词汇 | thesaurus_outshine |
释义 | outshineverb These are words and phrases related to outshine. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of outshine. OUTDOSynonymsoutdo excel surpass best exceed better outclass top beat eclipse transcend outstrip outrank outplay defeat overcome worst outfox outwit get the better of steal a march on TOWERSynonymssurpass exceed transcend outdo outclass leave behind tower rise high rise above ascend soar mount shoot up loom surge extend above overhang overtop overshadow eclipse Antonymsfall sink descend drop ECLIPSESynonymseclipse overshadow dim surpass outdo exceed excel transcend tower above outrival wipe out obliterate blot out TRANSCENDSynonymstranscend surpass be greater than be superior to exceed excel outdo outstrip overshadow eclipse outrival outdistance outrank SURPASSSynonymssurpass excel outdo be superior to rise above eclipse overshadow override outclass take precedence over be better than have it all over RIVALSynonymsexcel surpass outdo eclipse rival be an equal of equal be a match for match touch approach OVERSHADOWSynonymsovershadow eclipse dwarf tower over render insignificant by comparison diminish the importance of steal the limelight from |