词汇 | thesaurus_brutish |
释义 | brutishadjective These are words and phrases related to brutish. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of brutish. COARSESynonymsungentlemanly unladylike ill-bred uncouth boorish loutish inelegant common rude impolite ill-mannered coarse crude crass unrefined lacking taste rough unpolished vulgar indelicate indecent improper indecorous offensive gross foul-mouthed obscene dirty lewd licentious lascivious ribald sordid odious repulsive revolting scurrilous vile disgusting Antonymsrefined gentlemanly ladylike genteel well-bred cultivated cultured civilized polished elegant polite well-mannered mannerly decent delicate proper decorous inoffensive clean pleasant pleasing appetizing RUDESynonymsprimitive rustic provincial countrified homely homebred wild uncivilized rude blunt without refinement coarse unrefined inelegant unpolished artless without culture uncultured ungraceful awkward gauche clumsy gross uncouth vulgar boorish loutish churlish uneducated untaught unlearned untutored untrained ignorant illiterate Antonymsrefined elegant polished artful cultured graceful educated taught learned tutored trained literate urbane civilized RUTHLESSSynonymsinhuman vicious barbarous savage ferocious brutal bestial cold-blooded murderous deadly bloodthirsty sanguinary ruthless without pity unmerciful merciless pitiless unpitying unforgiving without compassion unfeeling heartless callous hardhearted harsh cruel unsparing remorseless relentless unrelenting Antonymsmerciful pitying compassionate forgiving kind tender tender-hearted gentle sparing lenient remorseful humane BEASTLYSynonymscruel brutal monstrous inhuman bestial savage barbarous gross coarse degraded swinish beastly unpleasant disgusting disagreeable nasty vile loathsome abominable contemptible bad terrible awful dreadful deplorable lousy Slang Antonymspleasant agreeable appealing admirable humane sweet sensitive gentlemanly ladylike good fine wonderful LICENTIOUSSynonymsgoatish profligate dissolute depraved dissipated ruttish licentious lewd libertine lustful lecherous lascivious immoral libidinous lubricious debauched wanton abandoned loose promiscuous salacious dirty Informal sleazy Informal raunchy Informal Antonymschaste pure puritanical proper moral prudish INHUMANSynonymsinhuman cruel unfeeling merciless pitiless heartless coldhearted brutal ruthless barbarous barbaric monstrous cold-blooded savage malevolent vicious satanic hardhearted demoniac diabolical malignant venomous fiendish Antonymshuman humane benevolent kind humanitarian charitable altruistic sympathetic compassionate |