词汇 | thesaurus_instigation |
释义 | instigationnoun These are words and phrases related to instigation. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of instigation. MOTIVESynonymsinducement incentive provocation enticement stimulus prompting spur incitement inspiration motive reason purpose object cause motivation intention occasion design thinking grounds rationale goal aim end PROVOCATIONSynonymsprovocation cause motivation incitement fomentation goad spur prodding stimulation actuation stimulus vexation irritation pique annoyance perturbation aggravation excitation slight insult affront offense CAUSESynonymsprovocation inducement motivation motive grounds incentive inspiration initiation occasion stimulus foundation origin mainspring spring genesis etiology cause reason source root prime mover Antonymseffect result end result consequence fruit outcome final outgrowth end SPURSynonymsspur stimulus incitement inducement incentive stimulant stimulation goad excitant whet provocation impetus prick whip fillip motive impulse encouragement Antonymsdiscouragement hindrance restraint check curb deterrent |