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Examples of temperamental

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
1100 sess early temperamental factors that could determine why life adversities can lead to pathological sequelae in some cases, but not in others.
Persons threatened by psychiatric disorder because of temperamental attributes like neuroticism, may remain at risk of somatic problems even if mental illness is averted.
Temperamental vulnerability and negative parenting as interacting predictors of child adjustment.
Consequently, limits on their temperamental style may lead to frustration and aggressive, defiant behavior.
Part of the reason for his obscurity was temperamental.
Parents' ratings of temperamental characteristics did not differ for boys and girls.
All but six of the children had been classified at 4 months as belonging to one of the four infant temperamental groups described earlier.
As noted earlier, a very small number of children with rare temperamental biases display atypical profiles early in life.
However, no set of temperamental characteristics is consistently associated with increased cortisol reactivity.
High and low reactives represent two of the many temperamental types that will be discovered.
The remaining 38% who showed other patterns, belong to other temperamental groups that will not be considered in this article.
Thus, lateralized brain function serves as the foundation, much like temperamental reactivity.
As in much research examining associations between temperamental characteristics and behavioral symptoms, infant negativity was based on maternal perceptions repor ted on a rating scale.
Temperamental characteristics as predictors of externalizing and internalizing child behavior problems in the contexts of high and low parental psychopathology.
There are multiple possible explanations for the discontinuity in this temperamental tendency over time.
Resilience was defined as cognitive and behavioral functioning 18 months later that was better than expected, given initial levels of neurodevelopmental and temperamental risk, respectively.
Higher subscale scores indicate higher levels of that temperamental characteristic.
However, specific aspects of temperamental difficulty such as fearfulness and anger were related to internalizing and externalizing, respectively, in both the intervention and control groups.
We then focus on effortful or executive aspects of attention, reviewing research on temperamental individual differences and important pathways to normal and pathological development.
First, personality differences exist between healthy control women and women with eating disorders that may represent enduring temperamental traits that contribute to eating-disorder pathogenesis.
Neither pole of the scale seems to indicate susceptibility to psychopathology, and may well reflect individual, and possibly temperamental, differences in inter-personal style.
An important moderator of this developmental pathway would be the child's temperamental hostility or negative affect.
Each sport emphasizes different physical attributes, but all place a high premium on physical and temperamental soundness.
There is considerable disagreement over the environmental experiences that contribute to the development of a pathological profile in an adult with a temperamental diathesis.
Because it depends on both environmental and temperamental processes, differentiation will proceed in varied ways across different children.
After identifying cluster groups, we analyzed adolescent temperamental and academic profiles by cluster groups, and young adult function profiles by cluster groups.
Table 2 contains the distributions in each temperamental category for the symptom and control groups.
Data were collected without knowledge of children's temperamental classification.
Temperamental characteristics as predictors of externalizing and internalizing child behavior problems in the context of high and low parental psychopathology.
Temperamental inhibition and activation: hormonal and psychosocial correlates and associated psychiatric disorders.
In either case, such temperamental differences could interact with caregiving environments to ultimately produce dysregulated behavior.
Because the underlying motivational systems regulate attention, temperamental variability in these systems would be expected to lead to attentional differences.
In addition, children's performance and their parents' reports about their temperamental effortful control capacities in their daily lives also converged significantly.
In our understanding of temperamental individual differences, we also see a number of important directions for the next century.
We also know little about the role of individual temperamental variables in these family processes.
Variability in temperamental reactivity and self-regulation creates a unique natural experiment in which genes and experience combine in complex ways to produce an individual personality.
Changes that might take place in self-reported temperamental dimensions of negative affect and effortful control will be examined following therapy.
The direction of the difference was for temperamental control subjects to have a larger conflict score than the average controls.
No other temperamental predictors demonstrated relations with internalizing.
Low paternal social class was linked with eight of the 10 behavioural and temperamental variables but not directly with adult morbidity.
Many developmental tasks are accomplished between the ages at which temperamental profiles of exuberance and behavioral inhibition are identified and problem behavior develops.
Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrict parenting in the development of externalizing behavior.
Coders also made a global rating of difficulty, which reflected the infant's overall temperamental difficulty compared to others his age.
Several studies using direct observations of infant temperamental and maternal responses have partially filled in this gap.
Existing evidence suggests that both temperamental and environmental risk factors play a role in the development of the behavioral patterns associated with the disorder.
One should therefore look for temperamental vulnerabilities that identify subpopulations who are at particular risk for psychopathological sequelae after exposure to adverse life events.
51 children who had been high reactive infants, 60 who had been low reactive infants, and 53 children from the other temperamental groups.
With development, temperamental systems extend into the cortex to assimilate new representational capacities.
Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting on the development of externalizing behavior.
Examination of the interaction of the other temperamental predictors with participation indicated no relation between these variables and participation in the prediction of externalizing.
Nevertheless, this system is relatively slow to develop and its development, although influenced by temperamental reactivity, is likely a function of other factors as well.
There are multiple routes for association between temperament and depression, and no model proposes that low temperamental positive affect develops clearly or directly into depression.
Temperamental contributions to affective and behavioral profiles in childhood.
We also found that contextual risk was also moderated by children's temperamental persistence.
The negative impact of risk on children's internalizing behaviors, however, was not completely overcome by this temperamental resilience factor.
The other group was not born with this temperamental bias and acquired their shyness as a product of experience.
None of the previous studies, however, has examined the contributions of both infant temperamental attention and specific modalities of maternal encouragement of attention.
Furthermore, maternal encouragement of attention is predicted to play a role in the relationship between temperamental attention and language development.
They suggest that the genetic correlation between temperamental factors and affective illness is unrelated to the observed levels of either.
Temperamental origins of child and adolescent behavior problems : from age three to fifteen.
However, social support may be influenced by temperamental factors that are, in turn, partly genetic.
The scenario that seems most likely is that certain individuals possess a genetic propensity related to temperamental characteristics present prior to the disorder.
The influence of temperamental reactivity and stiuational context on the emotion-regulatory abilities of 3-year-old children.
They find that approximately 25% of these infants (already an extreme groups sample based on their selection for temperamental reactivity) exhibited continuous behavioral inhibition and social withdrawal.
Because inhibited behavior is posited to stem from underlying temperamental biases, display continuity, and increase risk for anxiety disorders, this discontinuity may be evidence of resilience processes.
One useful research strategy is to study infants who possess particular temperamental qualities, using a longitudinal design, until they become old enough to display relevant symptoms.
Furthermore, disorganized attachment shows modest short- and long-term stability, in particular in middle class environments, and it is not just a concomitant of constitutional, temperamental, or physical child problems.
Finally, it would be beneficial to study the relationships between temperamental attention, maternal encouragement of attention and language beyond infancy to explore the toddler and preschool years.
Just as the onceborn were optimistic and the twice-born pessimistic, so did this temperamental distinction appear in his philosophical categories, along with the distinction between the monistic and the pluralistic.
Several recent studies provide suppor t for this transactional perspective by demonstrating that temperamental characteristics of the child and features of maternal parenting style interact to predict outcomes.
Data from several longitudinal studies suggest links between early temperamental tendencies such as behavioral inhibition and frustration tolerance, and regulatory developments at the levels of physiological, attentional, and emotional regulation.
Of course, these risk factors most likely interact with temperamental expressions of genetic predispositions toward impulsivity, negative affect, and perhaps aggression.
Although we have demonstrated that temperamental emotionality at age 3 predicts several indices of depressotypic cognition at age 7, we cannot claim that this is a causal relationship.
Specifically, intervening factors that contribute to children's ability to alter their inhibited nature may be inherent to a resilience process, whereby children's temperamental trajectories will change over time.
Gender-mediated clinical features of depressive illness : the importance of temperamental differences.
Another alternative possibility is that the personality or temperamental traits that predispose to adult psychiatric illnesses may also tend to elicit low levels of care or overprotectiveness.
Temperamental contributors to the development of social behavior.
The pattern of relationships between maternal emotions and temperament supports the longstanding hypothesis of positive affect and a good outcome of pregnancy - in this case, positive temperamental qualities.
Thus, for example, it could concern shared risk factors (such as a genetically influenced temperamental trait, for example sensation-seeking), or different component of the clinical syndrome.
Developing mechanisms of temperamental effortful control.
Temperamental emotionality in preschoolers and parental mood disorders.
In the work with individuals with psychopathy it is also suggested that the temperamental variable fearfulness is likely to be heavily reliant of the integrity of the amygdala.
Temperamental influences on the development of anxiety disorders.
Temperamental vulnerability and negative parenting as interacting of child adjustment.
The obvious similarities in social status and biographical detail shouldn't obscure the temperamental differences between them.
To a degree, self-regulation skills may reflect temperamental qualities whose origins in a child may have a genetic component.
Thus, children's temperamental fearlessness has differential influences on children's internalizing behavior problems under conditions of low and high contextual risk.
In summary, children's temperamental fearlessness has differential influences on children's internalizing behavior problems under conditions of low and high contextual risk.
Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting in the development of externalizing behavior.
We then asked whether, among the subdued children, the two temperamental groups differed on these measures.
Temperamental characteristics of three- to four-year-old boys and girls and child - family interactions.
The temperamentally matched control group was selected to show a similar temperamental profile to the patients, that is, high negative affect and low effortful control.
Although several of these symptoms go well beyond differences in temperament, two aspects of temperamental differences could contribute to the disorder.
Negative life events are believed to occur with greater frequency among individuals with temperamental dysregulation.
By 1947, however, the temperamental lovers had become reconciled and married.
Most etiological theories suggest that the disorder develops from some combination of biological or temperamental predisposition and a toxic family environment.
Low paternal social class was not directly linked with ill-health in adulthood but only via some of the temperamental and behavioural variables.
However, the equipment was very temperamental and this was hard to achieve.
The authors inferred that neurocognitive and temperamental problems are later-emerging consequences of childhood psychosocial adversity but not early-emerging contributing causes for childhood-onset antisocial behavior.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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