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词汇 example_english_closure

Examples of closure

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Invariant measures and orbit closures on homogeneous spaces for actions of subgroups generated by unipotent elements.
Since the calculus of deductive closures is infeasible, the partisans of ' 'syntax-dependent' ' belief revision consider knowledge spaces made up of a limited number of sentences.
Other closures may originate from applications of primitive functions to type-incompatible arguments or from applications which have terms other than functions in function positions.
He used contexts - evaluators defined over a universal domain representing closures (delayed evaluations) - and relied on performing complex series of simplifications to the contexts.
We distinguish cases according to the structure of u, with several subcases for closures and compositions.
No stationary or zero characteristic exists for the fn (n odd) truncation, revealing that the even and odd closures are fundamentally different.
When we use notions like units, divisional closures, and so on, we refer to the multiplicative monoid (when nothing else is stated).
Operationally, these are closures occurring within twelve months of the exit of the founder-entrepreneur.
Succession-related closures are highest in individual-owned firms, 57 % of which closed.
In this study, succession accounted for more closures than any other factor.
Explicit substitutions appear in terms in the form of closures which have a direct realization in the abstract machine.
The l e t r e c builds a pair of closures, each of which points to the other.
The actual pair could very well be a pair of delay closures, and in that case the result will be further evaluated.
When garbage collection is initiated, all live closures are copied from one semi-space to (one end of) the other.
The type system also makes clear the relationship between heap allocation and stack allocation of continuation closures, capturing both allocation strategies in a single calculus.
We have decided to type terms using contexts to simplify the definition of closures afterwards.
We feel that higher order functions (and the use of closures) would make the analyses and the implementation much more complex.
Parallelism allows us to explain a whole functional computation as an assembly of individual processes that represent components such as closures, continuations, and function invocations.
However, in the event of such closures, people converted their houses into taverns in secret to continue business.
The duration of all stop closures was measured as well as the percentage of consonant sequences in which the first consonant was audibly released.
Duration of individual consonant closures can be measured in the intervocalic contexts and in clusters with an intervening internal release (236 tokens).
In the event, the initial timeframe announced for mill closures and reductions in the cane area seems to have been abandoned.
Closed pieces are said to be the closures of the pieces.
Moreover, these arcs have the property that the closures n converge to the point z in the prime end compactification as n goes to infinity.
The irreducible components are the closures of the periodic points they contain, + + and each periodic point lies in some component.
The closures are introduced in formulating the application in a lazy functional language.
Intuitively, intersection types model the analysis of functions in multiple contexts, while union types model sets of abstract closures.
The payoff for this, for example, is a much simpler typing for closures in a typed compiler intermediate language.
Sands (1990, 1995) introduces cost closures to reason about higher-order functions.
Moreover, currying and partial applications are comfortable tools to generate abstractions (closures), since for beginners they are easier to use than the lambda constructs.
There have been no reports of closures of foreign-owned factories, but few have been able to avoid a slowdown in production.
Between 1991 and 1994 the number of inspections remained constant, however, as the table indicates, the number of closures started to decline again from 1993.
Table 3 shows the number of closures in the first half of 1990s.
Here, we shall invoke the simplest of all closures : the gradient transport hypothesis, together with ensemble-average factorization.
The number of unilateral left-eye and right-eye closures was recorded for three periods of 2 min at 5-min intervals.
His studies show diagrams based on palatograms and linguagrams of the articulatory position of these clusters, suggesting that they have simultaneous closures.
Like the institutions from which it derives, of course, conditional closures are also relatively enduring.
The first decompilation phase decompiles the closures appearing inside environments and stacks.
The next two rules (4.6, 4.7) illustrate the construction of closures which do not contain the current stack.
We give only the rule for entering non-undatable closures; the rule for updatable closures is given in section 5.6.
However, not all nodes have an immediately identifiable construction because they represent closures which have yet to be reduced to normal form.
Our optimising compiler uses strictness analysis to avoid the use of closures, employing in-line evaluation or call-by-value wherever possible.
The large cache lines transferred on remote reads contain evaluated closures and sparked but unevaluated closures, as expected.
If the compiler supports first-class functions (closures), functors can be translated to functions from structure representations to structure representations and compiled only once.
The two groups interact through the rule for closures.
The key to connected normal form, then, is to push all linking inwards as far as possible, including closures.
We shall be concerned with fundamental sets whose closures are parallelopipeds.
Each of these closures consists of an info pointer, and a field for each of its free variables.
Sequences across different places of articulation were all produced with two simultaneous closures for about 20% of the total cluster duration.
The closures of those disks will be our secondary bubbles.
The number of firm closures will depend on excess production in the industry.
Notwithstanding the ad hoc nature of the manner in which econometricians identify such structural changes, the closures involved appear to be local closures after all.
The second section develops a critique of the claim that mainstream economics theorizes closures that do not, in reality, exist.
If demi-regularities exist to be uncovered, then, evidently, social closures do exist after all.
Since we can now handle closures as code instructions, we just proceed to evaluate % in an environment fn(id).
All heap-allocated closures are at least two words long to leave enough space for a forwarding pointer.
Not only may this move the heap pointer unpredictably, but it may trigger garbage collection, which may rearrange the relative positions of the closures.
Partial applications are treated as irreducible (or as being in weak normal form) and converted into closures.
In subsequent reduction steps, these closures may or may not pick up the missing arguments to become full applications and thus reducible.
They are wonderfully, shamelessly vapid; closures which declare their own narrative and aesthetic short-comings.
Similarly, by performing the respective closures on relations that correlate a pair of concepts of the same set, we enforce their consistency.
First, the regulatory regime may grant exemptions for plant closures.
A cluster was counted as released if there was evidence, in either the waveform or spectrogram, of a release burst between the two closures.
The supply of care staff (without nursing qualifications) was identified as affecting closures in just under half the areas.
Three linked studies were undertaken in order to investigate home closures.
Nevertheless, it is clear that to maximise welfare, the number of closures should be minimised.
From the end of the nineteenth century, formal or informal closures of the commons and wastes reduced the supply of home-grown wool.
Invariant measures and orbit closures for actions of subgroups generated by unipotent elements.
In general the proportion of primary closures has risen as perioperative management, particularly ventilatory support has improved.
Thirdly, the argument may be generalized to the full sequence of closures obtained by neglecting the effects of cumulants above some order.
Measurements of intra-oral air pressure between the alveolar and the velar closures show that pressure falls before the velar release.
By all routes, the number of case closures came to exceed openings.
The main use of this new notion is in typing closures.
Each implementation is effectively a higher-order function, parameterised on one or more closures representing units of work that could be performed in parallel.
Unlike the semantics of the previous sections, it uses closures, rather than a substitution primitive, to link variables to their values.
Reducing expressions to closures means that our replacement for does not suffice to reduce all expressions to closures.
A type-directed transformation uses this information to translate a higher-order functional language to an abstract machine with instructions for manipulating both closures and stacks.
The next two rules (4.8, 4.9) treat application involving non-recursive function closures.
Most values are represented by a pointer to a heap object, including all data structures, function closures, and thunks.
In particular, higher-order values may be first-order simulated by use of the list constructor 'cons' to build function closures.
Not only are call-backs easily implemented by means of closures, but we have also found that closures are handy to implement pre-existing data structure visualization.
However, call-by-value languages can also benefit from lambda lifting by reducing the number of variables in closures.
Typically, the non-compliance costs can be increased by increasing the severity of penalties or utilizing sanctions such as facility closures.
On the other, recent closures of university music departments have done little for morale and the status of the discipline across the higher education community.
Physical obstructions, concrete blocks, trenches, and pits make internal movement difficult, as do frequent curfews and closures.
The magazine also predicted that closures would accelerate, possibly leading to a shortage of supply if the transition period was too short.
Detailed microstructural analyses and grain-scale measurements are carried out on two major fold closures and their limbs to understand the role of various deformation mechanisms.
Exploration acreage is too valuable to evaluate solely in terms of structural closures; the more so as high oil prices seem here to stay.
However, closures are naturally typed in any typed -calculus, using standard type systems.
The next two rules illustrate the handling of recursive function closures by pushing a binding for the recursive function onto the stack.
However, the effect of substituting answers is that unevaluated arguments in the environment of closures are duplicated.
Intermediate base values are held in the environment component of closures on the stack during the computation.
Families have protested hospital bed closures and pushed for community treatment orders and community support services.
Without a broadly based consumer or family lobby until the 1980s, community and union protests over hospital closures prevailed over community care advocates.
Many unnecessary traversals could be avoided with a runtime mechanism that tags closures to indicate their evaluation degree.
As we have said, in the actual implementation updates are always made by indirections and all update-able closures have enough space for storing an indirection.
In the eval/apply model, closures may contain additional information.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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