词汇 | thesaurus_come-up-with |
释义 | come up withverb These are words and phrases related to come up with. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PRESENTSynonymspresent state assert declare apprise of tell impart make known give by way of information give notice of communicate propound asseverate frame allege profess cite pronounce aver hold forth recount relate recite deliver read advance offer proffer tender propose put forth expound PRODUCESynonymsproduce show exhibit present show forth present for inspection bring into view advance cause to appear put on view hold up to view manifest bring forward bring in adduce evince set forth bring out bring to light display put on display materialize reveal divulge uncover disclose unveil discover unmask make plain Antonymsconceal hide withhold SUPPLYSynonymspresent give contribute bestow yield deal out deliver render grant provision supply provide furnish outfit turn over to stock equip PROPOSESynonymspropose recommend suggest present submit tender proffer offer for consideration introduce bring forward put forward put forth advance propound set forth FORAGESynonymsscavenge scrounge forage search rummage seek hunt explore look about cast about raid strip of supplies plunder despoil ravage INVENTSynonymsthink up Informal invent originate create develop contrive conceive devise put together fabricate fashion formulate Antonymscopy imitate reproduce IMPROVISESynonymsinvent offhand make up extemporize do a makeshift job throw together ad-lib improvise perform without preparation create off the top of one's head wing it Slang DIGSynonymsdig search and find retrieve extricate find among pinpoint salvage bring to view |