词汇 | thesaurus_soothing |
释义 | soothingThese are words and phrases related to soothing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of soothing. NOT STRONG OR FORCEFULLet me put some soothing music on. Synonyms and examplesgentle A gentle breeze stirred the leaves. mild The children just have a mild cold. soft Her voice was so soft, I could barely hear her. light The temperature in London is 24 degrees, with light winds out of the west. low Keep your voices low while the baby's sleeping. delicate This washing powder has a delicate lilac scent. Antonym and examplestrong Strong winds knocked over our allotment shed. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of soothing. See words related to soothingmild-mannered genteel wouldn't hurt a fly informal soft-hearted tender-hearted compassionate sympathetic Learn more Someone who is gentle is calm and nice to others. Things that are gentle are not strong or forceful. soothing | American Thesaurussoothingadjective These are words and phrases related to soothing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of soothing. BALMYSynonymscalm calming easing salubrious balmy gentle mild soft fair clement bland temperate summery warm pleasant refreshing agreeable Antonymsharsh raw strong intense severe inclement rough discomforting irksome vexing annoying stormy unseasonable BLANDSynonymsbland mild balmy calm calming tranquil quiet moderate temperate unruffled even smooth benign peaceful peaceable untroubled nonirritating Antonymsturbulent tempestuous excited volatile explosive harsh severe rough irritating annoying SEDATIVESynonymssedative calming relaxing comforting easing tranquilizing soporific narcotic composing palliative calmative allaying alleviative assuasive lenitive anodyne analgesic COMFORTINGSynonymscomforting consoling solacing succoring abating alleviating assuaging cheering encouraging mitigating reassuring relieving sustaining warming Antonymsupsetting alarming disturbing perplexing worrying LOWSynonymssoft gentle low subdued hushed muffled muted quiet whispered murmured faint feeble low-pitched of a low tone Antonymsloud noisy strong raucous high-pitched RESTFULSynonymsrestful relaxed comfortable giving rest full of rest unagitated undisturbed peaceful tranquil serene calm placid quiet pacific Antonymsunrestful unrelaxed uncomfortable agitated disturbing busy MILDSynonymsmild not strong not sharp soft delicate uninjurious emollient not severe not astringent Antonymsstrong sharp astringent powerful DROWSYSynonymsdrowsy hypnotic soporific somnolent soothingnoun CONSOLATIONSynonymsconsolation solace comfort relief succor assuagement help alleviation easement support encouragement cheer condolence sympathy Antonymsdepression discomfort discouragement GRATIFICATIONSynonymsgratification gratifying satisfying indulgence humoring pleasing Antonymscontrol discipline curbing restraint denial abnegation |