coincident concurrent agreeing in agreement in accordance of the same mind at one harmonious commensurate consonant correspondent aligned allied congenial sympathetic compatible Antonymsin disagreement different unsympathetic incompatible CONSONANTSynonymsconsonant in agreement concordant consistent harmonious compatible conformant suitable Antonymsdiscordant inconsistent |