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词汇 example_english_flatten

Examples of flatten

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
An alternative approach that avoids the use of an indexing operation works by building a perfect tree, and then flattening it into a list.
The space seems flattened and compressed, blurring the distinction between interior and exterior, between close and far away.
The second phase flattens the resulting tree of lists into one long list in the natural order.
Unlike flattening conditionals and eliminating common subexpressions, transforming a loop to precompute all conditions is not possible for all loops.
Surprisingly, however, there was no other epithelial abnormality except in the vicinity of the worm where the epithelium was flattened.
During specialization, unfolding a call may expose flattening opportunities that are not apparent in the source program.
As the number of shocks increases, the lower end of the power function flattens out.
In the female the appendages are simple, flattened, leaf-like structures, densely clothed with hairs and arranged in two pairs (figs. 8 and 10).
Most specimens are flattened internal or external moulds, though threedimensional preservation also occurs.
The neural spine of the second preural centrum is flattened and expanded.
With progressive growth of the quartz fibres, folding also continued and homogeneous flattening strain was superposed on the earlier strain.
The supraacetabular processes of the ilia are flattened and do not curve ventrally in lateral view.
The size of the tip after flattening was 0.30 mm.
The vortices in this regime are non-axisymmetric and flattened by the stratification, their vertical size being roughly equal to half the gap width.
The elements differ from those of related taxa in the posteriorly flattened cross section, from the tip to the edge of the basal cone.
From the discovery of gold in 1851, the lower bound increased steadily before flattening in the 1870s.
The seeds are flattened and seedlings are phaneroepigeal with leafy cotyledons.
However, flattening terms with nested function symbols would imply a serious loss of precision.
Radial cuts were made in the retina to allow the retina to be flattened.
In physical flatmounts, distor tion is hard to measure accurately, but some impression can be gained by comparing familiar regions flattened by different techniques.
Areas of interest were cut from the flattened retinas and re-embedded to allow cutting of cross sections.
Many structural events are associated with compaction, including blastomere polarisation, blastomere flattening and gap junction formation.
After an additional 4, 6 or 8 h of incubation, flattened whole-mounts were prepared and examined.
Apparently, a non-oscillating boundary form is flattened out a t a much slower pace than one which oscillates throughout.
No lateroadmarginal ridge, but possible doublure suggested by a narrow furrow running parallel to the ventral margin and demarcating flattened marginal area.
We will now extend the standard way of flattening the categories of algebras indexed by signatures to the computation algebras and their distributions.
The cor tex was dissected from the white matter, unfolded, and flattened in a single piece of tissue by making three relieving cuts.
The cor tex then was flattened ar tificially by compressing it between two glass slides during fixation and embedding.
Instead, we shall define an algorithmic calculation of a syntactically flattened representation for patterns to support a presentation of pattern predicates in rule schemes.
Either the front or the back of the pulse flattens out for large times.
In contrast, if - > u then small perturbations of - u are flattened out.
Their seemingly flattened bodies are suggestive of an animal living in cracks and crevices.
The distal end is strongly flattened anteroposteriorly and expanded transversely, more to the lateral than to the medial side.
A distinctive species, being strongly flattened dorso-ventrally, including the head.
Here and in the sequel, we assume that nested expressions have already been flattened by a pre-processing step.
Recall that the tree manipulation process has the effect of partially flattening trees, by elimination of unary projections.
Buccal capsule oval, flattened dorsoventrally, wall thick, kidney-shaped in optical section, poorly sclerotized tooth present.
The pre-tagger component flattens the lattice into separate token streams by taking each possible path through it.
Essentially, the specializer will attempt to apply flattening rules first.
The flattened, somewhat leaf-shape of the parasite is well shown at the spirally twisted posterior extremity.
Laterally, anterior margin subhorizontal; middle body inflated anteriorly, gently flattening posteriorly.
The retinae or retinal pieces were flattened onto slides with the photoreceptor side up, semidried for better adhesion, and coverslipped with an aqueous mounting medium.
The sclera and pigment epithelium were removed and the retina flattened, photoreceptor layer uppermost, on a gelatinized slide.
After surface reconstruction of this boundary, each hemisphere was inflated, cut along the calcarine sulcus, and flattened.
Then, after 4, 6 or 8h of incubation, we fixed the embryos, stained them for nuclear morphology, and examined them as flattened whole-mounts.
Emphasizing the institutions of the liberal state, this reading flattens out questions of class and expertise.
They are elliptical, flattened, of a light yellowish green colour and measure 1-6 mm. in length, and hatch after seven to nine days.
Mandible (fig. 8) somewhat flattened, the apex narrowed and bidentate, the upper margin of the concave inner face angulate near middle.
When development of the egg has commenced, the contents shrink, and portions of the chorion at both ends of the egg become flattened.
The grinding flattens the surface of the bone, sometimes reaching through to the internal table and, in a few cases, even perforating it.
The handful of earth was nevertheless quickly completely flattened, its volume being reduced by two or three times within minutes.
All these figures are intermediary between the version in which every note is sharpened and the version in which every note is flattened.
Other bottles were available in the late nineteenth century, mainly flattened bottles, closed at one end and with a short teat.
In ' heating ' the target density, this density is flattened, making it easier for the chain to move around in the parameter space.
The flattening corresponding to the destabilization is seen on the second profile.
Most are flattened; the remainder are preserved in three dimensions, but have suffered from 'pyrite disease' (decomposition).
A rapid method for strain estimation from flattened parallel folds.
Librigenal field progressively flattens throughout ontogeny in lateral view.
Type 1 is the commoner subtype and is distinguished by the presence of curved femora and flattened vertebral bodies (platyspondyly).
They are separated from each other medially by the incompletely preserved posterior articular condyle, which is dorsoventrally flattened.
The laterosphenoids are flattened dorsally, with a prominent groove between them.
If the remaining two are complex conjugates, the field roughly describes a helix around the real eigendirection that flattens at the critical point.
Eventually, for both cases, the distribution of the lighter ions becomes significantly rearranged, and much (though not all) of the destabilizing bump is flattened.
Moreover, the structures appear where the negative-ion distribution has already been flattened, negating any effect the electrons might otherwise have.
Over the first 15 years of service, a worker's propensity to stay rises quite steadily, but the trend flattens thereafter.
The deceleration and negative velocity effect flattened the tip of the bubble and increased the bubble radius of curvature.
One parasite had cyst wall protrusions flattened along the surface of the cyst.
The body is not much flattened and the ventral sucker is usually prominent.
The apex of each tubercle is flattened and free of spines.
The euler function is modified to use arrays as well, to make better use of the flattening transformation thereby achieving a better data distribution.
Without this optimisation, normalisation of identical terms frequently occurs even if a shared data structure is used, because flattening can create multiple copies.
The foliation is defined by orientation of the planar mafic minerals and flattened feldspar grains.
Modification of parallel fold to flattened parallel fold by superimposition of homogeneous strain introduces an angular shear along the tangents at different points.
Figure 4 1.69 8 1.73 7 1 /2 - axial ratio of strain ellipse representing flattening strain.
The quartz vein is flattened where it is bounded by the staurolite por phyroblasts, indicating that ductile deformation continued after development of the vein.
The anterior side is flattened, resulting in the shaft being wider transversely than deep anteroposteriorly over most of its length.
Their complaint about traditional literary historicism is that it flattens and impoverishes texts by reducing them to "reflections" or instantiations of their contexts.
The algorithm begins by flattening all products in the input so that it conforms to the following product grammar.
Successive contact with new sheets flattened the rough spots in each and preserved a gentle grain.
The sections were flattened with a drop of absolute ethanol.
Indeed, flattened seeds appear predisposed to lie on the soil surface.
Unfolding and flattening the cortex of gyrencephalic brains.
The cor tex has intrinsic curvature which is eliminated by flattening.
The development of computer-based techniques for generating flattened cor tex has been useful for depicting the location of cerebral activity.
Several radial cuts were then made to the whole eyecup, which was subsequently flattened on a dissecting board.
Alternatively, the retina was removed from the eyecup, radial incisions were made, and the retina was flattened.
Using teams can also assist in integrating different perspectives, flattening organizational structure, and streamlining operations.
Agencies flattened their organizational structures by including employees from various organizational functions and grade levels on teams.
Since the human eye moves horizontally with less fatigue than vertically, the cone of vision tends to be flattened.
The minute particles in the rock have been flattened with the result that the slate splits easily into thin sheets.
The same is then done to make a parallel ledge on the opposite side of the surface to be flattened.
Nature is flattened, but moves, like a film, without edges.
Is it the 'management sodden culture' that flattens all endeavour into a tediously predictable series of 'outcomes'?
In this study, flattening and re-ridging land after early-season legume harvest to enable maize planting was labour consuming.
Picks were generally flattened on one side and were used in weaving to lift the warp to create intricate patterns.
The surface ectoderm on either side of the neural tube is flattened into cuboidal or squamous epithelium and constitutes the precursor of the epidermis.
Depending on slide size, up to about 24 slices can be flattened in one timed half hour run.
The ventral surface is flattened, the dorsal arched and angled to the ventral, the anterior and posterior ends being rounded.
The head-capsule is flattened ventrally, and there are distinct ridges between this ventral portion and the lateral regions of the head.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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