词汇 | thesaurus_put-forth |
释义 | put forthverb These are words and phrases related to put forth. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROPAGATESynonymsmake public give currency to bring into the open purvey report notify proclaim preach give out propagate spread disseminate make known promulgate publish publicize issue give to the world broadcast noise abroad trumpet blazon circulate tell repeat enunciate air communicate impart herald whisper about rumor hint abroad scatter disperse bestrew sow spray instill implant inculcate Antonymshush up silence suppress repress stifle HOLDSynonymspropose submit offer put forward advance present tender venture advocate urge hold maintain assert affirm declare profess deem consider regard think believe conceive count reckon suppose presume assume understand surmise conclude deduct bind obligate enforce Antonymsdisavow disclaim deny refute repudiate controvert reject abjure forswear gainsay PRESENTSynonymsadvance offer proffer tender propose expound present state assert declare apprise of tell impart make known give by way of information give notice of communicate propound asseverate frame allege profess cite pronounce aver hold forth recount relate recite deliver read come up with Informal SAYSynonymssay report rumor spread circulate bruit noise abroad allege hold claim assert maintain contend hint imply intimate suggest insinuate SPROUTSynonymssprout shoot forth begin to grow come up burgeon spring up grow bud bloom flower blossom spread wax thrive multiply germinate PROPOSESynonymspropose recommend suggest present submit tender proffer come up with offer for consideration introduce bring forward put forward advance propound set forth POSTULATESynonymspostulate propose submit assume take as an axiom presume take for granted presuppose conjecture guess hazard surmise theorize hypothesize speculate OFFERSynonymsoffer propose submit render advance suggest put forward propound volunteer hold out extend make a motion bring forward be willing Antonymsretain retract withdraw withhold deny accept take receive reject refuse decline EXERTSynonymsexert put in action set in motion exercise employ wield use utilize make use of apply expend discharge resort to avail oneself of GIVESynonymsgive show provide present issue convey afford utter emit offer give vent to voice articulate pronounce Antonymsreceive get take accept keep retain withhold hold take back withdraw recall ACTSynonymspress on act |