词汇 | thesaurus_dispose-of |
释义 | dispose ofverb These are words and phrases related to dispose of. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FINISHSynonymsget out of the way finish end conclude bring to a close complete wind up bring to an end terminate discontinue stop cease seal clinch draw to a close get done accomplish carry out carry through achieve fulfill consummate make good close put an end to knock off Informal realize discharge do thoroughly settle Antonymsbegin start undertake commence originate create GIVESynonymsgive pay compensate recompense remunerate allow exchange requite tip bribe grease the palm of hire buy grant accord confer hand over dispense distribute present shell out Slang fork over Slang Antonymsreceive get take accept keep retain withhold hold take back withdraw recall DISCARDSynonymsabandon shelve have done with relinquish drop shed junk dispense with dump scrap throw overboard jettison discard eliminate get rid of throw away throw out weed out thrust aside cast aside remove Antonymsretain keep preserve PERFORMSynonymsperform do accomplish carry out execute perpetrate achieve effect realize attain fulfill bring to pass bring about finish consummate discharge meet knock off Slang pull off Slang polish off Slang Antonymsfail founder neglect forsake FORSAKESynonymsfling away part with jettison forsake desert abandon leave quit vacate cast off abdicate resign lay down flee depart LIQUIDATESynonymsliquidate settle pay discharge clear pay off wipe out account for put to rest abolish erase cancel MARKETSynonymsput up for sale market sell vend merchandise retail peddle Informal hawk Informal Antonymbuy DEALSynonymsattend to see to take care of cope with deal treat handle oversee Antonymsignore overlook disregard neglect leave undone PROCESSSynonymsprocess take care of fill ship handle deal with SELLSynonymsdispense unload dump sell give up for a price exchange for money DUMPSynonymsget rid of dump unload empty |