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词汇 grammar_british-grammar_still


Still is an adverb and an adjective.

Still as an adverb

We use still as an adverb to emphasise that something is continuing:

They have been together for 40 years and they are still very much in love.

We’re still waiting for our new couch to be delivered.

We usually put still in the normal mid position for adverbs (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb):

She still goes to French classes every week. (between subject and main verb)

He’s still studying. (after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb)

I’m still hungry. (after main verb be)

Spoken English:

In informal speaking, you will often hear still used in end position. Many speakers of English may consider this usage too informal:

I can’t find my bag still. Has anyone seen it?

Have you got their address still?

The opposite of still is no longer, not any longer or not any more:


Are you still teaching in Birmingham?


No, I’m not working thereany more (or any longer). (or No, I’mnolongerworking there.)

Not: I’m not still working …

We sometimes use still to show that the continuing situation is not desired or is surprising, especially when still is stressed and in a negative clause. Note the position of still before the auxiliary or modal verb when we use it in a negative clause:

She bought a car two months ago and she still hasn’t taken any driving lessons. (still is stressed)

I still can’t find Kay’s phone number. (still is stressed) (I’ve been looking for it for a long time. I wish I could find it.)

We can also use still stressed in this way for something that is true in spite of other things:

We offered £350,000 for the flat but they still wanted more.

We were near the front of the queue but we still didn’t get tickets for the concert.

We can use still in front position to mean ‘on the other hand’ or ‘nevertheless’:

I don’t really like weddings. Still, I’ll have to go or they’ll be offended.

… there was not one air-conditioned room on the tour and there were not enough minibuses for all the passengers. Still, I did manage to get into one minibus but it broke down on the way to the hotel.

See also:


Already, still or yet?

Any more or anymore?



Still as an adjective

We use still as an adjective to say that something is not moving:

Keep your head still.

It was a still, calm evening.

Still: typical errors

We don’t use still after the main verb:

Teachers still have an important role in the classroom.

Not: Teachers have still an important role …

We don’t use still before the first auxiliary or modal verb in an affirmative clause:

The price of petrol is still going up.

Not: … still is going up.

I can still run 5 km without difficulty.

Not: I still can run …





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