词汇 | thesaurus_uncultivated |
释义 | uncultivatedadjective, adverb These are words and phrases related to uncultivated. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of uncultivated. WILDSynonymswild untouched by man uninhabited natural rugged waste bleak desolate abandoned wooded forested overgrown Antonymspopulated inhabited cultivated bare barren WILDSynonymswithout cultivation naturally by themselves Antonymscultivated planted uncultivatedadjective VULGARSynonymsill-mannered impolite boorish ill-bred unrefined vulgar lacking good taste tasteless coarse rude rough crude gross uncouth low base indecent offensive obscene pornographic smutty dirty filthy ribald off-color suggestive risqué Antonymselegant refined cultivated tasteful polite mannerly delicate UNCOUTHSynonymsuncouth crude rude boorish churlish crass coarse rough gross uncivil callow indelicate loutish brutish impolite ill-bred ill-mannered unmannerly unrefined uncultured uncivilized barbaric Antonymsrefined polite genteel cultivated well-mannered delicate gentlemanly EARTHYSynonymsearthy coarse lusty bawdy ribald crude rough unrefined unblushing robust vulgar primitive uncultured peasant raunchy Slang funky Slang smutty dirty filthy obscene indecent Antonymsgenteel refined dainty elegant polished INELEGANTSynonymsinelegant ungraceful unpolished ungainly awkward clumsy gauche graceless gross indelicate raw rough rude stiff uncouth unrefined vulgar coarse crass crude PLEBEIANSynonymsplebeian vulgar coarse common lowbrow low-class unrefined uncultured commonplace popular banal ordinary low mean base of the common people lowborn proletarian bourgeois Antonymshighbrow refined cultivated cultured educated upper class aristocratic royal elevated BENIGHTEDSynonymsbenighted ignorant backward unenlightened untutored primitive uncivilized uncultured illiterate unlettered crude uneducated unschooled uninformed untaught know-nothing empty-headed dumb unhip Slang Antonymscultured educated schooled civilized informed cultivated RUGGEDSynonymsrude unrefined graceless uncouth rugged harsh tough difficult hard severe stern trying taxing strenuous arduous onerous laborious Antonymsgentle tender refined graceful elegant cultivated PHILISTINESynonymsphilistine uncultured unrefined uneducated unenlightened untutored unlettered uninformed ignorant lowbrow bourgeois conventional conformist commonplace prosaic anti-intellectual FALLOWSynonymsfallow idle inactive inert dormant unproductive untilled unplanted unused unsowed unfruitful worn out depleted barren arid exhausted Antonymsfecund prolific productive fruitful fertile BARBARIANSynonymsbarbarian uncultured lowbrow crude philistine unsophisticated provincial uncouth |