词汇 | thesaurus_faded |
释义 | fadedadjective These are words and phrases related to faded. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of faded. PASSÉSynonymslapsed disused retired outworn past passé out of fashion old-fashioned out-of-date outdated outmoded démodé antiquated antediluvian superannuated quaint ancient antique archaic obsolete stale hoary prehistoric Slang Antonymsmodern new novel current up-to-date new-fashioned newfangled mod Slang hip Slang with-it Slang au courant French á la page French dans le vent French WORNSynonymsdingy worn worn through worn-down worn-out frayed abraded threadbare worn to a thread worse for wear decrepit dilapidated shabby weather-beaten battered tumbledown rickety seedy timeworn Antonymsnew brand-new spanking new none the worse for wear FAINTSynonymsdim pale almost imperceptible subtle delicate obscure inconspicuous faint soft inaudible remote low dulcet indistinct weak muffled whispered muted Antonymsbright brilliant clear conspicuous fresh hearty vigorous loud blaring distinct glaring COLORLESSSynonymswhite whitened grayed pale bleached washed out dull drab dingy dreary colorless without color undyed natural neutral Antonymsbright brilliant lustrous colorful WEATHER-BEATENSynonymsweather-beaten weathered weather-scarred roughened storm-tossed battered run-down worn-down worn washed-out bleached damaged eroded etiolated COLDSynonymsfaint dead cold old stale flat uninteresting Antonymsnew fresh sharp strong |