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词汇 example_english_classroom

Examples of classroom

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The 15 classrooms were situated in two buildings : one for younger children aged 4- 6 years and the other for 7-11 year olds.
Given the increased use of multimedia classrooms, more research is needed in this area.
Student reactions to teacher response in multiple-draft composition classrooms.
A total of 20 dyads from second and fifth g rade classrooms with transitional bilingual prog rammes were selected.
In research through the mid 1970s classrooms were seen primarily as sites of educational delivery.
The role of reflective conversations and feedback in helping preservice teachers lear n to use cooperative activities in their second language classrooms.
In curriculum enactment, what happens in classrooms is the core of curriculum.
Through a focus on the discourses of collaborating teachers in secondary school classrooms, the paper analyses teachers' and students' interactions within their wider socio-political context.
Language learning current research compared interaction in classrooms and laboratories.
Negotiation of form, recasts and explicit cor rection in relation to error types and learner repair in immersion classrooms.
Studies have shown that teacher research has a profound effect on those who have done it, in some cases transforming classrooms and schools.
How can we promote transfer of learning from our classrooms to the contexts in which students will be using the language?
All testing was carried out in a quiet room in the children's school, except for the spelling test, which was conducted in their classrooms.
However, classrooms, not individuals, should have served as the level of analysis.
The reality in classrooms, of course, is different.
What the neighborhood perceives as its needs are typically satisfied by buildings that are residential homes, without the expected open land, classrooms, or additional facilities.
Presently schools are places where children ®nd empty classrooms, absentee teachers, or teachers sitting in the staff rooms, waiting for their pay.
There was also recognition that classrooms, because they lacked sound-absorbing materials, were poor listening environments for music.
They got more oral practice than in other foreign language classrooms, where pupils are often called on to respond individually and therefore not very often.
Because these noises are likely to be quite common in some classrooms, children may have a difficult time understanding a teacher's instructions.
Researcher observation in the classrooms from which the children were drawn indicated that the teachers' practice was consistent with this approach.
Negotiation of form, recasts, and explicit correction in relation to error types and learner repair in immersion classrooms.
Teaching, at least in its more formal sense, includes the interaction of faculty and students in schools and classrooms, explaining and discussing ideas.
A professor, for example, is not simply a body moving next to books, committees, classrooms, and students.
They had been portrayed as students who demonstrated behavioural problems in their music classrooms, displaying neither creative nor general music ability.
The reading instruction followed a literature-based approach in five of the classrooms and a systematic phonics approach in four classrooms.
Unfortunately, the importance of such pragmatic development is not always emphasized in traditional classrooms.
A framework for examining book reading in early childhood classrooms.
Teachers of 45 classrooms (approximately 1,100 pupils altogether) selected and nominated from their groups the poorest readers.
The classrooms are divided by an ambitious and rather heavy movable ply wall, emphasizing one aspect of the nature/technology theme.
In each year of data collection, at least 90% of children in the targeted classrooms participated in the study.
In the control condition, there were 446 children in 210 first-grade classrooms.
The 2nd week's inter- choice procedure would have overdetermined view was based in part on information ob- sociometric status in those classrooms.
Of the 267 students in these classrooms, a total of 224 (84%) participated in the study.
When poverty is considered by itself in the studies of variation in levels of poverty in first grade, 41 classrooms are included.
Thus, the three exposure variables for the 289 teachers/ classrooms were subjected to a k-means iterative clustering procedure.
In other words, the research team decided to explore the pattern of implementation of the intervention components across classrooms.
Participants were recruited through children's public school classrooms.
However, during instructional class time there is no signal transmitted to the classrooms for many administrative reasons.
Four of the nine treatment classrooms were randomly selected for additional teacher consultation sessions subsequent to lesson observations.
Because no significant differences between the treatment groups were found at posttest, the nine treatment classrooms were combined for all analyses.
Naturalistic observations were carried out in the two classrooms over a 10-week period during the spring semester of the academic year.
Each child participated separately, in a small experimental room near the nursery school classrooms.
They were tested individually in a quiet area adjacent to their classrooms.
We suggest that these results might be accounted for by the context in which input is processed in immersion school classrooms.
The first two distinctions are taught in language classrooms, but the semantic restrictions on the generic-specific interpretation are not.
She extends the game metaphor by detailing six game strategies that were practiced in each of the classrooms.
Neither classrooms nor common living spaces were provided with sufficient daylight or adequate ventilation systems.
The paperback edition will be useful supplementary reading in classrooms.
The test sessions were arranged in small classrooms, familiar to all of the children.
Music classrooms are no exception to this, the sociocultural school rule.
In both classrooms, more unplanned than planned words were explicitly taught.
Lear ner uptake was generally high and successful - to a much greater extent than has been reported for immersion classrooms.
However, the author conclused that there remains a huge gap between the policy arena and the practical reality of classrooms and schools.
Understanding language classrooms: a guide for teacher-initiated action.
In contrast to assessment in school classrooms less is known about the practice of teachers at tertiar y level.
Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings.
Entire classrooms in each school were tested, and a total of 777 students, 399 male and 378 female, was examined.
They would also be asked to reflect upon their experiences with texts not only in classrooms but also in their other communities.
The increased diversification of classrooms in recent years has placed additional demands upon teachers who strive to facilitate the learning and participation of all pupils.
In process-based, learner-centred classrooms, for instance, it is seen as an important developmental tool moving learners through multiple drafts towards the capability for effective selfexpression.
To what extent should teachers give a place to other languages in their classrooms and what should the medium of instruction be?
Ironically, the functional syllabus, as it was taken up in many language classrooms, was also a synthetic syllabus.
English in classrooms: only write down what you need to know: annotation for what?
First, bilingual books are a powerful teaching tool of great value in multilingual classrooms.
An emphasis on content, research, and practice supported by integrated, state-of-the-art technology prepares graduates of the foreign language education programme to lead twentyfirst century classrooms.
Five case studies of bilingual pupils engaged in learning activities in monolingual primary classrooms are presented as evidence for their creative thinking and learning.
By now translation is a bad guy if you are a serious foreign language teacher, but can we banish it out of our classrooms altogether?
The first stage of the programme was to build primary school classrooms.
The question had become whether natural scientific research could continue to flourish without the ideologies associated with these fields dominating the secondary school classrooms.
The book is divided into three parts: the students, the classrooms, and the programs.
In essence, there exists a process of cocreation or coconstruction of identity in these chat communities, classrooms, and written assignments.
The research ®ndings support a set of principles based on the effective practice of teaching composing in classrooms.
All participants were tested in large group fashion in their public school or university classrooms.
Children from two other classrooms at the same school were assigned to the /k/ condition.
At first glance it is possible to assume that the external blinds provide rather poor shading to the classrooms.
Table 3 shows attack rates for classes grouped by the number of episodes of vomiting occurring within the relevant classrooms.
Positive learning was only observed to result from classrooms which were positive cognitive and social learning environments.
At all other ages, the percent of the total variance in the disruptiveness that is between classrooms is much smaller, varying from 3 to 14%.
In subsequent years into middle school the aggressive children were quite possibly placed in poor performing, bad behaving classrooms.
Of the 41 classrooms, 23 were in the lower free lunch category and 18 were higher free lunch category.
Despite these procedures, by the end of first quarter, classrooms within schools differed markedly in levels of aggressive behavior.
Frequencies of liked-most and liked-least nominations for each child were standardized within classrooms.
The study adopted a grounded theory methodology moving through three phases in different nursery classrooms.
The college students involved in the project also benefited from that approach to teaching and would often replicate it in their own classrooms.
In addition, students frequently continued working after the closing bell, also very atypical behavior in other geometry classrooms.
When we in music education take these critical tools into our classrooms to teach and learn about gendered power in music, we are often stymied.
Sensitive intervention of this kind is greatly facilitated in classrooms where group discussion approaches are used.
In the school, teaching takes place in purpose-built or adapted classrooms where equipment is plentiful and space adequate.
Two of the most eloquent and joyous filters are those of the entrance and the classrooms.
In this section, we will review investigations examining pragmatic learning outside and inside of classrooms, leaving interventionist research for later discussion.
Tests were administered class by class in the participants' own classrooms.
The vast majority of school classrooms, with too little ventilation, too much artificial lighting and heating, are not as beneficial as they could be.
The project incorporates two new classrooms with a new main entrance, cloakroom and lavatories.
A location south of the existing classrooms provided a good connection to the existing school without prejudicing the existing classrooms.
In a six-bay cluster, three conventional classrooms can be adapted to form two one-and-a-half bay classrooms.
Consistent with the previously reported findings, a majority of students at urban sites experienced at least 2 years of exposure to high-aggression classrooms 60%!.
As predicted, large urban schools serving many economically disadvantaged children were characterized by a preponderance of classrooms with high rates of student aggression.
In addition, all children attended regular classrooms, although 12% of the sample was in classrooms with younger classmates because of grade retention.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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