词汇 | thesaurus_sparkling |
释义 | sparklingadjective These are words and phrases related to sparkling. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of sparkling. GENIALSynonymsgenial cordial friendly good-natured congenial amiable gracious affable agreeable pleasant convivial neighborly companionable sociable social courteous civil warm happy glad hearty expansive kind kindly well-disposed cheerful sunny vivacious merry cheery jovial jolly jocund gay in good spirits mirthful bright lighthearted festive joyous joyful jaunty lively chipper Antonymsunfriendly unpleasant uncongenial ungracious unsympathetic cool cold rude discourteous uncivil harsh sullen morose cutting sarcastic sardonic ironical cheerless caustic PUNGENTSynonymsbrilliant clever snappy keen-witted witty pungent sharp piercing pointed acute trenchant keen poignant stinging biting mordent caustic invidious cutting incisive penetrating sarcastic smart wounding tart acrimonious bitter stimulating stirring provocative tantalizing racy spicy scintillating Antonymsdull mild moderate inane vapid pointless ROLLICKINGSynonymslively spirited free and easy exuberant full of play frolicsome frolicking playful romping gamboling sprightly bright sunny rollicking joyous happy gay merry cheerful lighthearted gleeful mirthful hearty rip-roaring jolly jovial jocular jocund hysterical devil-may-care Antonymsjoyless unhappy sad sorrowful sorry distressing depressing cheerless mirthless dull somber gloomy CLEARSynonymsbright brilliant radiant gleaming dazzling luminous shining light glistening glowing clear unclouded cloudless unobscured fair halcyon serene sunny lucid transparent translucent crystalline pellucid gauzy diaphanous Antonymscloudy clouded obscured hazy stormy murky muddy unclear opaque VIVACIOUSSynonymsvivacious lively buoyant full of life vital animated effervescent bubbling bubbly ebullient sprightly spirited active merry gay lighthearted cheerful cheery sunny bright genial convivial jolly frolicsome Antonymslifeless languid spiritless lethargic listless impassive stolid somber melancholy sad BRIGHTSynonymsbright brilliant blazing dazzling shimmering vivid intense shining glowing gleaming beaming radiant glittering resplendent luminous lustrous lambent effulgent illuminated light-filled sunny warm Antonymsdim pale subdued dark drab gloomy murky obscure dusky cloudy misty cool PIQUANTSynonymspiquant lively peppy sharp zesty vigorous |