词汇 | thesaurus_trusty |
释义 | trustyadjective These are words and phrases related to trusty. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of trusty. FAITHFULSynonymsfaithful loyal devoted steadfast steady in the performance of duty tried conscientious staunch true constant reliable unwavering trustworthy dependable worthy of confidence incorruptible unswerving resolute scrupulous honest upright truthful Antonymsfaithless disloyal false perfidious traitorous treacherous fickle inconstant unstable unfaithful untrue untrustworthy wavering NEVER-FAILINGSynonymsnever-failing sure steadfast abiding firm unfaltering enduring reliable dependable proven undeviating unhesitating trustworthy unfailing tried-and-true Antonymsprecarious chancy iffy unreliable faltering CONVINCINGSynonymsconvincing conclusive persuasive credible authentic believable plausible likely satisfying trustworthy valid powerful solid telling Antonymsdubious far-fetched implausible inconclusive incredible unlikely TRIEDSynonymstried tested demonstrated dependable faithful proved reliable secure staunch steadfast trustworthy certified RELIABLESynonymsreliable dependable unfailing faithful trustworthy responsible solid sound conscientious true tried and true Antonymsunreliable capricious undependable untrustworthy irresponsible questionable DEPENDABLESynonymsdependable reliable trustworthy unfailing trusted loyal faithful steady steadfast sure true Antonymsuntrustworthy unreliable doubtful questionable unsteady fickle unstable HONORABLESynonymshonorable upright honest noble highminded just fair trustworthy true virtuous Antonymsignoble untrustworthy corrupt undignified disreputable trustynoun REGULARSynonymsloyalist true blue stalwart regular regular customer regular client habitué faithful old reliable dependable |