词汇 | thesaurus_derogation |
释义 | derogationnoun These are words and phrases related to derogation. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of derogation. DISPARAGEMENTSynonymsdisparagement aspersion backbiting belittlement blame censure condemnation debasement denunciation depreciation detraction discredit disdain reproach ridicule scandal scorn slander derision degradation contempt CALUMNYSynonymscalumny slander libel defamation backstabbing vilification depreciation backbiting deprecation disparagement animadversion revilement calumniation malice innuendo denigration slur smear insinuation barb Antonymspraise acclaim kudos encomium eulogy RIDICULESynonymsridicule mockery sneering derision disparagement aspersion scorn sarcasm taunt jeer gibe snicker ribbing teasing caricature burlesque travesty lampoonery Antonymshomage veneration deference DISHONORSynonymsdishonor shame dishonorableness disgrace ill repute discredit ignominy odium disrepute public disgrace infamy disfavor humiliation scandal stigma blot blemish stain Antonymshonor glory renown repute fame reverence veneration esteem respect regard admiration REFLECTIONSynonymsreflection statement or action that brings doubt or blame insinuation imputation insult blot unfavorable observation or remark slur reproof reproach disparagement |