词汇 | thesaurus_bountiful |
释义 | bountifuladjective These are words and phrases related to bountiful. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of bountiful. LAVISHSynonymslavish free profuse plenteous plentiful abundant extravagant generous effusive prodigal bounteous copious without limit overwhelming intemperate sumptuous opulent luxuriant lush plush over-liberal excessive profligate immoderate unsparing unstinting munificent greathearted impetuous wild exuberant unrestrained Antonymsmeager parsimonious sparing scanty frugal cheap thrifty provident stingy niggardly tightfisted miserly GENEROUSSynonymslavish liberal munificent princely bounteous unrestricted unstinting unstinted spare-no-expense generous openhanded willing to give freehanded bighearted ungrudging extravagant prodigal effusive charitable beneficent philanthropic free-giving hospitable Antonymsstingy tight tightfisted closefisted cheap niggardly miserly parsimonious illiberal penurious avaricious covetous selfish PRODIGALSynonymsprodigal profuse abounding abundant plentiful bounteous ample lush luxuriant lavish exuberant generous numerous countless numberless innumerable multitudinous teeming swarming myriad replete copious Antonymsscarce scanty deficient scant meager sparse few limited MUNIFICENTSynonymsmunificent generous liberal freehanded open-handed free benevolent beneficent magnanimous bounteous altruistic kindly philanthropic humanitarian charitable eleemosynary lavish profuse extravagant princely Antonymsstingy penurious mean niggardly UNSPARINGSynonymsunsparing ungrudging unstinting generous giving munificent magnanimous liberal big-hearted lavish profuse plenteous abundant extravagant copious plentiful full unconditional unqualified unlimited PLENTIFULSynonymsplentiful abundant profuse copious bounteous prolific lavish ample abounding plenteous overflowing lush liberal generous large unsparing unstinted infinite inexhaustible Antonymsscant scanty sparse inadequate insufficient deficient scarce skimpy sparing small meager EXPANSIVESynonymsgenerous bounteous expansive open free effusive exuberant extroverted outgoing unrestrained liberal genial amiable affable uninhibited unrepressed Antonymsreserved restrained repressed stiff inhibited introverted shy antisocial taciturn silent reticent AMPLESynonymssubstantial capacious more than enough plenty abundant plentiful profuse copious generous liberal ample enough sufficient adequate satisfactory Antonymsinsufficient inadequate unsatisfactory limited restricted scant scanty sparse meager skimpy scrimpy niggardly stingy HANDSOMESynonymshandsome gracious generous unselfish noble magnanimous big-hearted princely humanitarian benevolent merciful benign compassionate |