词汇 | thesaurus_clashing |
释义 | clashingadjective These are words and phrases related to clashing. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. CONFLICTINGSynonymsconflicting opposite contradictory contrary converse hostile antagonistic antipodal antithetical counter discordant discrepant dissonant incompatible irreconcilable inconsistent opposed paradoxical polar vacillating wavering ambivalent unresolved equivocal Antonymsharmonious agreeing compatible congruous OPPOSEDSynonymsopposed opposite antagonistic battling inimical combatting confronting demurring disagreeing enemy protesting recalcitrant refractory resistant unwilling warring contrary averse HOSTILESynonymshostile enemy belligerent bellicose opposing opposed fighting battling contending warring at war dissident on bad terms at odds at outs at loggerheads with crossed swords Antonymsfriendly peaceful STRIDENTSynonymsstrident grating harsh piercing jangling jarring raucous discordant rasping grinding shrill high-pitched screeching dissonant cacophonous twanging Antonymssoft mellow dulcet mellifluous soothing AMBIVALENTSynonymsambivalent contradictory conflicting opposing warring confused undecided unfocused mixed wavering fluctuating vacillating wishy-washy Informal Antonymsdefinite positive unwavering INCOMPATIBLESynonymsincompatible inharmonious uncongenial antagonistic lacking rapport at variance at odds mismatched disagreeing Antonymscompatible accordant consonant consistent congenial harmonizing harmonious agreeing appropriate clashingnoun FEUDSynonymsfracas affray brawl wrangle feud bad blood vendetta dispute quarrel strife conflict altercation disagreement bickering falling out argument hostility animosity ill will enmity hard feelings discord controversy schism faction breach rupture spat Informal fuss Informal tiff Informal set-to Informal squabble Informal JARSynonymsjar harsh sound rattle clang clatter clank racket crash clangor din reverberation cacophony discordance jangle bray brawl blare blast bong buzz bleating ANTAGONISMSynonymsantagonism hostility opposition conflict friction discord strife animosity enmity antipathy rivalry dissension animus bitterness rancor spite resentment hatred dislike aversion detestation Antonymslove friendship friendliness amity liking peacefulness agreement accord concord harmony sympathy understanding DISCORDSynonymsdiscord dispute disagreement conflict quarreling contention discordance differences dissension disunity division lack of concord being at odds wrangling friction strife incompatibility Antonymsharmony consonance accord agreement amity unity solidarity compatibility CLANGSynonymsclang clash din clangor clank ringing resounding peal tolling knell bong gong jangle chime SHOWDOWNSynonymsshowdown confrontation conflict climax crisis face-off encounter |