词汇 | thesaurus_well-mannered |
释义 | well manneredThese are words and phrases related to well mannered. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of well mannered. POLITEThey were quiet, well mannered children. Synonyms and examplespolite He was always such a polite child. courteous Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous. respectful He was respectful towards his elders. chivalrous He held open the door in that chivalrous way of his. civil Try to at least be civil towards him even if you don't like him. civilized Let's discuss this in a civilized manner. Antonym and examplerude The service representative was so rude. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of well mannered. Learn more Someone who is polite behaves in a way that is socially correct and shows respect and care for other people. well mannered | American Thesauruswell-manneredadjective These are words and phrases related to well-mannered. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PLEASINGSynonymsfriendly affable amiable congenial genial cheerful good-natured good-humored polite mannerly pleasing pleasurable gratifying satisfying enjoyable gladdening delightful amusing diverting entertaining attractive agreeable inviting likable winning captivating charming fascinating Antonymsdispleasing unpleasant unpleasurable unattractive disagreeable distasteful disgusting unlikable URBANESynonymsurbane suave elegant polished debonair smooth sophisticated cosmopolitan civilized refined cultivated gracious courtly gallant genteel chivalrous gentlemanly diplomatic tactful politic courteous polite mannerly civil well-bred Antonymscrude coarse rough rude boorish unrefined unpolished uncultivated unsophisticated tactless discourteous impolite rustic cloddish countrified provincial PERSONABLESynonymspersonable agreeable affable having a pleasing personality likable friendly outgoing sociable amiable warm cordial charming attractive pleasant complaisant tactful diplomatic amicable sympathetic well-disposed Antonymsunpleasant surly ill-natured sullen rude discourteous FINISHEDSynonymscultivated urbane exquisite well-bred trained polished finished faultless flawless consummate accomplished skilled impeccable elegant refined beautiful shapely well-set classic ideal Antonymsgreen callow raw inexperienced unskilled unrefined inelegant inartistic rough rude coarse crude CIVILSynonymscivil polite courteous mannerly respectful gentlemanly affable gracious cordial neighborly amiable obliging conciliatory genial decorous civilized Antonymsuncivil impolite rude discourteous ill-mannered unmannerly uncordial ungracious ORDERLYSynonymsorderly disciplined restrained controlled well-behaved civil quiet proper peaceable peaceful tractable law-abiding Antonymsundisciplined chaotic uncontrolled unregulated riotous GOODSynonymsgood dutiful obedient proper seemly decorous well-behaved orderly Antonymsimproper unseemly ill-mannered indecorous naughty mischievous |