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词汇 example_english_congruent

Examples of congruent

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
A totally congruent system would have a score of zero.
Planned comparisons for the no-flanker task indicated no significant difference between the no-flanker condition and either the congruent or incongruent flanker conditions.
Over the tree values we define the usual structural congruence ; the matching constructs of the language are not able to distinguish between structurally congruent trees.
Programs are structurally congruent if they are the same after removing all chains of forward jumps in favour of direct jumps.
A 'common sense' view of language and communication is, thirdly, congruent with this constellation of ideas.
To be congruent with the a priori reliability, also the a posteriori reliability must be a probability value, not a belief-function one.
In many respects the results are congruent with our third hypothesis.
Proxy assessments by carers were congruent with the patients' responses, especially in relation to vomiting.
In the bidimensional task, the flanking stimuli could be congruent and incongruent on multiple stimulus characteristics.
If the morphemes in the two languages are syntactically congruent, then there is even greater likelihood of transfer.
One of the challenges the researchers faced was to develop a typology of language tutor roles congruent with online environments.
Put simply, the study postulates that political institutions will change in order to be congruent with the underlying ethno-linguistic social structure.
Firstly, it is never copied any other way (something not always congruent with performance possibilities, however, as shall be seen for the group 2 balades).
Seldom can both goals be congruent unless the ecologies are made more advantageous to the relevant populations.
In other words, there is no congruent structure and thus nowhere to transfer to.
In the real case, the two domains are not congruent at all.
The lateral edges mirror one another in quality of shape, but are not congruent.
We refer to this as a strongly congruent/weakly congruent condition.
Both insertions contain congruent signes-de-renvoi to indicate the point of insertion.
The findings are congruent with the possibility that common neural circuitry underlies, at least in part, processing implicated in these tasks.
We cannot answer the following question: are the connected components of any non-generic orbit for g also congruent to each other?
In contrast, one quantity that increases with increasing recombination rate is the number of different partitions defined by adjacent pairs of congruent segregating sites.
The life stressors most likely to trigger depression are those that are congruent with the individual's domains of cognitive vulnerability.
The prevailing causal story was congruent with policies that sought to expand both water resources and agricultural production.
Cognitive and auditory status were congruent (both normal or both abnormal) for 63% of participants.
However, our divisions are still congruent: the value of a static variable cannot depend on a dynamic value.
Think of two congruent tetrahedrons made of differently pliable material.
By measuring congruent and neutral baselines in each session, we were able to control for general practice and learning effects.
Second, the substrate and superstrate morphemes should be syntactically congruent, at least superficially.
We prove that structurally equivalent processes of the extended -calculus are barbed congruent.
Specifically, the gender decision on the pronoun was facilitated when the prime conveyed a gender-congruent stereotype, with respect to the control condition.
Typically, these three approaches provided congruent information; when there was a lack of agreement the bilingual assessor's rating was used.
We should note that our semantically incongruent stimuli are extremely incongruent, and therefore, the semantically congruent versus semantically incongruent manipulation is very strong.
In all cases one of these words was congruent with the sentence content while the other was incongruent with the meaning of the sentence.
Among these, about 43 per cent (6 of 14) were positive, congruent with the reciprocity hypothesis.
The results were congruent and allowed better localization of the breakpoints of three deficiencies at the molecular level.
The two features of bivalent displays can either converge on a single response, creating congruent trials, or conflict by indicating different responses, creating incongruent trials.
Unlike control participants, however, adults with autism failed to show differential activation for congruent versus incongruent trials.
The four groupings help in targeting the development of systems interventions congruent with the development trajectory identified in the characterization process.
A prediction derived from the framework is that topographies for working-memory and long-term memory tasks should be congruent, provided the activated representations are the same.
The findings from musical analyses were strengthened by being congruent with the developmental expectations.
Congruent with developmental theories, it was expected that the trajectory groups would show significant associations with young adult outcomes after controlling for early antisocial propensity.
Either of these effects could lead to a lower probability of recall of a weakly congruent word relative to a highly congruent word.
The egg load variation, therefore, also appears congruent with the allozyme variation.
The cic conversion = is the reflexive transitive congruent closure of the reduction £ defined below.
Emphasis on the biological basis of communication is congruent with promising uses of neuroimaging data to bridge the gap between representation and neurophysiology in acquisition.
Nonetheless, the finding that this distinction is acquired in the early school years supports this inference and is congruent with other findings.
A hierarchy congruent with the true host phylogeny would imply that strict host-parasite co-evolution had occurred.
The phylogenetic reconstructions from the three approaches were essentially congruent, in that all methods of analysis gave unstable tree topologies or largely unresolved branches.
Congruent lexicalization is the third category of code-mixing distinguished.
However, it is unknown to what extent the educational programme would benefit from translation and back translation in order to produce language congruent materials.
Application of the principles of phenomenology and hermeneutics is congruent with seeking a greater understanding of meanings of experience and phenomenon, inclusive of care.
Depressed and bereaved people may experience mood-congruent hallucinations.
In multinational states, formal economic solidarity expressed by the welfare state is rarely congruent with sub-state nationalism's sense of cultural and linguistic solidarity.
First, the geographical course of the rivers and the boundaries of the states are not congruent.
Types are congruent if they are isomorphic in all cartesian closed categories.
Thus, beyond the earliest stages of children's language development, parent report appears congruent with other sources of information.
However, his claim that scholarship was good for religion was substantially congruent with the movement's impetus.
Given the various molecular tools (6 nuclear and 2 mitochondrial targets) to characterize our 40 samples, the results obtained in our study were very congruent.
The expectation that there are indeed substantial gains to be made by sharing congruent linguistic descriptions has also been borne out.
Emergent text-metrical structures in discourse are shown to reflexively map utterance-level propositional stance into larger-scale, fractionally congruent models of interactional stance.
Phylogenies of tick groups inferred from different sets of characters have not always been congruent ; however, consensus has emerged about many tick relationships.
The second hypothesis indicates a definition of r ig id bodies in order to compare congruent magnitudes.
Congruent with the book's title, this section characterizes classroom teachers as players in the research process.
Such a finding indicates that the predicted model is congruent with the observed data.
Analogously, two derivation steps may be lowerings of each other, as well as congruent lowerings of each other.
In such hypothesis, we will say that the lowering is a congruent lowering.
However, as there is a single reality, it is expected that the different representations will be congruent.
The appropriateness criterion used is congruent with the initial clinical behavior in cases of suspected intra-abdominal infection and many other infections (8;19).
Only the most carefully circumscribed sort of domesticity can be admitted, one which at least ostensibly makes male desire and vocation congruent with female self-sacrice.
During the medium's first years, the focus was on the display of the possibilities film offered, and not on the congruent development of a narrative.
Three studies showed a consistent lack of correlation between mood change and the extent of mood-congruent recall.
However, our study suggests that the training of pharmacists in the past may not be congruent with their emerging extended role in medicines management.
Here, plural objects and multiple parallel gerunds are highly congruent with frequentative-habitual aspectual meaning, as the situations are evidently repeated on several occasions.
Instead, the prevailing policy paradigm and water policies were adhered to as congruent with the basic national and state interests.
A politician's personal preferences may not be congruent with the choice society would make if perfectly informed.
The pseudo-population would be defined to be congruent with the null hypothesis.
Transgressions of a suitably congruent kind provide new ways of speaking for marginalized voices.
Of course, many literary critics work in ways that are perfectly congruent with historians' practices.
They are eager equivalent but not performance congruent.
One can easily see that p1 and p2 cannot be performance congruent by performing the b-action with delay.
In the example above, the congruence is just the congruent closure of the relation induced on terms by the term rewriting system.
With respect to the former, the two varieties are congruent.
Hence, because these variables would be in any sensible information set, the efficientmarket property of (4) is not congruent with the data.
Such measurements are congruent with the adaptive-fit perspective of competence.
Proof-reading performance was higher in the congruent control condition than in either the under- or overcontrol conditions.
In the extreme it would become congruent with a wiring diagram of the brain.
Participants heard or read sentences that were either congruent or contained an anomalous final word.
Results were strikingly congruent with findings for groups defined by adolescent outcomes and lifetime adversity through adolescence.
Thus, a vicious circle is established in which thoughts and congruent emotions fuel one another in an interlocked, continuous cycle.
As these two examples suggest, models of treatment should be congruent with patterns of developmental psychopathology.
Higher levels of observable externalizing behaviors were evident among youth whose self-blaming affect was not congruent with the severity of the maltreatment they described.
The question is then asked for the third time, called the congruent question.
The conjunction of these features creates trials that are congruent, because both features converge on the same response, or incongruent because they indicate contrary responses.
In the storybooks with which they are familiar, these sources are perfectly congruent + the text and the picture tell the same story.
As far as the difference between the gender-congruent and gender-incongruent nouns is concerned, it was impossible to investigate the effect in this experiment.
Overall, naming latencies of pictures with names from the genderincongruent set were slower than naming latencies of pictures with a congruent gender in both languages.
Other models (more congruent with some experimental evidence) take a different approach, using continuous (or nearly continuous) feedback to help minimize the mismatch.
The findings from the subjective and objective measures of the participants' quality of life were congruent, which increased confidence in the findings.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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