词汇 | thesaurus_hold-out |
释义 | hold outverb These are words and phrases related to hold out. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of hold out. STANDSynonymsstand endure remain intact abide remain erect or whole persist sustain survive resist destruction resist decay or change prove good hold be indestructible obtain last remain steadfast remain firm bear up keep one's position carry on withstand tolerate bear take suffer submit to undergo brook put up with face weather stomach stand one's ground persevere stand pat Antonymscollapse succumb falter waver yield give way PROTESTSynonymsprotest assert vow avow declare contend insist announce put or set forth put forward propound maintain offer profess speak state enunicate pronounce testify attest affirm asseverate aver assure allege avouch LASTSynonymslast continue go on persist extend hold good exist survive endure stay stand remain carry on hold on maintain keep persevere abide subsist live wear stand up hold up outwear outlive Antonymsfail die end stop terminate expire depart fade cease wear out give out Informal TENDERSynonymstender present present formally make formal offer of offer proffer prefer submit put forward lay before place volunteer give advance propound propose extend suggest hand in Antonymswithhold withdraw retract SURVIVESynonymssurvive keep alive continue to live subsist last hang on live on persist endure prevail continue abide be extant exist Antonymsperish disappear EXTENDSynonymsoffer give proffer bestow impart grant extend advance submit put out stretch forth reach out Antonymswithdraw take back |