词汇 | thesaurus_jollity |
释义 | jollitynoun These are words and phrases related to jollity. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of jollity. FUNSynonymsjoking jest playfulness waggishness mirth good humor joviality fun enjoyment gaiety pleasure amusement merriment diversion entertainment recreation distraction relaxation cheer frolic whoopee skylarking tomfoolery buffoonery game sport play horseplay romp antic prank lark spree escapade revelry high jinks good time ball Slang blast Slang trip Slang gas Slang Antonymsmisery melancholy woe gloom tedium HAPPINESSSynonymsmerriment cheer cheerfulness cheeriness glee mirth happiness gladness joy delight felicity contentment content sense of well-being pleasure enjoyment satisfaction lightheartedness rejoicing elation jubilation high spirits bliss beatitude blessedness rapture ecstasy gaiety exultation transport exuberance Antonymsunhappiness sadness sorrow grief woe depression despondency low spirits misery anguish distress discomfort MERRIMENTSynonymsmerriment mirth laughter gaiety hilarity frolic fun good fun good spirits revelry glee sportiveness amusement cheer gleefulness celebration joviality jocularity lightheartedness liveliness jocundity festivity merrymaking levity good humor jubilation skylarking exhilaration conviviality whoopee Informal hoopla Informal Antonymscheerlessness joylessness distress misery mourning SPORTSynonymssport play jest jesting pleasantry skylarking trifling kidding gaiety frolic mirth hilarity antics lark fun joviality merrymaking festivity raillery ridicule mockery scoffing derision chaff badinage persiflage depreciation Antonymscruelty seriousness respect adoration GAIETYSynonymsgaiety gay spirits cheerfulness vivacity joyousness high enthusiasm good humor mirth high spirits liveliness animation jauntiness effervescence sprightliness sportiveness festive spirits airiness elation exhilaration frolic amusement celebration merrymaking merriment fun Antonymssadness melancholy misery despair gloom gloominess despondency GLEESynonymshilarity mirth laughter verve jollification cheerfulness joviality jocularity glee merriment gaiety joy joyfulness joyousness exhilaration exultation rapture delight gladness ecstasy playfulness liveliness sprightliness sportiveness Antonymssadness gloom dejection depression melancholy sorrow misery the blues Slang the dumps Slang REJOICINGSynonymsrejoicing celebration festivity revelry reveling merrymaking mirth merriment liveliness gaiety jubilee good cheer happiness gladness jubilation jubilance joyfulness delight pleasure exultation elation ecstasy triumph cheering SPARKLESynonymscheerfulness gaiety cheer effervescence sparkle liveliness animation |