词汇 | thesaurus_vexation |
释义 | vexationnoun These are words and phrases related to vexation. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of vexation. BOTHERSynonymshindrance impediment worry responsibility care aggravation irritation bother inconvenience problem trouble difficulty hardship strain stress load tax onus encumbrance nuisance trial affliction drag Slang headache Informal pain in the neck Informal fuss disturbance commotion tumult stir ado flurry rumpus racket Antonymsconvenience help aid solution answer cinch pleasure delight comfort ANGERSynonymsindignation resentment exasperation petulance irritation annoyance displeasure umbrage disapprobation anger rage outrage fury wrath ire temper gall bile choler spleen pique dander antagonism animosity hostility hatred enmity acrimony ill temper hot temper Antonymslove liking fondness good will peacefulness mildness amiability approval acceptance condonation calmness equanimity pleasure gratification forgiveness ORDEALSynonymsordeal nightmare trial harsh experience trying experience oppression worry trouble burden care concern pressure strain stress tribulation misery torment distress agony suffering anguish wretchedness affliction pain unhappiness sorrow grief heartache tragedy calamity Antonymsdelight joy happiness elation gladness jubilation ecstasy rapture bliss relief ease NUISANCESynonymsgrievance nuisance annoyance bother pest bore irritation thorn aggravation inconvenience botheration worry fret scourge affliction handicap misfortune plague pestilence blight curse trouble hurt pain torment burden Antonymspleasure delight satisfaction benefit blessing gratification happiness joy MOODSynonymsstate of irritation hypersensitivity mood humor disposition state of mind temper temperament frame of mind mental state feeling condition spirit emotional state predisposition state of dejection depression melancholia melancholy gloominess bad spirits doldrums dumps Informal blues Informal SPLEENSynonymsspleen bad temper rancor spite peevishness spitefulness venom bile gall acrimony animosity animus malice malevolence ill humor ill will bitterness enmity resentment hatred hostility irritability anger Antonymscheerfulness happiness good humor joy PROVOCATIONSynonymsprovocation cause motivation incitement instigation fomentation goad spur prodding stimulation actuation stimulus irritation pique annoyance perturbation aggravation excitation slight insult affront offense THORNSynonymsthorn bane curse torment affliction infliction care woe trouble plague scourge sting gall bitter pill nuisance annoyance |