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词汇 example_english_dictionary

Examples of dictionary

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
I recently heard a radio presenter refer to dictionaries as babble-babble.
The most common results, then, are books that are something like dictionaries, something like encyclopedias and, often, something like cabinets of curiosities.
The divergence can most easily be seen if we compare the definitions of abduction in some recent dictionaries of linguistics and of philosophy.
Since its (activity) meaning is predictable, the supine nominal is seldom listed in dictionaries, and when it is listed, it is not polysemous.
Events are simply property lists or dictionaries; they can have named properties whose values are arbitrary.
We can distinguish between this kind of understanding and the kind of understanding that involves interpretation manuals, dictionaries, inferences and explanations.
The success of this technique depends heavily on the compatibility between the two tag dictionaries being used.
Many sense inventories have been taken from traditional paper-based (and from machine-readable) dictionaries.
Electronic dictionaries covering almost the entire vocabulary are being developed for different languages.
In some instances, the program was used creatively, in combination with external tools such as the users' own dictionaries, knowledge of other languages, or teachers.
The three most crucial explicit lexical instruction and learning strategies are acquiring decontextualised lexis, using dictionaries and inferring from context.
The annotated bilingual corpus is used in our translation aid system that integrates bilingual corpus, mono-lingual corpus and hand-compiled dictionaries.
Such dictionaries are readily available and were used in the construction of our case marker list.
We have also studied how the use of linguistic resources, such as dictionaries and morphological analyzers, improves the tagging performance.
Furthermore, along with the usual information about the meaning of the entries, dictionaries should show how to use words in context.
As we have already mentioned, primitive tasks refer to the basic actions carried out by translators when using dictionaries.
In searching for the best matches, similarity is established by means of word-cooccurrence and part-of-speech information, generalised templates and bilingual dictionaries.
Other rewriting dictionaries may help to substitute correct words for erroneous variants, or to replace synonyms by canonical forms.
Automata are in fact not sufficient to represent these dictionaries, since one also needs to store corresponding codes.
Thus, new versions of the dictionaries seem to suggest that the representation by automata would be less appropriate.
In the case of ten-fold cross validation, each of the twelve dictionaries was divided into ten partitions (folds), as described in the previous section.
In total, twelve different dictionaries are used in this work.
The more widely used 'spellchecker' has now been accepted by most modern dictionaries as the standard term for this item of software.
There is a growing trend to use electronic dictionaries to construct large linguistic knowledge bases.
The archaeology of such biographical dictionaries celebrates scholarship but also exposes pedantry, populism, and commercialism.
Various entries in these dictionaries describe the linear features, sometimes in great detail.
Assessing the effectiveness of monolingual, bilingual, and "bilingualized" dictionaries in the comprehension and production of new words.
No one will miss the photographs found in other dictionaries.
There is a certain amount of chaff here, in the form of articles written out of historical dictionaries, and no shortage of rhetoric.
Indexes, dictionaries, and encyclopedias by the early 17th century took on the form that we now recognize as "proper" to the function of reference material.
I should indeed have liked to discuss the dictionaries as reflections of a cultural standpoint, but that would be an article in itself.
Editors of dictionaries have, of course, to choose some variety of the language as the basis for their pronunciation guides.
Since many such terms are included in dictionaries with a wide appeal, it is imperative that they are both pronounced accurately and used correctly.
As was pointed out above, the need for specialized dictionaries has led various teams of linguists and lexicographers to develop new generations of collocational resources.
In short, the corpus revolution brought dictionaries into the real world.
We would urge all dictionaries to observe that principle in deciding which of two (or more) alternative forms they list as preferred headwords.
Historical dictionaries are just not commercially viable, and have to be subsidized in some way by university research projects.
Since any stylistic method must rely on stylistic codification of some kind, such style markers in dictionaries, grammars, usage texts andfiguresof speech references are discussed.
Such a completely new departure enables direct contact between the people who compile dictionaries and their end-users.
Actually, all the dictionaries come close to the essential meaning, though they scatter their definitions like buckshot and don't hit the bull's eye.
Words once excluded from most dictionaries are researched by the same methods as have been applied to the whole lexis of the language.
Speaking reductively, though not necessarily erroneously, the primary use of dictionaries is for consultation in a question of the definition or spelling of a word.
An issue of increasing importance to modern users of dictionaries is the treatment of technical vocabulary.
Since this context also occurs in the type schemes for the variables, the correct dictionaries will always be passed at occurrences of the variables.
Although this information is useful for sense discrimination, in dictionaries it is typically used only for a small portion of the lexicon.
The source for discovering new knowledge is a non-domainspecific corpus, augmented by using other lexical resources such as domain-specific and general dictionaries.
Unlike in the explicit case, the method dictionaries are packed implicitly with the component values.
A particular case of lexical maps is specially convenient for building invertible morphological operations such as inflected forms dictionaries, using a notion of differential word.
The section ends with a brief note on etymology, including one or two pointers to etymological abbreviations and conventions found in dictionaries.
Many online dictionaries are now backed by corpora.
They describe a system for generating conceptual dictionaries from specialist texts for use by information extraction systems.
In this case, adequate dictionaries or ontologies must be provided.
Rewriting dictionaries in memory-based translation list words, phrases and sentences of a source language together with translations into a target language.
We recall the principle of that method, the construction in practice, and the results of our experiments with large dictionaries.
Entries of dictionaries are often ambiguous, and one needs to associate several of them with a single form.
On the whole, the experiments show the usefulness of automata for the representation of dictionaries.
Rewriting dictionaries in this sense do not specify additional contextual conditions.
The availability of linguistic resources such as corpora or dictionaries has made the application and development of these learning techniques possible.
Finally, it should be noted that terminological dictionaries cannot provide a useful and objective measure of the algorithm's coverage.
Several useful and thorough bibliographies, biographical dictionaries, and discographies were initially published in an attempt to provide future scholars with valuable source information.
The differences in the base totals reflect the different sizes of the dictionaries used by the two spellcheckers.
I found par ticularly compelling his argument that the rise of dictionaries represented growth of an entire larger genre with impor tance for sociolinguists.
Electronic dictionaries abound, so a would-be intruder can easily respond to the password prompt with the whole lexicon.
Many that are not presently found in most dictionaries may soon be recognized if the language continues to develop on its present course.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the world of dictionaries.
All four dictionaries use a range of stylistic and variety labels.
None of the well-known (and very good) learner's dictionaries of the 1970s covered this meaning, and few other dictionaries did either.
Codification suggests the possibility that these forms and their meanings may be brought together in dictionaries and grammars.
Both standard dictionaries and pronunciation dictionaries have come a long way since then, in some if not all respects.
One linguistic area where computers have made important inroads is the compiling of dictionaries.
As a practical strategy, a given pair of mor phemes was regarded as lexicalized when it figured in the standard medium-sized dictionaries.
One has to remember, however, that aids such as bilingual dictionaries usually do not indicate noun countability within a given context.
The subjects were given 11/2 hours to complete the test, including the cloze test, and they were not allowed to use dictionaries.
The issues faced by compilers of bilingual dictionaries, from character sets to sense distinctions, are neatly described.
What started as a plan to supplement these dictionaries became a scheme for producing a wholly new work to be compiled 'on historical principles'.
Corpora have become particularly useful in deciding which words are to be put into dictionaries.
At the moment, the only varieties with official or semi-official orthographies are those with dictionaries.
The -ic and -ical entries and/or examples seem to be more or less equal in number here and in other dictionaries.
Since we are dealing with learners' dictionaries, this kind of 'encoding' information is very important.
Implications for classroom practice and for the design of student dictionaries are discussed.
What is also common to both dictionaries is the emphasis on the collocational properties of the headwords.
Although the dictionaries have been slow to pick up on it, grammarians are now the bad guys of language.
All four of these dictionaries have much in common.
Reviews of dictionaries of all sorts appear frequently, and practicing commercial lexicographers are regular contributors.
A good number from the above list have already found homes in dictionaries, where they are indeed identified as trademarks.
The style is clear, examples are plentiful, and the references to dictionaries and other books for further reading are useful.
Ideally they aim to represent, synchronically, the language as it was spoken or written at any period within the extent of the dictionary's coverage.
Such a procedure is unreliable since dictionaries have unnecessary inclusions as well as reproachable exclusions.
The case study in this chapter deals with the adjective sheer and some of its near-synonyms as given by dictionaries: pure, complete, and absolute.
The word itself gets short shrift in music dictionaries.
From the users' point of view, the more dictionaries are connected together, the more convenient they are to use.
Many neologisms which can in no way be included in print dictionaries are already available in cyberdictionaries.
Large dictionaries with full semantic information are not freely available.
Here are words peculiar to baseball, as well as ordinary words (spitter, receiver, farmhand) the special definitions of which won't be found in most dictionaries.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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