词汇 | thesaurus_encumbrance |
释义 | encumbrancenoun These are words and phrases related to encumbrance. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of encumbrance. BOTHERSynonymsbother inconvenience problem trouble difficulty hardship strain stress load tax onus nuisance trial affliction drag Slang hindrance impediment worry responsibility care aggravation vexation irritation headache Informal pain in the neck Informal fuss disturbance commotion tumult stir ado flurry rumpus racket Antonymsconvenience help aid solution answer cinch pleasure delight comfort HINDRANCESynonymshindrance impediment stumbling block obstacle obstruction blockage handicap restriction limitation interference constraint restraint retardant difficulty bar snag catch curb barrier blockade barricade clog fetter shackle Antonymshelp aid benefit assistance support furtherance advancement spur boon OBSTRUCTIONSynonymsobstruction obstacle barrier blockage block stoppage stop barricade hurdle impediment hindrance hitch check curb bar snag bottleneck Antonymsclearing opening freeing unblocking help aid assistance LOADSynonymsload quantity supported burden weight deadweight pressure care trouble worry oppression misery depression affliction tribulation misfortune unhappiness unhappy lot Antonymssupport solace consolation HANDICAPSynonymshandicap drawback disadvantage detriment impediment restriction limitation shortcoming defect obstacle barrier stumbling block difficulty inhibition burden inconvenience Antonymsadvantage benefit asset edge boost boon ONUSSynonymsonus burden burden of proof responsibility obligation weight load strain liability duty cross HARDSHIPSynonymshardship privation burden handicap difficulty load problem millstone round one's neck cross to bear Antonymshelp aid blessing boon relief load off one's back |