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词汇 example_english_programme

Examples of programme

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The role of albendazole in programmes to eliminate lymphatic filariasis.
They also lack effective programmes aimed at achieving their objectives, which is evident in their poorly designed manifestos and constitutions.
Each organisation created an image of the region that suited its programmes.
The idea of the region as a safe haven for the generation of ideas also underlies initiatives for regional programmes with civil society organisations.
Many of the participants - having expertise in agricultural programmes for enhancing community conflict resolution - were primarily concerned about the impact of land conflicts.
A number of factors hindered collaborative analysis and programmes.
Too many programmes address symptoms not causes, ignoring contextual factors which might have been addressed at a local level.
The programmes are delivering the content they are designed to deliver, and having a beneficial effect.
The test is suitable for epidemiological studies and eradication programmes for the whole intermediate host range of the parasite.
In contrast, the process of writing a prescription is a standard part of all non-medical prescribing programmes.
The results from this study may assist the management programmes for the species.
The instances are mainly in countries with well-developed pension programmes, where informal economic support is likely to be relatively unimportant.
I think it would be very encouraging to us if more television programmes have an older person as the main character.
Through university reforms in 1977 and 1983, it became a college education, like many other study programmes in the medical and social services.
Another has been a contention about the priority (and funding) to be given to research programmes that seek radical extensions of the human lifespan.
By their nature, the programmes that provide care-giver support services tend to have a local focus, and are therefore likely to vary by locality.
In both countries, policy-makers and volunteer co-ordinators have endorsed the notion of volunteer programmes in which only older people participate.
Volunteers in these programmes provide their management expertise to small business and community organisations.
Vigilance is required if relevant factors are not to be overlooked in implementing management programmes.
Moreover, there are many technical questions to be addressed with regard to the design of breeding programmes.
Thus, these cultivars could be useful in breeding programmes to improve seed-set.
The current information is valuable for soybean breeding programmes for seed composition improvement.
Rightists, too, have responded to particular historical contexts which have shaped both their specific programmes and the tools they have used in their political struggle.
Perhaps most importantly programmes need to build on the natural positive relationship young children have with music.
Music education programmes for young children need to acknowledge these principles.
Tour operators changed their programmes and turned to other sites that had more to offer to the tourist.
The book is a perfect example of the expertise and longitudinal research methodology increasingly typical of studies enquiring into early modern language programmes.
The state appears to have endorsed such views, and implemented them through its legislative programmes.
Both content and form would make this plan qualitatively different from other hitherto available socialist programmes.
Management programmes have focused on integration of silvicultural practices, host plant resistance and biological control.
Therefore, it appears that inoculative biocontrol programmes should be applied early in spring in order to curb the increasing mealybug density later in summer.
Students in music programmes and non-music programmes were surveyed.
The teaching programmes after all reflect the research horizon of the lecturers.
Instead of building outside the city, constructing within the already built-up area of the city, providing new uses and programmes.
In addition to these private pension schemes, unfunded public-sector pension programmes that offer similar conditions are provided to state employees.
All participants expressed interest in being involved in further communication intervention programmes.
When efforts are made to involve older people in educational activities, they often operate from an age-segregationist principle, with separate programmes for old people.
Conscious application of this perspective in breeding programmes could lead to faster progress and deeper understanding of the results.
Consequently, the introduction of public-works programmes in areas with high dry-season unemployment may affect fertiliser use.
Households and enterprises are thus prompted into accounting for environmental costs in their plans, programmes and budgets without impairing the allocative efficiency of the market.
Major re-pewing and re-allocation programmes generally had local origins, with the bishop being called upon to ' approve ' or ' allow ' the desired changes.
An analysis is presented of the possible environmental impacts of the various components of intervention programmes.
Many donors are involved in projects and programmes that are intertwined in time and space in a given country.
They are putting it into researchable database format, and design the computer typesetting programmes.
Over time, the outputs from the programme's strategic research have been applied in practical plant breeding programmes in participatory crop research.
However, the local project staff proactively contacted staff in parallel government and donor programmes and projects, and jointly developed new institutional working relationships.
The few small ruminant development programmes undertaken so far have been for the most part unsuccessful or unsustainable.
There are three appendices, one each on fractals, modelling programmes and the principles of reflection seismology.
Training programmes that teach basic vacuum extraction are becoming increasingly available and should be offered to all trainees.
There seems to be a need for such 'inter mediate structure' programmes with less for mal governance to tackle more specific issues.
Pure breeding lines will be developed to serve as potential parents in future hybridization programmes.
Breeding programmes began in the 1970s and are acquiring inter national importance.
We adults will have televiqon programmes to teac us.
Likewise, computer software programmes, however good they are, will not be successful unless the information collected ful®ls those criteria.
However, this must be contrasted with the probability of obtaining the ideotype for the different programmes considered.
Moreover, they can also be useful in mapping genes, designing breeding programmes, detecting population structure, and studying linkage disequilibrium.
Modern selection programmes use more powerful designs than mass selection.
Despite this it remains an important cause of neonatal death in countries without preventative programmes.
The time has come to ensure that all infants at risk are identi®ed, and universal antenatal testing programmes should be implemented.
Likewise, individual and group interviews were made with far mers who had taken part in recent crop and/or livestock extension programmes.
The size of the endosperm that contains essential protein, starch and other nutrients is an important criterion for crop breeding programmes.
First, we must integrate development aid programmes with population limitation policies.
Different combinations of health programmes are being delivered and analysed in each area.
Teachers would do well to follow his pattern rather than dismiss such programmes or literature out of hand.
In the following year some kind of family planning activity was under way in 92 countries and ten governments had embarked on national population programmes.
Many of them make use of improved agricultural methods and respond favourably to planned programmes of development.
Information on actual usage is crucial in family planning programmes because it shows how far women are consciously trying to control their fertility.
Costs per unit among programmes can differ on account of either or both sets of factors operating jointly.
A number of countries subsequently developed such monitoring programmes and maintained informal communication links.
To cope with the geometric problem we must learn from those who have developed successful programmes in the past.
Thus, in evaluating the impact of the family planning programmes, the total rates of fertility decline reflect the total rates of pregnancy decline.
One of the main reasons for this is the difficulty of measuring the impact of such programmes.
Women develop strategies towards home ownership using friends, relatives and governmental programmes.
She views the women's movement as one that is moving from traditional women's concerns to strategic programmes that address gender equality.
We expect perceptions of social justice to have a profound influence on the popular acceptability of economic liberalisation programmes.
Exercise programmes have a sound evidencebase, but their nature and application in longterm care requires an understanding.
Diabetes educational and training programmes for care-home staff are required within each district.
Geriatricians are ideally suited, by reason of their training, to take on such programmes.
Successful rehabilitation programmes have been described in a number of settings, including hospital inpatient, outpatient and community-based programmes.
Of the single-intervention studies, only exercise programmes have consistently produced results on a par with those of multifactorial interventions.
One could argue that the acquisition of desiccation tolerance is a transition that depends on other developmental programmes, such as embryogenesis and reserve deposition.
The chapters on urban regeneration programmes are probably the most disappointing.
He suggests that such recognition had to await the welfare analyses following from the 1931 census and welfare programmes developed in the decades thereafter.
However, the aid programmes were initially meant to provide fast relief.
The attitudes of the social workers who administered the programmes had a marked in-uence on the treatment families received.
In the twenties, women conducted their own campaigns for peace, birth control, nursery schools, school meals programmes and maternity and child care.
The two classes of women reformers campaigned independently for the same welfare programmes and were equally ineffective.
Without evidence on children in these categories, immersion programmes may be in danger of being considered elitist.
Hospital scandals, deinstitutionalisation and community care programmes have brought their care into public focus.
Using this 'state of the art' approach for differential diagnosis is critical in the design and implementation of effective treatment programmes.
Research programmes, especially in medical and other science, continued to be under-funded.
Research and development into compensatory educational programmes, referred to earlier, have focused much attention on the issues without necessarily resolving them.
She recognizes cultural and race differences in these patterns, and acknowledges the political limits of programmes to change them.
Housing was the first of the public sector programmes to be tied back in the 1960s.
I also think that we must be the place where programmes get made because nobody else wants to make them, nobody else would make them.
First a considerable, and, on the whole, successful attempt to introduce some measure of integration to programmes at lower primary level.
However, it has neither been thought desirable nor feasible to require formal evaluations of alternative programmes, treatments or technologies at the local level.
Post-war reconstruction and housing programmes seemed to do nothing to prevent, and seemed even to encourage, a rise in crime and mental illness.
If so, there are implications for intervention programmes.
Because militarism is a rhetorical rather than a rigorous theoretical concept, it is intimately connected to the intentions, programmes, strategies and propaganda of political actors.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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