词汇 | thesaurus_pinched |
释义 | pinchedadjective These are words and phrases related to pinched. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of pinched. DEPRIVEDSynonymsdeprived poor impoverished destitute poverty-stricken badly off needy in need in want wanting underprivileged disadvantaged impecunious low-born pauperized insolvent indigent penniless poor as a church mouse in straitened circumstances down and out broke stony broke hard up born on the wrong side of the tracks GAUNTSynonymsstarved cadaverous wasted withered skeletal shriveled gaunt very thin emaciated scrawny haggard lanky skinny bony lean lank slender slim scraggy spindly spare meager raw-boned spindleshanked Antonymsplump fat chubby stout portly corpulent obese rotund well-fed sleek PEAKEDSynonymsthin lean spare skinny scrawny gaunt emaciated shriveled haggard drawn peaked pale pallid wan sallow ashen white sickly ailing ill weak infirm debilitated wizened Antonymshearty hale hale and hearty healthy robust hardy sturdy husky strapping brawny ruddy rosy-cheeked florid flushed blushing CLOSESynonymstight cramped confined narrow restricted compact compressed stuffed squeezed jammed close congested crowded teeming swarming populous dense solid impenetrable impermeable Antonymsspacious roomy uncrowded uncongested vacant empty open wide spread out unrestricted unconfined loose porous lacy WORNSynonymsdrawn worn exhausted fatigued worn-out weary wearied spent tired dog-tired haggard played out ready to drop drooping weak enfeebled wasted debilitated Antonymsenergetic vigorous peppy alive dynamic refreshed restored rejuvenated STRAITENEDSynonymsstraitened distressed restricted needy hard-up strapped penniless embarrassed poverty-stricken destitute bankrupt broke impoverished penurious indigent pauperized wiped-out Antonymscomfortable well-off affluent flush NARROWSynonymsnarrow small incapacious close scant cramped tight scanty restricted confined squeezed compressed constricted Antonymsspacious ample big DRAWNSynonymsdrawn haggard fatigued tired fraught peaked sapped starved strained stressed worn careworn |