词汇 | thesaurus_steadiness |
释义 | steadinessnoun These are words and phrases related to steadiness. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of steadiness. NERVESynonymsnerve courage boldness fearlessness pluck grit mettle endurance determination fortitude hardihood stoutheartedness coolness hardiness tenacity dash intrepidity bravery strength resoluteness spunk Informal guts Informal backbone Informal gameness spirit confidence self-assurance self-reliance valor gallantry derring-do Antonymscowardice faintheartedness weakness frailty feebleness RESOLUTIONSynonymsresolution resoluteness firmness of purpose fixed purpose persistence determination tenacity resolve will power perseverance resilience steadfastness stability constancy zeal earnestness energy indefatigability mettle spirit aggressiveness follow-through FIRMNESSSynonymsfirmness durability immovability solidity strength constancy determination fixedness inflexibility obduracy obstinacy purposefulness resoluteness resolution staunchness resolve steadfastness strictness consistency BALANCESynonymsbalance stability poise aplomb composure cool Slang equanimity Slang equilibrium Slang equipoise Slang self-possession Slang level-headedness Slang imperturbability Slang unflappability Slang coolness Slang presence Slang judgment Slang judiciousness Slang Antonymsinstability flightiness self-doubt uncertainty irrationality incertitude shakiness STABILITYSynonymsstability constancy solidness soundness poise aplomb balance equilibrium evenness reliability stableness steadfastness Antonymsinstability inconstancy weakness unsteadiness unreliability irresolution STABILITYSynonymsstability solidity soundness firmness solidness sturdiness security fixedness Antonymsfrailty instability fragility unsteadiness weakness DELIBERATIONSynonymsdeliberation care carefulness circumspection |