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词汇 etiological

Examples of etiological

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Genetic and environmental early insults to brain development are etiological determinants of the disorder.
Finally, a disorder that may possess etiological links to prefrontal cortex impairment is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Empirical assessment instruments carry no assumptions about biological substrates, environmental influences, or etiological origins of a given behavioral profile.
In this case the question was what the etiological sequence leading to a disorder, schizophrenia, was that did not appear until late adolescence.
Results suggest the possibility of etiological differences between depressive symptoms in childhood and in adolescence.
Moreover, it is apparent that there are etiological subgroups within any given disease that obscure effects at the broader group level.
This could, in part, explain the failure to support the etiological role of early temperament and neuropsychological variables.
These limitations notwithstanding, the results from our study have some general methodological, etiological, and clinical implications.
To do so, one must first recognize and acknowledge the limitations of intervention research to inform developmental theory and etiological theory.
The simple course of neurodevelopmental abnormality with which this paper started does not do justice to the richness of etiological interactions.
The correlated factors model provides information on etiological issues at two levels, each represented by a different type of statistic.
Only this approach will permit the progression to other kinds of research, such as etiological studies on environmental factors and genetic studies.
With all the other etiological influences being equal, such susceptibility genes increase the likelihood of that trait as a developmental outcome.
They conclude that their results are compatible with an independent familial transmission of the disorders with co-morbidity caused by non-familial etiological factors.
Psychometric evidence that mercury from silver dental fillings may be an etiological factor in depression, excessive anger, and anxiety.
With so many brain changes, but few of general etiological significance, no discrete neural theory of schizophrenia has survived the test of time.
Fatiguing illnesses are widely assumed to possess considerable phenotypic and etiological heterogeneity.
Most etiological theories suggest that the disorder develops from some combination of biological or temperamental predisposition and a toxic family environment.





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