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词汇 example_english_collocation

Examples of collocation

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
As argued mutatis mutandis in note 18 above, the existence of other do + noun collocations is irrelevant.
In the nineteenth century there is some evidence that its use in certain collocations came to be associated with women and children.
In contrast, the relatively low degree of co-activation in stem-particle collocations entails a relatively low degree of cohesion of their constituents.
If we assume that frequent collocations are stored, then we have a way of capturing the intuition that t-to-r is essentially becoming lexicalised.
In the case of the human language processing system, collocations are learnt or compiled by experience, using feedback from language use, performance mistakes, etc.
Collocations like foot the bill and curry favour, whose constituents do not like to be separated, may be termed bound collocations.
Learning by collocations and co-occurrences is the most addressed method in statistical learning of ontological knowledge.
While no instances have been detected for the 20th century, the latest occurrences in the 19th century are preserved in unproductive or nonstandard collocations.
I could, for example, concentrate on collocations with a lexical approach in one of these lessons, and dedicate another session on task-based learning.
Like the collocations, colloquial expressions like this make what you say more emphatic.
Along with the statistical interpretation of the term, in contemporary lexicography and lexicology, an interpretation that stresses the idiosyncratic nature of collocations has gained acceptance.
The misunderstanding confirms the importance of seeing lexical items as phrases (collocations and all), rather than as single-word items.
We rely on these hypotheses to recognize relevant collocations found within our matches, and to assure the coherence of collocations drawn from related matches.
Unlike the former, grammatical collocations involve one element from an open class and an element from a closed class, typically, but not necessarily, a preposition.
Like a learner's dictionary, it also mentions the various grammatical collocations the items enter.
Linguists and lexicographers have paid particular attention to a sub-class of restricted collocations called delexical collocations.
Frequent collocations may also guide children in the first combinations as they move on from one word at a time to longer utterances.
Note, however, that for the calculation of the similarity between candidate combinations and collocations in the training sets, we use the hierarchical information.
Also, no distinction can be made between collocations and free word combinations.
The collocations that the system extracts are learned per corpus.
Therefore, our methodology cannot be used to identify and classify preposition-noun and preposition-verb collocations.
The frequent recurrence of collocations in the ads is not easily reconciled to a consistently generativist model of language.
They survive in phraseological collocations, as in (10), or are indicative of archaic or nonstandard language, as in (11) and (12), respectively.
Textbooks based on corpora may also indicate the frequency of collocations, but not necessarily the appropriateness for a given situation.
Similarly, the lexicographer has real evidence for the presence of individual collocations rather than having only the resource of introspection.
Each page has a sum column on the right for information about pronunciations, abbreviations, collocations, grammar and usage notes, and cross-references.
A similar frequency might also explain why have and make were the most commonly mentioned verbs for which learners claimed collocations with articles.
Chapter 3 presents basic aspects of morphology and word formation, whereas chapter 4 deals with "lexical partnerships," especially collocations, and rudimentary information on language corpora.
However, making reference to collocations means involving them in some sense in the production of novel utterances.
As he put it, the dictionary would provide 'discrete meanings "enlightened" if not almost denned by listed collocations'.
Unlike idioms, restricted collocations do not form one single semantic unit and display some variability.
The fourth category contains the adjectives that can co-occur with the noun to form lexical collocations.
We also find adverb-adjective (stark naked, dead drunk) or verb-object collocations (to command admiration, to pay attention, to make a mistake).
Words which do not normally occur together in other varieties are often found in new collocations.
The register is particularly rich in unusual collocations.
Such collocations are not an idiosyncratic and peripheral phenomenon but a central characteristic of language in use.
The minimal reincorporation proposed here may be subject to pragmatic influences, and presumably requires that a speaker codes certain routine collocations as partly idiomatic.
Both lexical and g rammatical collocations are explicitly highlighted and supported by illustrative examples, as well as phrases and compounds in which a headword occurs.
In the idiosyncratic sense, they would not be considered collocations, but rather recurrent free combinations.
From the viewpoint of the classification of word combinations in terms of collocations, these approaches determine, for a given verbal collocate, a class of bases.
The rules acquired were intended to account for transformations that correspond to co-occurrences, collocations, and collocations with wildcards.
They distinguish between idioms, support-verb constructions and compositional collocations (which are easy to handle and are not discussed further).
Examples can be brought up on screen, with greater context, if this is required, so that colligations and collocations may be examined.
In large segments of written texts, connotations can be studied by examining word co-occurrences (collocations).
She includes knowledge of collocations, idioms, polysemy, and word de®nitions in this category.
Expressions (wear one's heart on one's sleeve), collocations (a crying shame), onomatopoeia (cuckoo), abbreviations (wc), and proper names (hoover) need to be learned.
Presumably, other collocations gained frequency prior to this process ceasing to be productive and that allowed that to participate.
She takes the view that individual morphemes are not stored but that chunks comprising frequent collocations are stored.
The collocations were searched for in the database in sequences where the verb (in any person or tense) was immediately followed by the noun.
The centerpiece is the word as, numbering a variety of collocations now threatened by reinterpretation and extension of meaning.
As can be noted, special attention has been paid to capture noun-verb but also noun-noun collocations.
Various factors need to be taken into account to get a clear picture of collocations, from purely linguistic factors to more statistical phenomena.
He stresses the fundamental distinction between production and understanding and argues that collocations do not pose any serious problems in the understanding process.
Since these collocations are hardly predictable, it is essential that they should be dealt with in specialized dictionaries.
The statistical approach makes it possible to discover another type of collocations, namely what has come to be known as negative polarity items.
Students may not always be able to produce correct and sometimes idiomatic collocations, but they have less difficulty understanding them.
Finally, the fifth and sixth categories contain information on the grammatical collocations.
One useful innovation for major entries is the treatment of word combinations (phrases, compounds, collocations).
The first type entails those more or less fixed lexical associations that are commonly referred to as collocations, illustrated by sentences (17)-(19).
A different approach is needed to account for these types of collocations.
Therefore, they are not collocations (in contrast to, for example, take [a] walk, give [a] hint, etc., which possess all three of the above properties).
The algorithm stops when no new candidates are identified as collocations.
First, we present how lf-specific relations are learned from collocations in the training sets.
The prototypical collocations of the lfs are computed from training data collected for each lf.
In other words, lexical items that form high probability associations are collocations.
Using cor pus analysis, the author investigates the collocations associated with 24 amplifiers.
Would it contribute to a better understanding of either polarity or collocations, and how ?
After filtering the less significant collocations (collocations with less than six occurrences, which represent two-thirds of the whole), we got a network with approximately 31,000 words and seven million collocations.
The term 'train' has unfortunate collocations.
In other words, is the hyperonym in the description of the collocations in the training set whose hierarchy overlaps with that of more than the hierarchies of all other hyperonyms.
The phenomenon of collocations is extremely wide-spread.
About twenty of them capture verb-noun collocations.
Positional analysis of each verb island requires long-term representations of that verb's collocations, and thus this account of grammar acquisition implies vast amounts of long-term knowledge of word sequences.
The next chapter presents a radically empirical look at word combinations that sheds new light on phrasal and prepositional verbs, idiomatic expressions, discourse phrases, and collocations.
Merely using collocations doesn't provide any evidence with respect to this criterion as, by definition, collocations are semantically compositional and can be built up with smaller pieces.
We now turn to two kinds of evidence that speakers have this kind of knowledge: the existence of collocations and distributional facts about the domain of certain linguistic rules.
One implication of the use of statistical techniques is that some of the pairs of items retrieved by these systems are not considered collocations at all by some linguists.
What on earth are collocations?
With overspecified types, possible evidence for including them by this criterion could come from evidence of people making reference to collocations in the creation of new utterances.
Using collocations and selecting the appropriate term is much more difficult and may even be considered as one of the most serious stumbling blocks in language learning.
The process brings together the notion of natural word collocations in language usage to ensure extensive coverage of potential adjectives and a linguistically informed rule set to remove inappropriate selections.
Though adjectival and verbal passive participles are morphologically identical, they are syntactically quite different, and this is reflected in a syntactic difference between the two 'get + passive participle' collocations.
The analysis of reasonable in chap. 4 includes the collocations reasonable man, doubt, force, care, time, amount, in addition to the general discussion of reasonable vs. unreasonable.
We have used a collocation between two content words to illustrate the translation process.
Do higher values of p and p result for the iterated collocation solution uit h based on uh ?
In particular, this general strong formulation could be interesting for a numerical approximation algorithm based on finite differences or collocation methods.
His "doubts" are collected under five headings: vocabulary, phrases and collocations, grammatical constructions, clarity, and stylistic consistency, in each case setting literary quotations under scrutiny.

This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
However, the frequent lexical collocation that grammaticizes first actually propels the new option, in this case zero, through the grammar.
I n all cases, the converged collocation solutions are in perfect agreement with the exact solutions for all spacings tested.
The method of resolution briefly described here performs better than the collocation method.
A clean +1 range is not seen and would require a resolution of well over one million collocation points.
Relaxing the collocation conditions, it is possible to obtain explicit methods.
In the subsequent sections we shall then focus on collocation methods for such problems.
In theory, collocations can be performed by inverting the determining equations starting from the desired time period.

This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
The collocations will need to be screened based on both the time and length scales of the phenomenon of interest.

This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
Phraseological collocations should not be confused with idioms, where meaning is derived, whereas collocations are mostly compositional.

This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
If none of the rules fires, it may be that the nominalization is part of a collocation.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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