词汇 | thesaurus_errant |
释义 | errantadjective These are words and phrases related to errant. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of errant. FUGITIVESynonymsunstable erratic elusive volatile flitting uncertain fugitive fleeting short-lived transitory evanescent transient fugacious ephemeral brief momentary passing impermanent hurried hasty cursory summary short temporary fading shifting Antonymslasting permanent durable changeless immutable endless eternal SINFULSynonymsvillainous vile wrong bad heinous despicable wayward criminal shameful disgraceful sinful wicked evil unrighteous unholy impious ungodly irreligious iniquitous immoral profligate miscreant corrupt depraved degenerate Antonymssinless righteous upright virtuous moral pure godly honest ethical honorable ABERRANTSynonymsaberrant straying stray deviating deviate wandering erring devious erratic rambling diverging divergent Antonymdirect |