词汇 | thesaurus_overflowing |
释义 | overflowingadjective These are words and phrases related to overflowing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. INORDINATESynonymsinordinate excessive immoderate extravagant disproportionate lavish undue unreasonable unconscionable superabundant exorbitant superfluous overmuch extreme intemperate unnecessary profuse unrestrained wanton supersaturated surplus needless uncalled-for irrational outrageous scandalous disgraceful deplorable shocking Antonymstemperate moderate restrained inhibited rightful equitable reasonable sensible TEEMINGSynonymsteeming abundant brimming swarming bristling chock-full crammed crawling filled fruitful full multitudinous numerous packed plentiful populous replete rife thick thronged bursting alive Antonymsshort lacking wanting PLENTIFULSynonymsplentiful abundant profuse copious bountiful bounteous prolific lavish ample abounding plenteous lush liberal generous large unsparing unstinted infinite inexhaustible Antonymsscant scanty sparse inadequate insufficient deficient scarce skimpy sparing small meager EFFUSIVESynonymseffusive lavish unrestrained profuse gushy gushing unreserved extravagant expansive copious free-flowing ebullient exuberant Antonymsrestrained reserved sparing sparse THICKSynonymsthick swarming teeming dense profuse packed crowded abundant copious plenteous heaped piled Antonymsbare barren bereft empty |