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词汇 example_english_odds

Examples of odds

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
At odds with a climate of reduced unknowns and devolved responsibility is a desire in good clients to pursue creativity, novelty and delight.
Odds of exit were 80 per cent lower for respondents with two or more children compared with others.
The associations between the risk factors included in the survey and symptoms of diarrhoea were assessed using bivariate tabulations and calculations of odds ratios.
In this respect, odds ratios can be more easily compared and present a clearer picture than linear regression coefficients.
Against all the odds, however, a deal has been finalized.
At first glance, the concentration of market reforms in the veto-free/hierarchical regimes is at odds with expectations.
Increases in either duration were associated with significant increases in the odds that a stimulus would be judged to end in a long vowel.
When blame, castigation, branding as deficient and dangerous, and exclusion from society's mainstream are added to the equation, the odds against rehabilitation are considerably magnified.
The much lower odds of predicted discharge observed in patients living in privately managed facilities raises some concern.
Table 2 presents the relative odds of encountering both disaffiliative and affiliative responses in each of the three locations.
Each insecure category was compared with the secure classification to yield odds ratios.
The odds of individuals employed in the local government sector making an active investment decision are 1.06 times greater than in other sectors.
In general, as income increased, the odds of reporting cost-related underuse decreased.
To test whether class influences individuals' party preferences, we use odds ratios.
Odds ratios are reported with 95 % confidence intervals.
Table 4 shows the relative odds and 95 % confidence intervals for those disorders which occur significantly more frequently in case relatives than control relatives.
Logistic regression (odds ratios and 95 % confidence intervals) were used to quantify the associations between mental disorders and their correlates.
Estimates of the odds ratios are quoted with 95 % confidence intervals.
Selfreported treated asthma in 1981 and 1982 was associated with significantly increased odds of panic attacks in both 1981 and 1982.
Again, this seems at odds with the evidence that it was the left-hemispheric dominance for vocalization, not righthandedness, that arose earlier in evolution.
The odds ratios listed were estimated from the survey.
Non-psychotic disorders with onset at age 23 years or after predicted an approximately 3fold odds for having stayed at this basic level.
As all of the odds ratios' 95 % confidence intervals included 1.0, they are not presented.
The odds of traditional religious women seeing a doctor for prenatal care are about 35% lower than their counterparts in the reference group.
The article concludes that the odds against success were long, but not impossible.
Against all odds: explaining high host specificity in dispersal-prone parasites.
The odds of contributing to a personal pension were nearly twice as high for women aged under 50 as for those aged over 50.
Matching three controls to one case allowed us to detect odds ratios of 2n0 or higher.
They reject women from the popular classes whose style they feel is at odds with their own.
The odds of reporting pain associated with urination were 20.4 times higher in children who had excreted albumin levels greater than 40 mg l21.
Unfortunately, static typing and dynamic rebinding seem to be at odds.
The odds of revascularization for persons without health insurance are 62.4% lower than persons with private insurance.
The influences of gender and neighborhood-income on the odds of revascularization are, however, both significant and large.
The odds are 1.19 times higher for women of making an active investment decision.
The figures in the table compare the odds of choosing the lower risk option to a higher risk option.
The philosopher then is necessarily at odds with religion.
Note that unconditionally the odds of the sensitivity of a diagnostic method equals ri (i=1, 2, 3).
Odds ratios are generally greater for younger individuals.
The odds of married individuals taking an active investment decision are 1.57 times greater than unmarried individuals.
Like the military leaders he wrote about, in the face of overwhelming odds, he redoubled his efforts to achieve his goal: seeing his book published.
In manic patients, the ' conservative ' tendency to bet less than controls on favourable outcomes appears superficially at odds with their poor quality or ' risky ' decisions.
The bivariate odds ratios are derived from separate models where nothing is controlled.
Scales reversed to facilitate comparison of odds ratios.
In our opinion, however small the odds of recovery appear to be, treatment should always be considered.
Here two couples and a singleton struggle wordlessly against heavy physical odds to retain their dignity and get through the day.
Being female or having a child under 5 reduced the odds.
The classic diner look - stainlesssteel streamlined - was at odds with its actual status as a building placed permanently on a site.
However, there are clearly other data at odds with this position.
Patients with more than one chronic organic disease showed an increased risk but the odds ratios did not reach statistical significance.
Living alone increased the odds of service use by 30 % to 80 %.
Statistical analysis included matched odds ratios and x2.
While the odds are generally stacked against them they manage to exploit whatever minor opportunities this increasingly commodified and liberalised market offers them.
They carry implications at odds with well-settled features of the legal tradition and fail to connect blameworthiness to judicial punishment.
Our work on cross-modal processing has employed such methods, obtaining results both in keeping with and at odds with the authors' basic tenets.
Either way, we cannot improve our odds by picking a different edge, and so e is j-strategic.
The "two nonattending physicians" approach, however, is both cumbersome and at odds with professional standards.
The work dramatizes how the natural and human worlds are at once inseparable and still at odds with each other.
Similarly, among children rated high on negativity as infants, insecure attachment tripled the likelihood of a problem trajectory odds ratio 3.0!.
The odds ratios range from 1.4 for depressive symptoms to 2.4 for externalizing behaviors.
The first six equations are estimated using logistic regression and the odds ratios are presented in parentheses.
Many of the changes associated with the transition to middle school are at odds with the developmental needs of adolescents.
If both hoard, the single medicine will be somewhat effective, putting odds of survival at 60%.
By engaging in such internalized "trial-and-error," the organism increases the odds that when it finally emits an overt behavior, that action will be successful.
Indeed, the two kinds of criteria, coherence and correspondence, can sometimes be at odds with each other.
At first glance, the recruitment of immune cells to the site of implantation seems at odds with maternal tolerance.
Odds ratios apply to very obese versus controls.
However, the numbers were not given so the odds ratio and con®dence interval cannot be calculated.
However, the aim of increasing sustainability by greater cost recovery may be at odds with the aim of increasing contraceptive use among the poor.
Odds ratios were used to determine whether social class (classified as manual or non-manual) differences in child health status exist.
Negative log odds indicate lower than average odds of consistency in reporting year of birth due to belonging to a particular category of a variable.
Logistic regression is used to identify the factors that are significantly associated with regret and also to calculate the odds ratios.
Comparing differences in accuracy across conditions or individuals : an argument for the use of log odds.
The finding of the present study that non-inversion errors did not pattern by wh-word is at odds with the previous literature.
In particular, the assumption that agents have perfect knowledge of underlying market equilibrium equations is at odds with practice in real markets.
Limited availability of informal care as well as increased disability in elderly people raised the odds of using services.
The odds ratios of the meta-analyses were not substantially changed by their inclusion (details available upon request).
An intense development changes the mood completely, utterly at odds with what has gone on before, such that the movement seems ripe to stall.
In two instances, inclusion of non-placebocontrolled studies converted odds ratios that did not reach statistical significance to ones that were statistically significant.
The fourth column displays odds ratios and confidence intervals comparing individuals with current social phobia to individuals with no lifetime history of the disorder.
Many of the odds ratios quantifying the relationship between the childhood factors and social phobia in this analysis were considerably attenuated but remained important.
The results were expressed in terms of odds ratios.
My bet is that it cannot, or, more precisely, that the odds for the dependency hypothesis are better.
In this case, a large negative log odds score may be used at such a position in a scoring matrix.
The unbeliever, of course, will not accept this norm; and that is where the two are at odds.
Surprisingly, these voices and personas have been at odds more than they have been synchronous.
The revised understanding can be, and often is, at odds with the convert's prior patterns of judgement.
The only way in which this could happen is by chance in a small population: outsiders do come in at long odds.
Literally all over the country labour was engaged in life and death struggles with capital, in which the odds were hopelessly lopsided.
The interests of scholarship and pedagogy are at odds here.
In addition, of course, choices can result from lengthy weighing of odds.
What is perhaps of great importance is the fact that she challenged the decision of her employers and won the case against all odds.
An increasingly popular measure of effect is the difference not in proportions but in log odds between two categories.
In that you'have odds enough of any man.
The area around the new estate was at odds in urbanistic and architectural terms.
Given an early arrest, the odds of being a chronic offender were more than 39 times greater.
The first eight equations are estimated using logistic regression and the odds ratios are presented in parentheses.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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