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词汇 example_english_producer

Examples of producer

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In order for rice producers to benefit from organic production, practical, effective and economic soil management strategies have to be available.
We also wanted to identify perceptions of organic producers about on-farm research and identify the educational impact of the participatory variety evaluation process.
Our goals were to determine if producers could identify and then rank growth traits that determined yield potential of hard red spring wheat.
However, most of the conventional hazelnut producers were also applying manure in addition to synthetic fertilizers.
The bill did allow producers to update their historical production bases and yields, and soybean was included for the first time.
However, the interaction between users and producers in the manufacturing sector, including medical device manufacturing processes, may not be always as expected (12).
What are the interests of the producers of technology (industry, universities)?
The consumer's risk is still at 5% but the producer's risk is 10%.
The producer's and consumer's risks for testing plan 3 are equivalent to those of the second testing plan (10% and 5%, respectively).
Environmental changes that influence decomposition rates also affect the release of nutrients and t heir availability t o p rimary producers.
At the same time, corporatist arrangements offered producers access and influence in the creation of policies that affected them directly.
As a means of enhancing competition among drug producers, a new scheme of cost-sharing was introduced in 1993.
A cultural study of market society - a nonreductionist study - would see people as both producers and consumers, born of labor and desire.
She would see market society as a system of social relations in which people are both producers and consumers.
The demonization of female consumers seems to be a fascinating counterpart to the idealization and victimization of female producers.
Timely responses from the state, which favored large producers, never came.
Local producers of serum adhered to this model.
In addition, livestock producers are becoming more geographically concentrated, located in clusters near processing and infrastructure services20.
In addition, strengthening local producers to engage in collective actions and promoting exports should also be given proper attention.
Growth in the organic sector has provided numerous opportunities for all agents along the supply chain, from organic producers and handlers, to retailers.
The first exception is implied by the restriction on asset holdings and the nonbanker producer's participation constraint.
In many seed testing situations, the number of tested seeds required to minimize producer's and consumer's risks may be impractical given the available testing resources.
At this time, children undergo a series of rites oriented to transform them from infants into adults, from dependants into producers (pp. 41- 64).
When borrowing is limited, producers with access to financial intermediary loans obtain higher returns to investment than other producers.
In our model, producers operating firms with access to investment loans experience higher returns to production and thus faster growth.
The government accused these groups of being corrupt and inefficient producers, and blamed them for the high meat prices in the urban markets.
Intermediate-goods producers produce, and their product is bought by wholesalers with gold.
If all intermediate-goods producers think this way, then there is no production of commodity, and all banks' bills of exchange in gold are, indeed, worthless.
If no producers of complementary intermediate goods accept the gold in payment, they produce no intermediate goods, and there can be no production of commodity.
Intermediategoods producers consume unsacrificed leisure, gold consumption good, and the commodity.
They are governed by their roles as food producers for the home and often also for the market.
We examined how external economic drivers shape the type of agricultural systems that producers adopt.
Final-goods producers can therefore buy abatement services to lower pollution emissions, or they simply pay taxes for emitting pollutants.
Lenders are unable to freely observe producers' productivity shocks.
Although entrepreneurs are quick to point to situations that have led them to distrust other producers and distributors, these small firms do share certain services.
A bi-directional flow of information from producers to researchers allows producers to use the best possible information in making management decisions.
Alternatively, producers may be heterogeneous (random shocks or mutations may increase the diversity among producers) and make different choices in the same situations.
In addition to intermediate-goods producers, there are wholesalers and final-product fabricators.
Through these centralized markets, there is no matching of intermediate-goods producers individually to final-product fabricators.
116 perhaps captured in the willingness of producers to have biotech products tracked.
The main impact of these struggles was that the bulk of any increase in output remained in the hands of producers.
As expected, both groups of producers earned most of their income from agriculture.
The reversal in the political and, subsequently, economic fortunes of ag r icultural producers was particularly dramatic.
However, cattle producers used to controlling tick infestations with chemical acaricides typically treat reactively.
First, because the producers are few in number, coordination and marketing need not fall upon the state.
In the past, the norms ascribed to members of the community depended on their capacity as producers.
Technology tends to have status, and this status differs among patients, professionals, producers, and policy-makers.
We first solve the static profit maximization problem of producers.
In order to improve producers' living standards and to achieve self-suf®ciency, government planning concentrated on improving the productivity of the existing wheat land.
The producers felt that the tool would be useful in planning cropping systems, especially with the arrangement of strategies based on impact.
No-till improves water relations1 and soil health2, such that producers can grow several crops in a row before fallowing.
In this sense it was certainly welcome to producers and researchers, since it secured the public standing of the object they dealt with.
One way that this is facilitated is through the posse alliances and local connections that form around studios and producers.
By contracting out rather than producing, the companies place rising production risks on local producers.
Individuals who fail to obtain production opportunities appoint intermediaries to write debt contracts with producers.
As producers are similar, they all offer wine of intermediate quality.
Detailed information on market share of producers was not available and sampling was intended to reflect market share as seen by the shopper.
Contamination ranged from 47 to 81 % between different producers.
Contamination ranged from 0 to 44 % between different producers.
Food producers should consider stringent safeguards to prevent contamination of food-processing equipment during renovation or construction activities, including enhanced in-plant environmental monitoring.
To the extent that the irrigation systems reach small rather than large producers, their potential effects are considered pro-poor.
Algerian producers were held strictly accountable to the customs union.
How particular producers or unions are 'sold' on the compromise may involve combinations of inducements, force or persuasion from the state or corporatist actors.
There will be training needs, procurement and logistic supply issues to address, and cost issues to work through with producers.
In recent years, however, producers have changed this rotation to include more crop diversity.
Consequently, producers may be able to produce at lower costs by spreading fixed costs over greater acreage.
The risky nature of returns is an important consideration, especially for risk-averse producers.
How many producers do you have supplying organic almonds to you?
An examination of recent research projects shows that several have potential applications for both organic and conventional producers.
What they try to say is, perhaps, that producers are more aware of the rules.
An assumption of fixed verification costs in our model would imply higher returns to wealthier producers.
Most producers mentioned that they now produce fashionable shoes in order to compete in the market.
The concept of branding is a new one, and is not used and understood by producers.
Women have heavier workloads than men as they are the main producers of subsistence agriculture while carrying the burden of household work and domestic production.
There might be some shared strategies, conscious or unconscious, among signboard producers for disseminating spatial information to automotive travelers.
The two countries are inhabited by a continuum of infinitely lived individual consumers and producers.
As a result, the costs of any unsold stock are shared by the intermediate-goods producers matched to the same terminal.
In the above wholesaling model, wholesalers take goods on consignment from intermediate-goods producers.
Over time, both the fraction of producers with access to external finance and the proportion of total wealth held by such individuals will rise.
Over time, as increasing numbers of producers gain access to external finance, borrowers' net worth rises relative to debt.
Consolidation of the auto industry, for example, is driving cross-national mergers and alliances among steel producers.
Ideally, producers should address this in research and development.
Under the market reforms these producers could be the most affected group.
Instead, local producers were limited to the amount of material they could import from affluent production zones, either directly or through intermediate centers.
The goods sent on credit to outport traders allowed them, in turn, again to extend credit to producers.
A near absolute specialization of production is taken to suppose the existence of localities where producers can meet to buy and sell.
Thus, production and consumption, as well as producers and consumers, may be separated with regard to both time and place.
Similarly, producers would be able to make what they want and offer the products to the public at a price.
The meagre supplies of finance for small producers has been supplemented by state agencies especially for research and development of energy saving equipment.
Total consumption is not the relevant part of this equation; rather the consumption of producers is the key variable.
The producer's duty ends here unless there is cause to suspect a subsequent breach.
We must remember" he who pays the piper calls the tune", and record producers influenced what we hear today.
In other cases local producers led the resistance when they perceived that turnpikes would intensify competition.
What distinguished clothiers from most other small-scale producers was their command of capital.
While other stakeholders are concerned variously with the utility of the building or with personal satisfaction which it yields, producers focus on the deal.
In this case producers will benefit, while the global environment is hurt.
On the supply side, with low prices, producers do not receive an adequate incentive or generate surpluses to invest in production expansion.
There has in addition been considerable assistance to coal producers that is not price related.
Lower income for producers results in continuing poverty and can lead to pressure to clear additional areas.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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