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释义 | Computer conceptsSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. 2FA 2SV 3-D printing adaptive learning additive manufacturing address address book addressable addressable memory addy aeroplane mode AI airplane mode algo algorithm alias annotate annotation annotator archive artificial intelligence artificial language ASCII assign atomicity augmented intelligence augmented reality autonomic back end backend stack backspace backup backward compatible bar code big data bit blockchain boot botnet buffer bug buggy bulletin board bursty byte cad captology capture caret CGI check box checkout checksum click click out clone cloud cloud computing command compatibility compatible compatibly computer science computer scientist computer-aided design computer-generated imagery computing confabulate confabulation configuration configure connectivity copy copy someone in copy someone in on something corrupt corruption crash credential CRM crowdfund crowdfunder crowdfunding crowdsource crowdsourcing crypto cryptocurrency customer relationship management cyber hygiene cyberattack cyberbully cyberbullying cyberlaw cyberwarfare dark mode dark theme data capture data dump data farming data processing data science data scientist data scraping data visualization database databased dataset deep learning deep tech default default to something desktop dial something up digital digital age digital signature display document documentation down download downloadable downtime dumb e-paper EDI electronic electronic footprint electronic publishing end to endphrase enter erasable erase erasure Ethernet executable extension federated field file file extension file sharing filename filter filterable flight mode floating-point operations per second FLOPS fly-by-wire folder front end frontend stack GenAI generative AI gibibyte gig gigabyte gigaflop global search go go down GPT graphic graphical user interface greedy GUI hacking hallucinate hallucination hallucinatory happy path haptic haptics HCI help screen heuristic hex hexadecimal hill climbing home automation hotspot hypertext icon importation infection information age information retrieval information security information superhighway information technology infosec initialize input interface internet internet dating inventory IP it jailbreak jailbroken K, k KB keyword kibibyte kilobyte latency library live streamer load lock lock someone out lossless lossy low-fi machine learning mail merge masthead MB mebibyte meg megabyte megaflop megapixel menu menu bar menu option menu-driven migrate migration misfile mobile hotspot monotasking mouse mouse over something multimedia multisystem multitasking munging natural language processing nest NFT night mode NLP non-electronic non-fungible token notspot OCR offline omnidirectional online online dating optical optical character recognition optical storage optically P2P packet palette parallel processing passkey passphrase password pebibyte peer-to-peer petabyte petaflop ping platform pop up portable hotspot portrait preload process processable processed processing processing power programmatic prompt prompt engineer prompt engineering protocol pull-down menu quadric quantum computer quantum computing qubit queue queuing raster rasterization rasterize read-only readable real-time reboot reconfigure redisplay reimage relational database resize RFID rip rule-based scan scrape scraping screen time screencap screenshot search box see selection box serialization serialize simulation singularity sinkhole sinkholing skin slide show smart smart TV stack stand-alone statically streamer string style sheet subfile submenu superhighway supermind swipe swipe card system systems analysis tagging TB tebibyte technical support telematic telematics telerobotics template terabyte teraflop tether tethered tethering texture texturing threading thumbnail tick box timesharing token tokenization tokenize tooltip train trained training transcode transcoding Trojan horse tuple Turing Machine Turing test two-factor authentication two-step verification UI unbuffered undelete unprocessed unsearchable unsmart unsubscribe untrained up user interface utility computing vector vectorization vectorize verbosity virtual virtual memory virtual reality virtuality virtualization virtualize virtually voice-activated VPN VR wake word wallpaper wan Wayback Machine web hosting web scraping what you see is what you getidiom wi-fi wild card window word processing WYSIWYG Y2K YouTube |