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词汇 example_english_drain

Examples of drain

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
When the marshes were drained the new farmers chose to live on the embankments beside the canals and rivers.
She also took the view that it was not necessary to have individual access to water and drains.
At much expense the farmers have drained these soils.
The pulmonary veins appeared to be draining normally.
The issues here are whether the land has laser grading, surface drains, and re-use system.
Enhancing the value of farmland by improving farm buildings or draining pasture was one incentive to keep or find tenants in hard years.
In the south this could be because the wet-season monsoon waters had not yet drained away.
The pulmonary venous connections appeared totally anomalous and were thought to be draining beneath the diaphragm.
Isolated superior vena cava draining into the left atrium diagnosed by radionucleide angiography.
Venous blood is gravity drained into the reservoir bag and pumped to the heat exchanger/hollow fibre oxygenator structure.
Water-control features included aqueducts, drains, walled channels, dams, and a bridge.
Such work is of ten draining yet immensely rewarding f or the patient and therapist alike.
In short drains or under bridges they may be sometimes caught in hundreds.
There is something brute about this conclusion which threatens to trivialise one's subject matter and seems capable of draining its meaningfulness at a single stroke.
Each sample was rinsed into a large container, the water was drained and all remaining material was preserved in 95% ethanol for subsequent sorting.
The blood from her brain was drained and the brain cooled until all life signs were gone.
We also measured the cytokine transcript levels in spleen and in several lymph nodes draining the intestine.
Both involve a nucleus being drained of all melodic content.
An early run of four separate sections of the play made the text appear dull and uninteresting, draining the words of life and vitality.
The use of roof drains in elite and civic-ceremonial architecture was ubiquitous, as they have been found all over the site.
He also had an axillary abscess that was duly drained.
A cavernous sinus thrombosis, (a clot in the venous blood draining the face or sinuses and invariably fatal in pre-antibiotic days) should be considered.
The abscess was drained and antibiotic therapy was started.
Pulmonary veins draining wholly to the ductus arteriosus (case 2).
In this patient, the left superior caval vein draining into the left atrium had been ligated, and the left subclavian vein subsequently thrombosed.
Medium drained from the reactor to a waste reservoir.
The other pulmonary veins formed a confluence which drained via a vertical vein into the superior caval vein.
There was a persistent left superior caval vein which drained into a greatly dilated coronary sinus.
Separating out the core of the material world would be like draining the pond where a water lily grows.
The tank was filled or drained through a bottom port.
The unpunctured spherical film drains, owing to gravity, eventually becoming naturally unstable when its thickness is of order 0.07pm.
The superior caval vein drained into the left atrium with laminar flow and no signs of obstruction.
The orifices of the inferior caval vein and both superior caval veins all then drained on the right atrial side of the patch.
By means of pericardiotomy, we drained 120 ml and 1200 ml of blood, respectively.
In the case of malaria eradication, for example, the health programme budget could include public works expenditure for draining swamps.
Wild rivers were forced into straightened riverbeds, swamps were drained, and water levels were carefully monitored throughout the country.
Capital was drained through diverse channels, such as bar ter transactions, with the value equivalents often set specifically to allow possible machinations.
The samples were subjected to three emergence trials under drained, waterlogged and submerged conditions.
The sands are mostly well drained but low-lying areas accumulate sufficient clay and fines to retain water for periods after rainfall.
From the eighteenth century landowners had recognised the need for effective techniques for draining impermeable clay soils.
The vitreous was then drained with the aid of small pieces of membrane filter.
Although the inferior caval vein was interrupted in the both patients, hepatic venous blood still drained to the pulmonary arteries.
The soil is sandy, well drained, and contains little organic matter (0.52%).
The pulmonary venous return was unobstructed but drained to a confluence before entering the left sided atrium.
In many areas, draining provided new, level ground for enclosure.
Moreover, competencies and innovation may be drained away from the public sector rather than being reinforced by the collaboration with the private partner.
Since some of these devices were drained and disinfected at the time of the investigation, the results from sampling may have been unreliable.
Very few obstetricians used drains routinely for the pelvis, peritoneum or subcutaneous tissues, or with a longitudinal incision.
Section from a lung lobe drained by banded veins.
Adherence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to endothelial cells occasionally was observed in regions drained by banded veins.
Sub-pleural lymphatics were mildly distended in all lobes and regions drained by the banded veins.
In the venous phase, bloodflowfrom this area drains to the pulmonary vein.
Fenthion is sprayed at weekly intervals at a dosage of 0.78 ml/1 in polluted water, drains and trenches, which are the major breeding sites.
Venous blood is gravity drained into the reservoir.
The soil is moderately drained, with a groundwater table at a depth of 9+10 m during the dry months.
The abscess was successfully drained and appropriate antibiotic therapy was given.
The abscess in his armpit was drained under ether anaesthetic.
Ascitic fluid was drained 10-15 days after the injection.
Instead of being productively used, individual wealth was wasted on useless novelties that drained existing financial resources.
Her course was complicated by the development of a subdural hematoma, which was drained, but which later reaccumulated.
Examples of open channel flow include water flow in rivers, in partially full drains and surface runoff.
The coronary sinus is enlarged due to a persistent left caval vein draining through it.
In all the 6 patients except one having a partial atrioventricular septal defect, hepatic venous blood was drained to the right atrium.
In our third patient, fistulas developed even after a biventricular repair, probably because the hepatic venous blood drained to the left-sided atrium.
Ligation of the intrapericardial portion of the vein before it drained into the left atrium restored the systemic oxygen saturation to normal levels.
In contrast, when there is a common junction, the atrioventricular connections will be biatrial, albeit draining predominantly from one or other atrium.
Two of the six patients with a midline vein also had an accessory hepatic vein draining directly into the atrium.
The single superior caval vein, which was left-sided and had an azygous vein draining into it, drained into the left-sided atrium.
Closed technique for repair of right superior vena cava draining to left atrium.
Other abnormalities included bicuspid aortic valve, persistent left superior caval vein draining to the coronary sinus, and a small patent arterial duct.
I n our experiments, the presence of the rigid top surface prevents the cold fluid from draining completely.
The object of the study was to demonstrate the theory that retirement contracts drained the economic resources of the agricultural sector.
Only after the mid-nineteenth century is it possible to offer tentative figures for the acreage of agricultural land that was effectively drained.
Rainwater drained from the hut roofs into tanks was sometimes tainted with salt and fragments of seaweed after gales.
The government could not deal with pressing social and economic ills because the interminable conflicts drained the country's resources.
The bottomland transects were located in t he flat, poorly drained a reas between the ridges.
The swampy lowlands were drained to create residential districts for the chonin.
At 5-min intervals, the medium was drained off and replaced with fresh medium.
In one patient, a pelvic abscess was diagnosed and drained on the 17th post-operative day.
Instead, as observed earlier, they were draining the government budget through subsidies.
Poorly drained tract with high water-table, causing softsediment deformation structures.
If contributions are increasingly drained away from the public system or tier, the latter becomes even less financially viable.
Significantly more seedlings germinated in the drained than waterlogged trial, and waterlogged than submerged trials.
Submerged trials added two species to the drained and waterlogged results.
If this is a waltz, it is a glacially paced one, utterly drained of energ y - a slow, sorrowing processional for our troubled times.
The soils are well drained and derived from schist.
An adequate subsoil drainage system requires sufficient water to generate enough velocity to prevent suspended matter silting drains.
They, like the drains, would have provided deep, moist soils for trees such as ramon or brosimum alicastrum.
Natural drains measuring just a few centimeters in diameter are common.
Drainage and floodcontrol components included substructure conduits, subterranean conduits, stucco channels and plazas, roof drains, splashboards, and causeways.
One advantage to roof drains was that they directed water away from building walls and thus protected stucco plastering and/or sculpture adorning exteriors.
The sheets were drained and stored in an upright position to protect them from recontamination with dust.
Although individuals are drained from that location, the population as a whole remains persistent (drift paradox).
Compared with controls, such arterial branches were readily found in lobes drained by banded veins.
An anomalous pulmonary vein draining the right lung was seen to join the inferior caval vein at its junction with the right atrium.
Finally, dry season habitat is reduced as beels are drained to provide irrigation water and/or to create more land for agriculture.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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