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词汇 subthalamic

Examples of subthalamic

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Three-dimensional reconstruction of the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus and the basal ganglia in a patient using patient-specific segmentation atlas.
It was due to an incomplete lesion of the pallidothalamic tract associated with a significant encroachment onto the subthalamic nucleus.
Reaction time performance following unilateral striatal dopamine depletion and lesions of the subthalamic nucleus in the rat.
This was caused by an incomplete lesion of the pallidothalamic tract associated with a significant encroachment onto the subthalamic nucleus.
Movement disorders following lesions of the thalamus or subthalamic region.
From off-period dystonia to peak-dose chorea: the clinical spectrum of varying subthalamic nucleus activity.
Our major interest was to elucidate whether thalamic inputs were related to projection neurons or local circuit neurons within targeted structures (striatum and subthalamic nucleus).
Organization of efferent projections of the subthalamic nucleus in the squirrel monkey as revealed by retrograde labeling methods.
Mechanisms underlying spontaneous oscillation and rhythmic firing in rat subthalamic neurons.
In this case, an actual path in the brain is shown in the axial, sagittal, coronal and three-dimensional planes, toward the target-the subthalamic nucleus-in a patient with intractable epilepsy.
Subthalamic nucleus neurons switch from single-spike activity to burst-firing mode.
However, it has recently been shown through microelectrode recordings in the subthalamic nucleus and pallidum that even in the absence of tremor, a pattern of burst is still produced.
Furthermore, thalamic inputs can also gain access to basal ganglia output nuclei via subthalamo-pallidal projecting neurons, neurons receiving glutamatergic thalamo-subthalamic projections.
Evidence that the parafascicular projection to the subthalamic nucleus is glutamatergic.
Increased subthalamic neuronal activity after nigral dopaminergic lesion independent of disinhibition via the globus pallidus.
Unrelated course of subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus neuronal activities across vigilance states in the rat.





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