词汇 | thesaurus_confusing |
释义 | confusingadjective These are words and phrases related to confusing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of confusing. TOUGHSynonymstough difficult hard laborious arduous strenuous toilsome exhausting onerous formidable exacting troublesome trying grievous irksome hard-to-solve baffling bewildering puzzling perplexing complicated intricate complex involved thorny knotty ticklish enigmatic Antonymssimple effortless slight ASTONISHINGSynonymsperplexing bewildering confounding astonishing surprising astounding amazing overwhelming overpowering startling breathtaking staggering striking impressive shocking electrifying stupefying dazzling Antonymsexpected anticipated foreseen looked for OBSCURESynonymsobscure unclear not easily understood hidden vague uncertain indefinite indefinable inscrutable unfathomable puzzling perplexing enigmatic cryptic confused mysterious mystical Antonymsclear lucid plain transparent obvious evident manifest apparent explicit intelligible straightforward unmistakable UNINTELLIGIBLESynonymsunintelligible impossible to understand incoherent inarticulate incomprehensible illegible incapable of being understood meaningless unfathomable baffling puzzling perplexing undecipherable impenetrable insoluble Antonymsintelligible understandable coherent articulate legible comprehensible clear decipherable soluble INCOMPREHENSIBLESynonymsincomprehensible baffling bewildering beyond understanding ungraspable beyond comprehension befuddling unintelligible inscrutable obscure unfathomable abstruse impenetrable Antonymscomprehensible understandable clear plain intelligible LAXSynonymslax careless vague hazy nebulous unstructured slack negligent ill-defined imprecise incoherent inexact cryptic Antonymsexact precise careful concise specific TOPSY-TURVYSynonymstopsy-turvy confused disorderly disarranged disorganized untidy messy chaotic upside-down wrong side up inverted reversed Antonymsorderly well-arranged organized systematic tidy neat trim QUESTIONABLESynonymsquestionable dubious puzzling mysterious perplexing mystifying enigmatic suspicious shady fishy Slang suspect Slang equivocal Slang Antonymsunimpeachable aboveboard proper legitimate INVOLVEDSynonymsinvolved complex complicated convoluted elaborate intricate knotty labyrinthine tangled tortuous winding Antonymsuncomplicated easy simple straightforward CLOUDYSynonymscloudy unclear vague confused nebulous hazy indefinite undefined mysterious obscure veiled Antonymsclear transparent plain obvious straightforward distinct definite well-defined INDECISIVESynonymsunclear indecisive not decisive inconclusive unsettled indeterminate doubtful dubious disputable debatable Antonymsdecisive conclusive firm clear indisputable undebatable certain |