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词汇 example_english_truly

Examples of truly

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The arrival of the mail invariably brought details, which gave a darker aspect to this truly disastrous affair.
However, due to the limitation of artificial intelligence, we are still far away from developing a truly intelligent robot.
The first risk is mistakenly recommending widespread use of the drug, when the drug is not truly effective.
There are a number of intellectual challenges to be solved to truly make the approach informative.
Everyone is dependent on everyone else to produce sound resulting in a truly collaborative situation.
At every moment one is conscious of the richly inventive imag ination of a truly original musical mind.
In contrast, the political views of the truly scientific refor m eugenicists are rarely presented as influencing their scientific views in any inappropr iate way.
One possibility is that these words were truly ignored-learners paid no attention to them whatsoever.
Internally caudillo warfare had set back any hopes of a truly national identity.
Her mind was truly a country of its own.
The modern age of alienation had truly begun.
As the transportation and communications networks developed, the possibility of a truly national market emerged, which placed an added pressure on the state legislatures.
Evidence can never be compelling in the relevant sense, and unbearable suffering cannot elicit a response that is truly morally free.
Finally, there is a truly profound set of impediments in the systematically asymmetric preferences of the parties to agreement in severely divided societies.
Similarly, one cannot provide a numerical value for the benefits of having an organization where employees truly understand the organization's strategy, vision and goals.
In cases of the latter sort, the values that ground our attitudes are not truly our own.
While such activities may in themselves be worthwhile, further research would be needed to establish whether they truly demonstrate a prog ression towards literacy.
Practically the only group truly abandoned in the process was medical professionals, who nonetheless managed to obstruct some reforms during implementation.
Only minor changes (7 lines of code!) are necessary to transform the eager debugger into a truly lazy one.
Consequently, inputs such as \ihapa\\ truly are hypothetical, in every sense of the word.
If cerebral asymmetries for human vocalisation truly have the ancient lineage argued here, why should any modern humans be right-brained or left-handed?
Their bluff had been well and truly called.
As such they test the ability of collective and regulated care arrangements truly to provide a homely environment for givers and receivers of care.
The current political arrangements should be replaced by a truly new method of governance based on the procedures of democracy.
However, in our view, current reality and research truly fails to appreciate the magnitude of this problem.
The fitness categories were not truly comparable either.
By contrast, ' graceful ' does tell us something about someone's dancing when that action is said to be (truly) graceful. 26.
Depending on the child's cognitive level, it may not matter whether the perpetrator is truly helping the child or deliberately causing harm and pain.
Can a life ever be truly understood or charted ?
What emerges from this commodious work of reference is a picture of contemporary medieval philosophy which is truly inclusive, international, scholarly and interesting.
Put simply, neuroscience and developmental science have shown that early life is a time of truly remarkable growth in terms of both brain and behavior.
When people demand to have 'choices, not echoes', are they truly complaining about not having distinct choices or just about facing a bad outcome?
Before becoming a truly independent aesthetic category, exoticism was integrated into the traditional genres of ope'ra-comique, opera-feerie, or, more rarely, opera buffa.
With a limited economic base, nonetheless, the investment in creating a cosmology within the monastery in the early 9th century is truly extraordinary.
The scale of the achievement of the eradication programme is truly extraordinary.
The only truly satisfactory solution to this difficulty is to devise schemes that only allow evolutionary shocks.
Consider again our collection of all truly maximal subwords of u with the k-factorization property.
The literature on identity is vast, although little has been done so far to render it truly precise, let alone measurable.
If dreams truly were just noise, they should appear much more noisy and disorganized than they actually are.
Here, for the first time, empirical data are presented which adequately address the complexities of old age in modern society from a truly interdisciplinary perspective.
Bilinguals' divergent thinking of more sophisticated processing during which truly creative ideas may be generated.
Moreover, it is a truly daunting task to find the needle you are looking for in the enormous haystack of documents that search-engines return.
In the beginning, he and his fellow worshippers truly ranked among the poor in spirit as well as in material goods.
Before we can truly understand her theory of concept formation and the role of meaningful representation in language, we must address its source.
Accordingly, the first question my dissertation asks is whether vocal performance art can truly be considered a new tradition originated by women.
Under these conditions, there is a greater chance of detecting taxa that are spurious and a lesser chance of detecting taxa that truly exist.
Lower-case letters designate a potentially nonlinear wave, capitals denote a truly linear mode.
He might have thought twice about doing so had he truly understood the lessons learned in its making.
However, there are some conceptual limitations to a truly naturalistic study of learning mechanisms.
Although these alternations are restricted to narrowly 4 4 defined groups of stems, some of them are quite systematic, while others are truly irregular.
Many of the progressive intellectuals did not hesitate to praise the post-revolutionary strategy of communal rural development as a truly viable option for peripheral development.
If the subjects truly had mastery of the verb, it should not have been too difficult to give acceptable associations for it.
If the standards are remembered by patients as longer than they truly are, the two key effects reported above may be explained.
In fact some of the plates are truly works of art in their own right!
If a liana species has positive population growth even in the absence of high-light understorey sites, it is truly shade-tolerant.
The polarisation of society largely centred upon personal allegiance, with the result that truly ideological distinctions were relegated to secondary importance.
To use an analogy, consider the claim that insane people cannot truly be punished.
However, this is not to say that the decisions made are truly deliberative or equitable.
At this point it should be noted that none of these aspects of sound are truly orthogonal.
We find that this is a truly remarkable outcome.
However, ultimately only more research will determine whether this is truly possible.
Being a case-control study that drew upon referred patients, the sample was not truly representative and data gathering was retrospective.
We may, however, dispute whether one such distinction is truly relevant in a given language domain and application.
They are unable to perceive them for what they 'truly' are - key elements in an elaborate prank.
Whenever a truly concurrent semantics is considered, the corresponding rules with the discrete interface in general allow strictly fewer concurrent rewrites.
The present volume continues this trend, providing a wide-ranging and truly international set of perspectives on the phenomenon of hedging.
Concurrently, equipment became popularised and miniaturised by degrees truly unimaginable.
In this, both as to the acting and singing part, she is truly above all encomium.
First, recall that the "independent" variables in (30) are not truly independent but rather are determined simultaneously with the "dependent" variable-aggregate consumption.
Hence, it remains to be determined if people's mental images of proverbs truly are associated with their own comprehension.
The latter script endorses ' providing security and support only when and where truly needed and otherwise supporting autonomy and stimulation ' (1994 : 186).
I am deeply saddened that this truly good man is no longer with us.
One further issue is that this is not a truly representative sample of clinic patients.
Truly solving the logical problem of language acquisition requires altering the assumptions of the learning framework.
Truly embodied sociology: marrying the social and the biological ?
In this sense, cognitive maps and the mechanisms that generate and use them are truly generic.
The palaeolithic record includes truly immense spans of time during which there was no progress whatsoever.
Claiming uniqueness also suggests that a truly exhaustive comparison across species has been conducted.
We were truly puzzled by the suggestion that an amodal emulator of the external world could exist in the brain.
Without an experience of willing, even actions that look entirely voluntary from the outside still fall short of qualifying as truly willed.
Finally, we agree with their assertion that perception is never truly unimodal, given that one always perceives the environment in relation to the self.
To be truly useful, evolutionary psychological research programs must produce novel discoveries about contemporary cognitive and behavioral processes.
Only by creating intimate links between an aesthetic approach and an ethical commitment can musical education be truly worthwhile.
Violence and death are the only soil in which the spirit can truly grow.
On the other hand, to arrive here, we have to work through a truly inspired layering of racial substitutions.
In that respect, we can truly speak of the work of negativity.
If there is evidence, is it truly inconclusive?
Even the truly independent are dependent on social and economic conditions, which are unfavourable to them.
Many of them showed, by their marked change of life, that they had been truly converted.
If it is truly the" other", there is nothing to say; it can not be theorized.
He was in that sense truly a presidential candidate for the 1980s.
Seeing truly offers one kind of truth, feeling justly another.
Speculators, adventurers, settlers and investors quickly built a truly international economy with an industrial centre and a raw material-producing periphery.
In reality, however, there is no such separation: "natural" qualities and those called truly "human" are inseparably grown together.
If anyone really does believe in this possibility he ought to come forward, for he truly deserves to become a professor of philosophy.
We must then ask whether an explanatory principle which can apparently be randomly implemented or ignored is truly explanatory even in this case.
While this would bias estimates based on more recent pollution levels upwards, it also would imply a truly long-term chronic effect of pollution.
The truly human has already given evidence of existing, and is not still to be discovered only through the pressure of empirical events.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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