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词汇 example_english_approximate

Examples of approximate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
An advantage of such constructive approaches is that they may suggest algorithmic approaches for approximating the resulting integral.
The goal is to find the simplest possible algorithm that approximates the observed results.
The age distribution for migrants approximated a normal distribution and the ages of positive migrant individuals was not significantly different from this distribution.
An ontology indirectly reflects this commitment (and the underlying conceptualization) by approximating these intended models.
The actors are happy with their scripts, and the performances themselves tend to lead to something approximating 'optimal challenge'.
Alternatively, the information can be summarized, approximated or otherwise processed on its way up the tree to reduce the information load.
Of course, supplementary variables can be continuous, but they can be approximated by variables with a phase-type distribution.
The parameterisation concerns the generalised coordinates that are approximated using cubic splines.
The biped joint coordinates are approximated by cubic splines functions connected at uniformly distributed knots along the motion time.
The mass distribution is approximated by two stations at either end of the link.
A series of universes increasingly approximates biological paradise.
The curve approaches a plateau value which approximates the absolute percentage of the merozoites which were invasive at the start of the invasion assay.
The version discussed is the classical version of this mechanism, assuming that the fixed charges are distributed and can be approximated as a smeared layer.
However, the total scattered distribution f s is not very well approximated by f in shape at early times nor in amplitude at all times !
Ensembles are probably the class of algorithms which best approximates our conditions for adjudication.
The degree to which the data is approximated by the counts formulated via the model is called the fit of the model.
As another illustration of action constructs, we consider how countable nondeterminism can be approximated by means of binary choice and recursion.
Snacks formalize the idea of approximating sets of maximal elements of a given domain by giving an outer bound and specific information about individual elements.
The frequency modulator repeats a function that approximates the frequency change for one average trill cycle as shown in figure 15.
One of the heuristics incorporated in the new algorithm approximates resolution of definite anaphora.
The assumption that (logarithmic) returns are well approximated by a normal distribution is more questionable.
We then plot the time paths of the resulting estimated exact aggregate and the two approximating statistical index numbers.
Especially the noise is approximated by means over these subintervals, which gives well-defined real-valued random variables.
Even so, the interval between potentially significant eclipse events frequently approximates 52 years.
The equations have been approximated by a central finite difference scheme of second order.
The theoretical model almost approximates the experimental points but at the focus it breaks down as it has an asymptotic nature with 1/r2 dependence.
The spectra can be roughly approximated by single temperature distributions for each intensity.
Measures are mathematical functions that describe intended objects, and mathematical functions for approximating utility functions.
There is nothing approximating automaticity in this correction.
0 approximating the object's initial sur face configuration and a differential equation defining the movement course of every sur face point.
The same duality arguments apply if z and g are solutions of operator equations that are approximated by solutions z and - g of corresponding discretizations.
The final point that needs to be discussed is how well continuous maps can be approximated by combinatorial multivalued maps.
However, they present an efficient algorithm for the ferromagnetic case, which approximates the partition function, provided that the system is consistent.
The ribs were approximated with a single 2-0 silk tie, the subcutaneous muscle layer was repaired, and the skin closed.
Curved bodies are usually approximated by small flat facets before they are rendered.
The multidimensional hydrological service is made analytically tractable by approximating it as a change in baseflow, an index simulated with a waterbalance model.
Note i=1 that all trajectories can be approximated as straight lines by means of local linearization.
If q < 3 then the volume of the approximating steady states would increase to infinity, as the singular time approached, which is an impossibility.
Thus, they can be approximated pointwise from above by continuous functions.
Of course, usually smooth maps can be approximated by real-analytic ones.
They used arguments of bounded distortion for approximating these nonlinear maps by self-affine transformations.
A compact operator can be, spectrally speaking, well approximated by finite-dimension operators.
Anteriorly the alveolar segments are approximated using elastic strapping from cheek to cheek across the upper lip.
The variation of susceptibility with direction is represented by a 3-3 symmetric tensor and is approximated by a triaxial ellipsoid.
Thus, as long as a vortex is passively convecting downstream, its speed is well approximated by the arithmetic mean of the two free-stream velocities.
Like all language standards, it approximates to an ideal, and is not absolute.
Only approximating functions which provide for appropriate function continuity across interfaces with adjoining finite elements are admissible to the discretization of a finite element.
After truncation a t finite terms the equations are approximated by finite differences in i j with smaller grids for smaller ij.
An analytical expression can be obtained if the selection response is approximated by the product of the variance with the selection gradient on the mean.
With strong selection or tight linkage, linkage disequilibria may be significant ; these can be approximated by assuming a short-term balance between gene flow and recombination.
The variance- covariance matrix of the estimated parameters is then approximated by the inverse of the information matrix.
Mating success was measured as the number of matings a male could achieve under conditions closely approximating a regular culture vial of these populations.
We ^ say that z is approximated by small cycles.
The approximating (trial) spaces can be the spans of specific approximating functions (shape functions), with either global or local supports.
Typical finite element approximating functions and spline functions have local supports.
There are several ways in which these formulae may be approximated to yield a practical refinement indicator.
Another type of approximating function is related to interpolation and data fitting procedures.
However, the migration can also be done by approximating the migrating individual's representation with a "similar" one in the representation of the receiving subpopulation.
To make our solver powerful enough for real-world applications, some nonlinear constraints are approximated through formulation of a set of linear constraints.
Error bars represent the 12n5-87n5 % confidence intervals, approximating 1 standard error.
Indeed, the result of the on-line partial-evaluation computations has been approximated and is available statically.
A competitive threshold is approximated by eq, which also acts as a persistence threshold for the wild-type.
In this way the circular geometry of the end effector can be better approximated by a limited number of planar sections.
We first approximated the human motion with a sinusoidal signal.
I do say, however, that if this is not exactly the line described by a falling body, it certainly approximates it extraordinarily closely.
Large t -ratios reveal the characteristics that are not well approximated.
By repeating this experiment, one can follow the cross-sectional distribution over time and investigate whether it can be accurately approximated with a finite-order exponential.
5.6 days pre-death, approximating closely to the quality of death and dying.
Our phytate estimate is based on a model phytate that we believe approximates what is found in seeds.
A basic intuition in approximation theory is that a consistent pair (x, y) approximates an element by a lower and an upper bound.
Due to the exactness condition, a three-valued aggregate relation approximates exactly one aggregate relation.
The response curve is approximated by a second order polynomial.
All non-monotonic elements of the program are approximated by monotone constructs.
The interference with an optimal path, approximated by the acceleration lines, is detected using obstacle shadows, as is demonstrated in an example in this paper.
Inference and model comparison for species accumulation functions using approximating pure birth processes.
The following definition provides a condition assuring that a specification correctly approximates successes of constraint predicates.
When sodium-dependent action potentials were present, the size of the receptive field approximated the size of the anatomical dimensions of the dendritic spread.
The hyperpolarization was largest when stimulus spots approximated the size of the receptive-field center, and diminished substantially for larger spots.
As a rule, the form of the contrast 0 response curves for center and surround approximated mirror images of each other.
Otherwise, there is no general recipe for choosing the structural parameters for the mechanism that approximates a given path.
Basing decisions regarding health care on scientific knowledge is again approximating excellence to health care policy and management.
We will show that pairwise linkage disequilibria can be approximated as being in a balance between dispersal and recombination.
The overall log-likelihood is approximated by the sum of the log-likelihoods across ' loci ' multiplied by the factor of (kk1)\\k.
We prove that can be approximated by ergodic measures supported on hyperbolic horseshoes with arbitrarily large unstable dimensions.
Clearly the limit family is not of the same constant type as the approximating families.
We alternate each time between perturbations to the left and to the right, such that the limit is approximated (alternating) two-sided.
There are no experimental results for any flow which approximates the unique flow situation developed here.
On-time developmental milestones may thus be approximated at the cost of the child's initiative.
One would expect that, in most cases, intestinal absorption (and absorption from skin, intramuscular and intraperitoneal) could be approximated by a gamma distribution.
What perhaps more nearly approximates to a consensus was a joint commitment to the mixed economy.
A new and heterogeneous image can then appear that approximates historical reality more than the still-dominant narrowly scoped impressions of events.
The surgical mortality of the reported cases approximates 20%.
We have also made no further progress on deciding how well the constant term f0 of the flow polynomial can be approximated.
In order to achieve reasonable computation procedures, random variables must be approximated by truncated series.
Non-human nouns, however, can behave like human nouns when they are seen as approximating the human-noun prototype.
Our approximating solutions have been constructed in the sense of following definition.
We have shown, by using formal asymptotics, that the geometric propagation law can be approximated in an appropriate sense by a fourth-order parabolic equation.
The semi-classical ground energy cannot be approximated by quantum ground energies.
The model critically assumes that real-world biophysical and technological parameters can be adequately approximated through linear relationships.
The model approximates the motion of the regularized vortex sheet qualitatively well after it begins rolling up.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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