词汇 | thesaurus_wantonness |
释义 | wantonnessnoun These are words and phrases related to wantonness. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of wantonness. CONCUPISCENCESynonymsconcupiscence sexual desire lechery lustfulness lust randiness lasciviousness lewdness libertinism lecherousness libidinousness prurience lubricity satyrism horniness Slang goatishness Slang hot pants Slang itch Slang passion desire craving longing appetite FRIVOLITYSynonymsthoughtlessness abandon frivolity giddiness flightiness levity lightness emptiness folly triviality frippery fickleness flippancy airiness dallying play whimsy sport jest fun Antonymsseriousness staidness sedateness gravity solemnity soberness earnestness ABANDONSynonymsrecklessness impulsiveness impetuosity spontaneity abandon unrestraint freedom immoderation intemperance enthusiasm gusto élan exuberance spirit dash verve ardor animation Antonymsrestraint control caution prudence moderation tameness deliberation VICESynonymsvice sexual immorality debauchery depravity corruption iniquity wickedness profligacy degeneracy licentiousness Antonymsvirtue good morals morality |